» Adventure » Mt. Ohm - God Slayer, K. van Marshall [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

Book online «Mt. Ohm - God Slayer, K. van Marshall [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗». Author K. van Marshall

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brother, Sumatran looks him over concerned; standing he just about reached the chest of his transformed brother. There was nothing, but a deep wound, nothing an immortal should have to worry about.


“Yuh alrite?”, asked Sumatran.


“Cum!”, replied Javan gingerly, before sprinting towards safety.


Back in the centre of the sand quake, the Denaar came around to an upside down world. Kumi was already stood - still as a tree he followed the brothers movements, before losing sight of them as bubbling sand dunes cover their path of escape.


“No fighting in my territory!!!”, boomed the Demon King Formicidea, his manic voice echoing down and around the canyon.


Stood at the source of the fault, he looked down the sunken chamber at the lawbreakers. He was a sight that could frighten the dead, bigger than a mampi, but with much more blubber. He stood completely naked, the unashamed King of vices.


“Death!!”. shouted the demon, stamping down a gigantic green flabby foot. Ripples flew up and around his body, as well as through the ground, signalling the chasm walls to come crashing down in floods.


With the waves coming imminently Kumi leapt to the side of his Denaar. “You ready to go”, Kumi asked his Denaar.


“Void rope”, replied the Denaar. A deep purple glow began to shine through his eyes. “Ready in a second”.


“Quick”, Kumi demanded, glancing up at the blue sand tsunami.


“Ready”. A purple sphere expanded around the Quorthians and without delay Kumi placed his hands on his Denaar’s chest and the purple radiance enveloped the pair.


Meanwhile the brothers made it to the far edge of the chasm, and were scrambling their way out frantically - only to be swamped in a wave of sand, inches from safety. The desert went silent as the demons were drawn deep under the sands, into a crushing abyss. As the pressure increased attempting to squish the pair into nothing - in tandem the demons release their demonic kirah. Tearing open the desert coffin. Kicking and clawing, they desperately make it to the surface. A regular hueman would have died for sure.


Reaching the top of the crater first, Sumatran reaches down, grabbing Javan by the wrist.”Keep it goin, we almost outta the zone!”. Pulling him into a sprint the pair take off running again.


High above, the two Gods watched intently. Fuego more angry than impressed could barely contain his aggression. For him there is nothing better than exterminating demons and here he had three: one big shclub and two cubs to send to infinity, but it seemed Noobar was more intent on a watching then acting.


“It’s time”, said Noobar, and with a gesture sent the pair flying through the air on their comfy cloud chairs - streaking through the air like shooting stars towards their fleeing targets.


“Send me at the fake King”, yelled Fuego.




“What?”, hissed Fuego.


“You are mad. He is a recognised Monarch, fool”.


“I don't care”.


“Fly to him then, I will be dealing with these four”.


“We would be heroes”.


“No you will be sent to the wheel for cleansing and reincarnation. And I will most likely lose my lead”, said Noobar, dismissively.


Still running as fast as their legs could take them, the demons had reached the light at the end of the tunnel. “We at de edge... Subterrah's tele-block’s done”, said Sumatran, his brother a few steps behind, still clutched his side.


“... Cum quick... Void rope”, gasped Javan, breathing heavily, it had taken a lot to maintain that pace for so long.


“A portal... What happened?”, asked Sumatran.


Sweat dripped from Javan’s pale red skin. “Dey trap me inna mantra, try finish me... let de beast out, but…”, Javan gestured down to the wound on the right of his stomach.


Sumatran took a close look at the open wound. “... Why haven't you healed?”, blurted Sumatran.


“Because, WE ARE STRONG!”, the voice of Kumi made the pair jump as it echoed around them; a purple sphere containing Kumi popped into existence before the shocked demons.


Javan's heart almost stopped, he genuinely felt fear, for the first time in a long while. Victory for once was not certain, nor was survival. The D'Hono Knight was not lying, he was strong.


On the other hand, Sumatran only felt rage. Releasing his vast kirah, the beast burst forth from within him. Transforming instantly, doubling in size and becoming drastically more bestial - in the blink of an eye he fully transformed. Together the brothers are known as the twin feral tiger demons for obvious reasons.



Sumatran’s cat like eyes grew dark red, as a deep hateful energy pierced through his three eyes. Opening his razor toothed mouth, dropping his orange furred jaw low.




The roar he let out released neon red electric energy - the air rippled and popped, exploding violently. The erratic blast snapped and fizzled then tore through the space at lightning speed - headed straight for Kumi.


Yet, Kumi in the face of the extreme attack, stood calm, and raised a single hand to greet the wild horizontal lightning. The vicious life ending attack, struck his palm. One after the other, the blast releases a succession of explosions; the attack rages for a full minute. However, in the end - Kumi emerged unscathed and smiling; his palm absorbed every last impact. Shocked, Sumatran stood, jaw still hanging low; the light gleaming off his sharp dagger like teeth. He was just starting to realise what Javan already knew; the Knight Kumi is a beast.


