» Adventure » Portal Cats, Jamie Addams [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗

Book online «Portal Cats, Jamie Addams [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗». Author Jamie Addams

Down the Hole

It all started when Toffee was put outside because her master was packing up stuff to move. You see Toffee's master wasn't the nicest nor the most intelligent person in the world. He was packing up his clothes in cream white leather suitcases. While keeping Toffee from coming inside. Toffee decided since this would be her first and last time outside she'd explore this unknown land.

While frolicking through the tall grass and pouncing on the sinister wisterias she came across a flat marble chunk that was covered in dirt ivy any rocks. She brushed off the dirt and clawed through ivy finding one more rock she pushed the rock with her furry paw, uncovering a paw print imprint. But not any paw imprint one identical to her own. She want to see if her paw was the same size and delicately placed her paw on the flat marble chunk. The chunk rumble and flipped open a trap door which Toffee's back legs were over and then into. She grabbed the side of the door for dear life and mewed.

Above in the trees a squirrel was gathering nuts and dropped a walnut on Toffee's head. She meowed loudly falling down the hole that seemed to go on forever.

She wished she could have yelled at the squirrel but she couldn't speak anything but cat. So she descended down the hole meowing at the top of her lungs. Never to be seen by human eyes again.

Meeting Moonie

Toffee finally reached the end of the hole that she thought would go on forever or at least go 12 feet under into cat hell. Which to tell the truth wouldn't make sense

, Toffee thought to herself, I am a good cat right?

While Toffee pondered a Siamese cat jumped up onto the stump before Toffee and said kindly,
"Are you lost little girl?". The Siamese's blue eyes shined in the beaming sun.
" No I am not lost I'm just a little-" Toffee murmured, "Hey I can speak English!!".
The Siamese cat shot Toffee a look but said nothing. "I'm just confused,Miss... Oh yes I haven't come across your name. What is it?" Toffee replied to the Siamese.
"My name is Moonie. I'm a inhabitant of StarsVille a small village a little while way from here. You might want to come back there with me before the moon rises and the demon cats wake up. They feed on alive cat flesh. Never mind that.. I never recalled your name what might it be?" Moonie said proudly and very fast.
"My name is Toffee I came through this hole,"Toffee pointed up where she fell out only to see a portal," I mean portal like hole, anyways I'd be pleased to come to your village my flesh is not ready to be feasted on tonight!".

Toffee and Moonie walked through the brush and rose bushes. They jumped over stones stuck in the current of a stream and fought a rouge cat to get to StarVille.

Moonie lead Toffee into her hut and arranged a bed for Toffee so she wouldn't have to sleep on the mossy floor.
"The chief will be tomorrow to examine if you are worthy enough to be a part of our village which won't take much since our chief is a sweetie. But be prepared, and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you." Moonie said climbing under her rabbit fur blanket and drifted into a deep sleep.

Toffee climbed under her rabbit hide blanket and worried so much until she started to drift into a dream about her worrying. She tossed and turned under the blanket for awhile then calmed down by the sound of the calming crickets and stream.

Chief Mayline's Worrysome Encounter

Toffee woke up to Moonie leaning over her holding a fish in one paw and supporting herself up with the other paw. "Oh hey Toffee, I was just trying to wake you up."Moonie said happily,"Here is your breakfast!!" Moonie shoved the trout into Toffee's mouth.

Toffee bit the trout carefully to find out what it was then normally ate it. She was content but was pretty nervous. What if the chief kicks me to the curb!?

,she thought,If I'm not good enough I may be fed to the demon cats!! Or worse...I'll have to listen to Justin Bieber and watch that horrid show called Full House!!

Toffee shot up knocking down Moonie and brushed her fur and bathed to look her best.

Moonie rubbed her chin with some tears in her eyes. "Calm down Toffee! Don't be such a worrywolfcat. Oh yeah a worrywolfcat is a cross between a normal cat and a demon cat which is impossible because demon cats eat normal cats. Anyways your just too nervous mellow out and you'll be fine besides Cheif Mayline doesn't throw out anyone ever he just shows them to the next village. Where it is up to the village to do with the cat." Moonie tutted. She can't stand worrywolfcats.

They heard a rap at the door. Toffee was mellow and was helping clean up. Then a cat came in he wore a feathered headdress. Obviously he was the chief. He spoke his sweet voice went into Toffee's ears "Where is the lady name Toffee I was supposed to judge? Moonie is she that cat cleaning over there?".
"Yes sirree! Cheif Mayline this is Toffee!"Moonie exclaimed happily. She lead Chief Mayline to Toffee.
Toffee turned around and curtsied before Chief Mayline politely. "Hello sir, I'm Toffee it's my pleasure to meet you." Toffee said kindly.
" No no it's my pleasure to meet a fine cat like yourself." he cooed sitting next to Toffee.
Is this old guy trying to flirt with me???

Toffee thought blushing with embarrassment This guy is a pervert.I wish I could slap him silly.

Toffee moved a little away only to have Cheif Mayline move closer.Once he got up she sighed with relief.
"You are now a part of our humble village!" he exclaimed. He left the door open and hurried outside and down the street into a big hut.
Moonie giggled. "You won't don't worry. Just don't get in trouble and you won't. I'm going fishing don't leave okay I'll lock the door." She left the house locking the door on her way out, leaving Toffee alone. Which Toffee used to catch up on some sleep.


Publication Date: 12-19-2010

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