» Adventure » The Crystal Diary, Me [short novels to read TXT] 📗
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/> “ Ok lady!” the man in black ordered, “On your hands and knees now before I shoot both of you!” Minet smiled and began to work her fire eyes on him and Mohawk Fred. Both of their forms began to weaken and they fell to ashes. More swat team members came in with the rest of the sidekicks that Minet was training. All of them had the same process repeated on them. Why didn’t she do the same thing to mom and I? That I will never be able to tell you, but on hearing sirens, ambulances, and fire trucks headed toward the house, she dashed out of the room.

We waited then after bullets rang out at least fifty times and I heard someone call out:
“We missed her! She got away!” To make sure she was gone before we walked out into the hall. Mom then untied me and threw the rope onto the floor.

“Gwen? Are you alright honey?” Mom asked putting a hand on my back seeing me bent over groaning. While all of this had been going on I didn’t realize in how much pain I was. I was right when I thought that my stitches had opened up. I sat down on floor and saw bloodstains on either side of both my pants.

“ Mom, the stitches from my surgery have opened up again!” I tried not to burst into tears but it felt as though I was falling apart piece by piece.

“The ambulance is outside, I ‘ll get help!” My mom informed after looking at the blue and red striped jeans uneasily. She ran up the stairs and disappeared from my view leaving me to worry about where Minet would strike next. And then speculate on why she gave me the crystal and then kidnapped me to take it back.

What will we do? Where is Minet now and where is she going to strike next? She isn’t as dangerous now that she killed all of her sidekicks but she still could do many horrible things. Like, would she rob our apartment building and burn the building after she was finished with it? What did she do to the diary; burn it? Take it with her when she escaped from the police? Would she find a way to open it? Why did the diary open up for mom and I, but not Minet? Then I came up with a theory. Maybe this crystal diary only opens up for mom and I. When I was in the hospital and “Thelma” had the diary she could have opened it easily with the crystal if she had been able to! She must have tried to open it with the crystal when I was in the hospital, but couldn’t. Then maybe she suspected the same thing I am and decided to give me the crystal. That way her henchmen wouldn’t try to steal it when she met with them, she would raise my hopes and make me want to open it more than anything. But why didn’t she want me to open the diary that first time? She must have been pretending not to want to open it, that way I wouldn’t suspect that she was the best criminal mind in America! That she really wanted me to open it to confirm her suspicions and give her free information!

The paramedics interrupted my thoughts with their heavy shoes thumping down the carpet stairs. I was surprised to see the same crew of paramedics at had rescued me from ground zero. The hair stylist paramedic, needle lover Luke and the rest of them. The hair stylist reached me first and rolled up my pant leg to look at my ruined remainders of stitches. She and I gasped in unison to see the scars splitting a little bit and the true shade of scarlet running out of them.

Chapter 14
An Unpredictable change

“Your stitches need to be redone, Gwen,” She informed. “ It looks as though they were burnt up in the wound.” So Minet had burnt me and she started on my legs because she knew that they were hurting from when her sidekick pushed me onto the pavement! Minet had so many surprises and so many tricks and strategies it was incredible! “ Hello, Gwen?” The hair stylist paramedic waved her young hand in front of my eyes. I jumped then realized that she had been trying to talk to me and that I was daydreaming.

“ Sorry! What did you say?” I apologized.

“ Well,” she sighed in an amused sort of way, “I said that if you want we could stitch you up right here. We have the supplies needed in the ambulance.”

“Oh yes! Please do, I am so sick of hospitals, I could scream!”

“ Do you want some pain medication? ” the IV lover asked. “It will be very painful.” I rolled my eyes in response and told him that I would survive without it. He sighed and put his needle case away and told one of the paramedics to get the case of emergency first aid equipment. When he brought the case I sighed with relief. The IV lover looked at the stitches, their blackened heads stuck up on either side of the barely healed wound. I knew since the stitches were burnt up and the wounds were opened up and burnt that I would have to wear them twice as long as most people wore theirs. I hoped that the paramedics would let me stand up afterwards but I knew that that was pretty foolish thinking. I could barely keep from crying out every time a stitch was put into my skin. It was very painful when my legs were just healing and when I tried to stand for the first time. But now, when they were sewing up my legs that were burnt, it was practically unbearable. Worse yet they said the stupid stitches couldn’t get wet and burns were supposed to be soaked under cold water!

