» Adventure » Paper Plane, Emily [most important books of all time txt] 📗

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Chapter 1

I walked up to the big metal doors that sealed the high school off from the rest of the city of New York. It's been a whole summer since I've been here. It's also my last year. I'm finally a senior! I won't have to worry about my parents once this year is over! I sighed a breath of relief and swung open the big metal doors, letting myself in. Also hitting someone in the face. It was a girl. Shit.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there!" I tried to apologize. The girl was covering her face with her hands, ignoring the books that fell to the floor.

The girl started, "You..." I was confused. What's wrong with her? Oh please don't tell me I hit a mentally challenged girl in the face with a metal door. Suddenly something hard hit me in the face. I opened my eyes to see the girl with her fist outstretched glaring at me.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" she screamed and hit my head off the wall. And that's how I ended up in the principal's office first thing in the morning on the first day of school.

"So please explain what happened here today ma'am." the principal demanded, looking at the girl in the face.

She looked back at him. "He hit me in the face with a metal door, I beat the shit out of him. Simple as that." she explained.

"Hmm...okay. Well you are going to have to be kicked out for a week for this. And I'm sorry Mr. Quinn but you as well. All students involved with a breaking of the rules must be administered the same and equal punishment. School Policy. It's such a shame too, because you are one of our school's top students." the principal said.

I shrugged. "Whatever, I'll be back next week." I mumbled.

"Okay, you can go home now then." the principal dismissed. The girl and I got up at the same time and walked out of the office. She stopped as we got out of the office, looked at me, and rolled her eyes. I didn't get it. What the fuck was wrong with her? Did she naturally hate people. Hell, I don't even care. I had explaining to do anyways...

Chapter 2

"What do you mean you got kicked out?" my mother shouted over the phone. I winced.

"Mom, a girl punched me and I got kicked out for a week. No big deal." I soothed.

"No big deal? You'll be alone at the house all week! Your father's in Las Vegas and I'm at work all day everyday! I don't know what to do! Your father is going to have a fit!" she worried.

"I'll be fine mom, I'm seventeen. I think I can take care of myself. And what do you mean ' Your father is going to have a fit'?" I asked, starting to become angry as I sat down on the couch.

"You got beat up by a girl! He's going to be so dissapointed! The least you can do is hide his alcohol for me, okay?" she complained.

I sighed, "Sure, whatever mom. I better go so you can get back to work."

"Okay honey. Don't get into a mess. Make sure to hide it somewhere good too."

"Okay mom, bye."

"I love you honey -"

I hung up on her. She was really getting on my nerves today. Bored, I looked out the window and noticed a black car in the driveway across the street. That house was supposed to be for sale. I guess someone bought it. it couldn't be-

My thoughts were cut off as I watched the door open and the girl from this morning bring out a bag of trash and put it in a trash can. She looked up and saw me staring at her.

*Girl's P.O.V.*
I looked up after putting the trash in the trashcan and saw the idiot from this morning staring at me in the window of the house across the street. Wow, now he's a stalker and an idiot. Great. I flipped him off and walked back into my house, slamming the door shut.

*Quinn's P.O.V.*
She flipped me off! I mean seriously, only dudes do that! What does she want to do me? I should have opened the door and yelled 'You would!'. That probably wouldn't help matters much though. She'd probably come over here and beat the shit out of me again anyways. I better go hide the alcohol, so I grabbed a trash bag and shoved all of the bottles in there. I headed to the garage and grabbed a shovel and went in the back yard to bury the bag.

I dug the hole and shoved the bag in and started to re-cover it when I heard an annoying voice.

"Son, what are you dooooing?" Mrs. Dong asked, exaggerating the 'o' in doing.

"Burying a bag. Why?" I answered, trying to ignore my nosy Korean neighbor who was sticking her face with the big bug-like eyes over the top of the white post fence that seperated our yards.

