» Adventure » The BodyGuard, Stardustwink [popular e readers txt] 📗

Book online «The BodyGuard, Stardustwink [popular e readers txt] 📗». Author Stardustwink

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It was a dark foggy night. I was at my job sitting waiting for my boss leaning in my chair. So that my long brown hair touched the floor. And my red dress stayed down. Then my boss came in and I leaned up in my chair. He slid a piece of paper across the table. I picked it up and looked at it. And said what is this? He said those two kids are who you are going to be protecting for now on. The oldest is Kineme; he is twelve and the youngest and Karin; she is only ten. You are to dedicate all your time trying to get them to the south ridge safety border without anyone dying, understand. I just looked at the paper once more and then back at him and said okay. They just better behave the whole time and you know it’s going to take about a week and a half to get there right. And if anyone does die you will be fired, he said. I glanced at him and said now, when have I ever let someone die. He looked at me and smirked good point. Then he said Cathy bring the kids in. The boy walked in first holding the little girls hand. I walked over to him and said I’m Alice nice to meet you. As I reached for his hand he slapped it back. I started to get angry and grabbed him by his collar and said now listen up I’m going to be the one calling the shots around her I might only be seventeen but I’m the one in charge of your life now. So if you don’t want to obey then I want help you. He snarled at me and said really the could have picked someone better to do this job than picking you. I let go of his collar and looked at my boss. He just gave me a look of you better listen to what I said. As we started to walk out the door and began our journey. Zero shouted don’t forget your weapon, he threw it and I caught it. Yes, my weapon wasn’t very dangerous just a long stick like figure and rounded ends. I yelled thank you and left out the building. When we got to the first check point I looked down at the girl and boy. They looked very sleepy. I bent down to where they were and said do you two want to rest for the night. They didn’t say anything and it still looked like the boy wanted to tear my head off or punch me for what I had said. I looked around for a hotel and found one. We checked in and went up to the room. When we got inside the room the two sleep on the other bed. I went to the bathroom to pin up my hair and as I was doing that I saw the mark from a car accident I had been in when I was little. It seemed just like yesterday, my mother and father and I were just cursing down the rode when some idiot stopped and caused the truck to swerve and hit a wall. But right before that my parents shielded me with their body. I was then taken to the SAO. Which means Secret Agent Organization, there they raised me and that’s how I ended up here. After I left the bathroom I went and laid down on the bed next to theirs and fell asleep. For some reason I heard foot steps by our door. I silently got up and walked over to the door. I looked out the peep whole. And as soon as I did a man busted through the door. I fell back against the wall and ran over to the chair and got my weapon. The man was heading for the children. I yelled wake up and they did they were too scared to move. I jumped over my bed to get to theirs then put myself in front of them. The man tried to cut me with his sword. The strength of both our weapons were even but then he started to push down harder with his sword to get to me. I quickly thought of something. As I struggled to match my weapon with his I got weaker and weaker and now his sword was right by my neck. Then I quickly kicked him in the stomach. He flew off the bed and into the wall he was unconscious. When I turned around the girl started to cry. I said what are you crying for? Then looked down and saw blood dripping on the bed. It was mine; I grabbed my neck and said dang he cut me. I didn’t have enough time to worry about my neck so I grabbed the kids and the clothes and ran out the hotel. While we were walking do the street the boy said why don’t you worry about your life more than our. I said it’s not y job to worry about my life now but yours. When we got to a dark alley. I took out a blue ribbon and tied it around my neck to stop the bleeding. Then the boy said idiot why didn’t you kill him, he’s going to come back for us. I bent down and said the reason that I didn’t kill him is because I don’t take lives I save them don’t worry what side they are on. As we walked down the alley someone grabbed my arm. They were mighty strong so it was a man. But I couldn’t see his face because of the darkness. Then the stranger pulled me close and said you are such and idiot. I pushed back and said Zero idiot what are you doing here? He said I had to watch over you because I was scared you would be killed. Then he said what happened to your neck? Then he took the bandage off. The gap on my neck was pretty big. He then said follow me and took me to another check point. It was an old house. We walked inside and took the kids to the back room to go to the sleep. I went in the living room and sat down one the couch. He got the first aid kit and walked over to me. He started to clean my wound then stitch it up. I yelled ow¸ watch what you’re doing. He looked at me and said it’s not my fault that you cut yourself hurt. I glanced down at what I was wearing and said thank you. He just said no thanks needed. I turned around and hugged him and said you’re the best friend a girl could have. He just said you’re lucky but I’m coming with you for now on because you are really reckless you know that. I just glanced up and giggled I know. When I did that he saw the scar on the side of my head. He touched it and said do you still remember it? I looked down and said yes, like it was yesterday crystal-clear. Sorry I brought it up, he said. Then I went to lie on the couch and fell asleep. The pain from my neck soon caught up with me. It was agonizing. I got off the couch and ran to the bathroom and started to scream. But I didn’t want to wake anyone up. I held my hand over my mouth and tears started to come out. As I turned around I saw the little boy standing in the doorway looking at me. I quickly took my hand off of my mouth and said good morning, how are you? He just looked and said you know you don’t have to fake right, your hurt so I can tell you feel pain. I walked over to him and bent down and said don’t worry about me right now your life is more important. Then he hugged me and said no one’s life is more important then anyone else’s. I started to smile then cry as I hugged him back. After I was done I got up and told him to wake his sister up so we could get ready to go. I went and changed back into my red dress and got Zero up. After he was awake I left the room and went to check on the kids. When I got close to the door I saw them packing everything up and walked in. Then I said “Are you two ready to go?” They nodded and started to follow me. As we all got to the front door I pushed my hair from my eyes and said no look here, if anyone wonders off during this travel and I find you, your going to regret it. Then Zero said do you have to be so scary? I just looked at him with a smile of I know what I’m doing. When we were out the house, I started complaining about how hot it was outside. Then he said it’s probably because you are wearing such a long dress. I turned and looked at him displeased and said “what is that suppose to mean?” But then I heard something from the Corner. I shouted move! As soon as the man and woman came out from the corner they shot at me. I grabbed my shoulder as the blood seeped out. I shouted zero get them out of here. But then the woman was chasing after them. Dang I thought. Then grabbed my weapon from the side of my leg and ran after her. She quickly turned around and kicked me back. I flew into a brick wall. Awwwwwwwww! I screamed out as my back hit the wall. She was still after them and the man was coming after me. Zero couldn’t do anything he tried his best but they were too skilled. I wanted to get up and help but I lie on the ground, my whole body paralyzed. I started to cry; w-why am I so weak. Then I thought just like when I was little I couldn’t do anything to save my parents because I was too weak, but they protected me. As the man kept running towards me I tried once more and then said God please help me. Then all of a sudden Rein showed up. Rein I shouted why are you here. She said the boss contacted me to watch over you. As the man came closer she went for him with her sword and stabbed him right through the stomach. Then she took out the other lady. She didn’t kill them just wounded them. Zero came over and picked me up and said are you okay. I looked at him in anger and said does it look like I’m okay! Then Rein came over and said so reckless. Zero said Rein it’s nice to see you again. She just said looks like you two are doing well. I said let’s get out of here and fast. A few minutes later we went to an old fishing house. I sat in a chair while Zero patched up my wound again. The kids just started. Then Rein said what big sister it doesn’t hurt? I looked at her and clenched my teeth of course it does! Unlike Rein I was more devoted to my work but she was stronger than me. Even though she was my younger sister. She had blonde hair and blue eyes but I had Brown hair and brown eyes and she wore blue dresses. She had been a bodyguard for three years. Her first assignment was

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