Stop it Gwen! I commanded myself, you aren’t going to feel better or find dad if you spend all you life feeling sorry for yourself! I know the self-centered vain wimpy part of me protested. But it HURTS! Then the good side of me won over, well who cares; you need to ignore it Gwen! Then for the rest of the tiny surgery I fought with myself and almost wished that the evil part of me were a bug that I could squash underneath my shoe.

It seemed like eternity before the painful and tedious operation was over. When it finally was, the paramedics insisted that I use the crutches that they just happened to have in the ambulance. The needle lover offered to carry me upstairs but I declined the offer and was sure that I could use the crutches to swing upstairs. All those in the room protested that that was impossible but I being the strong willed, stubborn person that I am insisted that I could do it. Two of the paramedics actually laughed at the idea and mom who had been standing next to me in her quiet firm way told me that it was foolish to try such a stunt. I grabbed those crutches anyway and after rolling my pant legs down wincing in pain as the heavy material touched my bandaged legs. Then I swung over to the stairs and took a deep breath before I put my crutches on the first step and awkwardly swung myself up. One paramedic followed behind me to catch me if I fell (which would happen very soon in his opinion.) Strangely though, I didn’t fall and made it up the stairs without stopping. Mom and the rest of the paramedics followed and walked outside to the front yard, I was told to tell mom to take me home as soon as possible and not let me walk for a long time until my legs healed.

When I made it to the top I saw three policemen practically tearing the room apart, looking around inside every box and every sort of container in the room for some sort of something that I didn’t know about. Then one of them saw me he walked toward me and wanted to ask me a few questions. To my horror I saw the diary in the fireplace the metal cover melting and I saw the violet crystal still stuck in its slot glowing, but not burning. I screamed and forgetting all sense of pain dropping my tedious crutches pushed past the surprised man. I rushed to the stove and watched in horror as the diary began to burn. I grabbed the tongs not hearing anything the policemen said and grabbed the diary with them. As I took it out I knew that some of it had burnt up. The cover had melted and was an unusual shape.

Strangely enough the crystal remained unharmed and actually looked more beautiful than before. It, now instead of being purple was a bright glowing red that looked as though a fire was burning inside of it. At first I thought it was from being exposed to the severe heat. I blew on it and it changed to a light ice blue. I set the diary down on the hearth and without thinking pulled the crystal out of the diary lock. It was perfectly cool and the officers asked to see “ the strange stone.” I glared at them because I knew they would try to take it for their lab people to run tests on it.

“ No, it is just a necklace that opens the diary. It doesn’t have anything else to do with Minet!” I answered hopping that they wouldn’t try to take it by force or ask mom to sell it to them.

“ Come kid! That crystal or what ever it really is could have some kind of power that could return Minet’s DNA to normal and lead us right to her!” The man who wanted to question me begged. His brown eyes hoping that I change my mind.

“ I said no! If you want me to give you any information at all you will stop asking me for it. It is my mom’s and it means a lot to me.” I put the crystal back on to show them that they would never own it and covered it with my hand.

“ Boy you have nerve, to say no to an officer, kid!” An obviously hotheaded young deputy snapped trying to sound cool and tuff. My mom came in just in time to distract the police.

“ Gwen what is going on ……… what happened to my diary and the crystal?” Her eyes didn’t look like they believed what they saw. She rushed over and looked at how warped the cover was and looked like she could barely restrain herself from picking it up and unlocking it to see if dad’s letters were burned.

“Young lady,” the first policeman said to me, “ I still need to question you if you don’t mind.” Then he took out a tiny notebook from his pocket and asked me if I had
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