Before a second could pass - a fully transformed Javan lands in front of Kumi. His yellow aura burning the air around them; the kirah alone would suffocate an average hueman. Immediately he strikes a hefty blow under the chin of Kumi - with all of his full force summoned, the hit only sent Kumi a few feet. Next after a mighty yank, Javan found himself being carried away at full speed. Sumatran had seen enough.


Streaking through the sky above, with his trajectory matching the path of the Demons, a hot-headed god shot through the sky. Fuego powered up, readying himself to leap from his cloud platform. Noobar kept back, still observing the Denaar and Kumi, whom were back on the chase. The Ant King had given up the chase as soon as the pairs got to the edge of his territory.


“Time to jump bro”. Sumatran had realised two things. First, survival was getting slimmer. He could feel the presence of divine kirah. Second why Javan's wound was not healing. This Knight, maybe all the Knights of Quorth use strange god slaying techniques; they were pheenomes and not to be underestimated.


The pair stop, quickly performing the mantric gesture needed. Swinging their hands in the air in unison, they then bump fists. On touching, the fists spark a red and yellow coloured circle portal into swirling materialization.


Frustrated, Fuego turned to Noobar. “Dast we're too late!”.


“Use your heat, now”, shouts Noobar. “Tweak the frequency of the rope”.




“Super heat the void rope now”, replied Noobar sharply, picking up pace, he was now just behind Fuego.


“Ha, bright idea”.


“It should stay open as long as your power is distorting it, right?”.


Fuego nodded, then focused on the air around the portal, warping the space around it, his hot kirah assaulting the gateway. “All this cause you wouldn’t let me destroy them earlier!”.


“The others are pheenomes, they wouldn’t have revealed themselves if we had just jumped in, maybe. Anyway, they're suspicious, we will follow them and find out their intentions, and origin”, states Noobar.


One by one, the powerful pairs jump through the red and yellow floating hole to a destination unknown. The demonic twins first, followed by the eager Kumi and his Denaar, then finally the long distance godly stalkers.

Chapter 8 - The Escape


Before long the trainee sprigger's were gathered together into the training arena, the base of the grand sprigger pit: six levels above their holding cells, and one above the canteen. The underground dungeon was named for its drill shape. Carved out of the hard rock and deep into the earth, the only way in and out is a long winding path spiralling up from the tight basement level to the wide top of the cone. Lined with caves of various sizes, each sealed by reinforced doors which lead to various cells of horror: harrowing beasts, death mazes or extensive trap filled rooms can be found lurking behind each. Many spriggers have lost lives behind the intimidating large metal doors.




A garish sound of trumpets blares over the top of the crater, cascading down the cavern, forcefully calling everyone’s attention to the distant summit. They knew this sound all too well, the announcement of Aradian.


“It’s time for graduation!”, bellowed Aradian, the head trainer and proud lord of this sprigger camp, he prefers the title lord.


His larger than life roundness made Stow’s massive frame look like a pebble, but Stow, is pure muscle, and Aradian is nothing but a mass of greasy blue blubber - he is so large the flabs of his thigh meat slump over the side of his chariot. His previously elegant white, food stained, robes cannot hope to cover the whole of Aradian’s chunky frame. Sitting there, living his best life. It was obvious to see what a life of wild luxury he had made for himself. Several servants rode alongside the gluttonous mammoth, all feeding, massaging and grooming him simultaneously. Four muscular golvurs carry the golden chariot. The grey scaled, ape creatures have their heads hung low, de-fanged of their precious teeth; completely emasculated.


“Now for the final test! Survive and you will see the sky again, die and your soul will never see the sweet cycle of infinity - they will rest here for eternity!”, boomed Aradian, with a gesture, the guards posted around the rim, pull on long wooden leviers.


Zweek starred up in disbelief, one by one the worse scenery possible formed, as nightmarish beasts emerged from the trap rooms. The spriggers luck was only getting worse as murky mud stained water began gushing from the roof of the Drill.


For a fiend like Aradian, this life was the best. Just imagining the terror forming below made him rub his bloated stomach gleefully. Eventually ordering his golvurs to take him closer to the edge, so he could see the desperation take hold. He opened his beady eyes wide, expecting to view a scene of utter panic - his favourite part, the fear spreading and the fools scrambling for their lives - however, the trainees were working together in perfect harmony. Niisarm had taken charge. Splitting the spriggers into groups.


“If you’re assigned, get movin”, yelled Xena.


At the front of the pack, the vanguard was led by Stow, his group consisted of the most physically imposing individuals; each one chosen for their brute strength. They were already eagerly bulldozing their way up the path, taking on the first wave of beasts; a troop of bullboons had already been subdued by their bare fists. Next a swarm of slithering, giant brown scaled haemadipsa, snake their way down the path to confront them. Stow keeps his pace steady - in response the giant brown tube shaped creatures stop and rear up, their bodies coiling; preparing to unleash a leech like attack. Stow still at the point of the group - sped further forward - his arms out in front of him, ready for the haemadipsa

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