"Where's your broooother?" she asked, her eyes searching my face suspiciously.

"I told you, Mrs. Dong, he's at college." I sighed, patting the last bit of dirt on the pile.

"Sure....." she stared at me and slowly sank below the fence.

I raised an eyebrow and went back in the house.

Chapter 3

One week later, here I was, yet again walking up to those big metal doors. Let me fill you in on what had happened between the time that girl flipped me off. My dad came home from Las Vegas and cussed me off when he couldn't find his alcohol. My mother was arrested (again) for drug charges and my dad left to go to some Asian country for a meeting so therefore, I am alone at me house again! (YES!!)

I swung open the metal door carefully this time, making sure I wasn't hitting anyone in the face. I sighed, knowing that I would have to face the demon girl again. I tromped into first period and low and behold the girl is here. Great. Mrs. Denmark, the math teacher gave me and her a seating arrangement first thing and you'll never guess who she set behind me! Evil. And in front of me... oh great, my ex-girlfriend Katie. Katie turned around smiled at me sweetly. I missed that smile...

"Hey Quinn. Welcome back!" she laughed cutely. I smiled back, wishing I hadn't dumped her.

"Thanks Katie!" I smiled. Her face turned into a frown.

"Hey...will you sit by me at lunch? I have to talk to you about something." she asked, quietly.

"Sure! Of course!" I agreed. She smiled, thanked me and turned back around. Bonk! Something like metal hit the back of my head. I turned around to look at the girl. She had her black (probably steel-toed) boots up on the desk.

"Why did you just kick me?" I asked, angrily. She opened her eyes and looked at me, snapping her gum noisily.

" I didn't kick you, your head was just in the way." she answered smoothly. I opened my mouth to tell her off when I was cut off.

"Quinn! Adriana! Do you care you tell us what is so interesting back there?" Mrs. Denmark asked sharply.

"No, Mrs. Denmark." I mumbled, turning back around. So Adriana was her name. It's kind of pretty. Not the kind of name you'd expect out of a devil like her.

"My name is Adrie, not Adriana, you old hag!" she shouted. The classroom went silent as Mrs. Denmark's face turned bright red from a mixture of embarrasment and anger.

"What? What did you call me?" she asked/shouted, eyes narrowing.

"What are you deaf. You're old enough to be getting there. I said my name is Adrie, not Adriana, you old hag!" she yelled, standing up.

"Leave this room now!" Mrs Denmark yelled at Adrie.

"No. I don't want to!" Adrie sniffed, defiantly.

"Okay then."

Mrs. Denmark went over to the phone and called the office.

"Yes, this is Mrs. Denmark. Can you please send down the enforcement officer?"

A minute later a police officer came into the room.

"That girl standing up will refuse to go to the office and was using inapropriate language."


The officer tries to grab her arm but she moves quickly, causing him to stumble.

"Come here, you..."

He pulls out handcuffs and jumps at her but ends up on the floor, with Adrie standing beside his head, holding the handcuffs. She throws them out a window as the officer gets back up.

"Ate one too many doughnuts, fat ass?" she asked, smiling.

He got out his tazer and smiled. Gasps come from people around the room.

"I win!" he smiles.

He turns it on and jumps at her. She smiles, and jumps out of the way, grabbing his arm. She takes his arm and twists it around up behind his back, causing pain. WIth her other hand she grabs the taser and pins him to the ground.

"Nope, I win." she laughs.

"Uh...let me go kid...please!" he cries. She lets go of him and he stands up. "I don't think there's been a problem here, right Mrs. Denmark.?" he asks her, staring at her pleadingly.

"Uhh no..." a bewildered Mrs. Denmark answers.

"And you, class?" he asks us. We all shake our heads no.

"Good..." he stumbles out of the room and into the hallway. Adrie casually sits down as if nothing happened. People stare.

" You can do whatever...I'm just going to go to the nurse's office..." Mrs. Denmark muttered.

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