» Adventure » The Crystal Diary, Me [short novels to read TXT] 📗
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be just like a military base full of uniformed men and women. I discovered otherwise though, U.S.E.G.F. was like an underground city all shoved into one building. The office part of the city was separated from their homes. Their lives were pretty much the same as ours because they had restaurants, fast food places, malls, grocery stores. The only real differences were the fact that they were all inside so you would never need a car or any other form of transportation. If you were sick and need to get to the hospital the doctors will come to your door and take you there in a wheel chair. In the stores if you were buying something you would check out your items yourself on a computer. It was impossible to steal anything from the stores or restaurants if you tried laser beams would cover the doors until you put what ever it was you tried to steal back.

Mom and I walked through the office side of town trying to find dad’s.

“ Ok now lets see” I heard mom mutter. “7788.” We walked through the hall looking at number combinations that I didn’t know existed until we finally came to dad’s door. Butterflies flew in my stomach as though they were doing a complicated Spanish dance. Would dad like me? What would he think when he saw us walk in unexpectedly? My legs felt as though they had grown roots and sprouted into the floor. My eyes glazed over as mom began to walk towards the door. She then noticed my freaked out expression.

“ Gwen, honey don’t be scared you dad will love you!” Mom stroked my hair and then I remembered the line that dad wrote to me “please tell Gwen that I love her.”

“ Ok, I’m ready now,” I sighed and walked over to the door with mom. Then mom lifted a shaky hand and knocked at the door. I heard someone walk over to the door and the doorknob turned. I then saw a middle-aged man with gray blonde hair and hazel eyes. I saw his face light up as he saw what he never would have expected to see.

“ Rebecca!” He gasped and they embraced one another, kissing over and over again to make up for the thirteen years of torturous separation. I stood at a respectful distance letting them have time to believe that they both were really there. At last they remembered that they were not alone and mom turned towards me.

“ Luke, this is Gwen, our daughter” Mom introduced almost breaking in to tears of joy. I tried not to cry as I whispered:

“ Dad!” He took me into his arms and hugged me tightly to make sure that I would never disappear. I stood there taking in everything about him in, letting my face rest in his arms.

“ Gwen! I finally get see you with my own eyes.” He murmured and stroked my hair, “you’re really here!” Dad told us to come over to his apartment since his work was all done, that way we would be able to tell him our story and why we had come. I sighed in satisfaction, I had a real family at last, and I would never be alone or have a criminal guardian again.

Chapter 17
Minet’s Downfall

“That sure sounds like Minet,” dad exclaimed angrily after mom told him our experience. He paced the room rubbing his head. I sighed and knew that Minet would have to be stopped and we needed to find her. “So she thinks she would be able to make me let her into the state treasury!”

“ We are going to have to stop her no matter what the cost!” Mom declared but dad shook his head at mom and I.

“Please don’t try to come along with us when we go to catch Minet! I have just gotten my family back and I don’t want to lose them again!”

“Luke, remember that crystal that we found on our honeymoon?” Mom asked hoping that he would remember how it traps anyone.

“ How could I forget it?”

“Well Gwen and I are the only ones that can make it catch people. We could come along and Gwen could trap Minet inside the crystal.”

“ Minet ‘s DNA was altered, she can set things on fire remember?”

“She wouldn’t be able to set this crystal on fire dad,” I put in, “when I took the crystal and the diary out of the fire at Minet ‘s house the diary was a little burnt and obviously hot but when I took the crystal out of the keyhole it was perfectly undamaged and cool.” I hoped that both my parents would believe me. From the looks on their faces they obviously didn’t. I took the crystal off my neck and shoved the head of the crystal into the flame of a candle next to me. Their jaws dropped as they saw the crystal remain unharmed.

“I guess this means I’m going right?” I asked sassily and dad nodded in agreement. Later after mom had gone to bed dad said he “wanted to show me something.” After changing into a fresh pair of clothes I followed him into the hall.

“Gwen,” he began as we walked down the hall, “you know how the crystal can trap people right?” I nodded and he continued, “When we capture Minet I want you to leave Minet inside the crystal and then bury it in a secret chamber under the city. If we just handcuffed her and sent her to prison she would break out easily. I know that crystal means a lot to you, but we can’t take any chances on Minet escaping. Unless you want to have a criminal hanging around your neck.” I wanted to argue but I knew that he was right. This mysterious crystal after capturing Minet would have served its purpose. I told him I understood and he gave me an approving smile.

“Good, now lets get some sleep, tomorrow is going to by a long day.” I wondered where Minet could be at this moment. Fear began to swallow me, what if Minet killed us before I had the chance to draw out my crystal? Well that was a chance I would have to take. I would have to sacrifice myself for the safety of America.

The next day Dad got permission from his boss to leave the underground and carry out his plan to capture Minet. Now she could be anywhere at all, and all we had to do was attract her attention and she would be right there. Dad was especially eager to see the sky again and walk around on asphalt again. I wasn’t though because of the fact that I would have to give up my crystal.

After dad and I came up from the alley we could sense that we were not alone. A loud bang sounded from the end of the alley and we turned to see Minet Reginal smiling, her gun drawn.

“ Well isn’t that nice, it’s just like my birthday, instead of my having to chase two down one by one I get………..” but she didn’t finish speaking because at that very moment a gunshot out and she dropped to the ground dead. Behind the gun to Dad’s and my surprise was mom. Tears streamed down her face. I know she felt like she murdered her best friend, but I knew that she would get over it someday. The rest isn’t worth mentioning in detail, dad called the police to inform them of Minet’s death. Mom was almost interviewed by the news reporters and the mayor presented her with a medal.

Now days dad’s contract with U.S.E.G.F. is expired, and he has a very high paying job and we are living far away from the Twin Towers. My life is now complete, and filled with happiness. But I will always remember that it is all due to God and the Crystal Diary.

The End


Publication Date: 05-09-2010

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