» Adventure » Mt. Ohm - God Slayer, K. van Marshall [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

Book online «Mt. Ohm - God Slayer, K. van Marshall [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗». Author K. van Marshall

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Sooner than he could react the shark flung itself forwards. With movements swift, and aim unpredictable, she slipped past Zweek and went straight for Goombi. Yet to get to his feet, he had no chance. In one swift bite, his head and a large chunk of his torso was removed. The momentum of the strike took the shark and the twitching corpse of Goombi tumbling below.


“Look out”, screamed Xena, watching the situation unfold from below.


The two warriors below were also caught by surprise. The sight of the falling body and beast caused the Somi and Seenah to scramble out of the way. However, Seenah landed too close to the mouth of the cave, and the reach of a tentacle. She was very unlucky, she did not even touch the tentacle, but the movement of air around it was enough to alert the creature to her clumsy presence; she was whipped into room and devoured.



The yellow scaled meadow shark landed with a thump in front of the lonesome Somi, while the body of its victim bounced off the edge and into the water below. The meadow shark got to its feet as if she had merely tripped, the beast showed no signs of injury after the fall. It reared itself up to take on the lone warrior, with the cave of tentacle nightmares at his back and an aggressive beast to the front, he readied himself for the battle. This time it was the shark that would be caught off guard. Zweek had flung himself from the level above. Sword in hand, he masterfully decapitated the shark in the instance before he touched the ground. The body of the shark flipped and slang around, running into the wall before falling down the cliff side to feed the sea monsters, located a few levels below.


Zweek sat exhausted, he looked over the side, the water was not far, then he looked up at Stow. He’s making good progress, thought Zweek, standing to climb the steep wall, once again.



Making it over to Xena's side by himself - he left the Towu and Somi - hoping their combined strengths would be enough to fight back the aggressive tentacles; Stow was too far to call back. The plan was simple, to beat back the tentacles and hold them off long enough for the injured to pass.





With Zweek’s high pitched whistle, the signal was sent, and both sides started to hack and hit at the tentacles. They whipped about like tree branches assaulted in a tornado, but slowly begin to retreat. Zweek, Xena and the nimble two slowly closed in on the doorway, slashing and poking - methodically pushing back each tentacle. The injured waited until Xena's go ahead then moved across the path behind their hueman shields.



All was going well until a slippery tentacle slipped around Towu’s leg, dragging him into the darkened room. Mind and body munched to pieces, he left his sword behind. With a breach in the defences, the injured and weak were assaulted again; many more were swept into the hellish room.



The defensive formation of Zweek, Xena and Somi was about to buckle when Corve grabbed the vacant sword of Towu and took his place in the formation.



“Hiding with the weak and lame were you? Mule-piss!”, said Zweek.


“No, just waiting for my chance - like you said. Ass-snout!”, replied Corve, sharply.


“Mule bellied, stankfish”. Zweek slashed wildly,  screaming disses - not allowing the loss of more of his beloved family drive him into utter madness.


In the end, apart from the one disruption, everyone managed to pass the tentacle sprouting room of doom. After a few tense moments, the group made it pass the most difficult obstacle of the day, so far. Eventually they joined Stow and the others as they reached the top. Now all that was left was graduation, and hopefully a chance at freedom

Chapter 9 - Pheenomes


Before long the trainee sprigger's were gathered together into the training arena, the base of the grand sprigger pit: six levels above their holding cells, and one above the canteen. The underground dungeon was named for its drill shape. Carved out of the hard rock and deep into the earth, the only way in and out is a long winding path spiralling up from the tight basement level to the wide top of the cone. Lined with caves of various sizes, each sealed by reinforced doors which lead to various cells of horror: harrowing beasts, death mazes or extensive trap filled rooms can be found lurking behind each. Many spriggers have lost lives behind the intimidating large metal doors.




A garish sound of trumpets blares over the top of the crater, cascading down the cavern, forcefully calling everyone’s attention to the distant summit. They knew this sound all too well, the announcement of Aradian.


“It’s time for graduation!”, bellowed Aradian, the head trainer and proud lord of this sprigger camp, he prefers the title lord.


His larger than life roundness made Stow’s massive frame look like a pebble, but Stow, is pure muscle, and Aradian is nothing but a mass of greasy blue blubber - he is so large the flabs of his thigh meat slump over the side of his chariot. His previously elegant white, food stained, robes cannot hope to cover the whole of Aradian’s chunky frame. Sitting there, living his best life. It was obvious to see what a life of wild luxury he had made for himself. Several servants rode alongside the gluttonous mammoth, all feeding, massaging and grooming him simultaneously. Four muscular golvurs carry the golden chariot. The grey scaled, ape creatures have their heads hung low, de-fanged of their precious teeth; completely emasculated.


“Now for the final test! Survive and you will see the sky again, die and your soul will never see the sweet cycle of infinity - they will rest here for eternity!”, boomed Aradian, with a gesture, the guards posted around the rim, pull on long wooden leviers.


Zweek starred up in disbelief, one by one the worse scenery possible formed, as nightmarish beasts emerged from the trap rooms. The spriggers luck was only getting worse as murky mud stained water began gushing from the roof of the Drill.


For a fiend like Aradian, this life was the best. Just imagining the terror forming below made him rub his bloated stomach gleefully. Eventually ordering his golvurs to take him closer to the edge, so he could see the desperation take hold. He opened his beady eyes wide, expecting to view a scene of utter panic - his favourite part, the fear spreading and the fools scrambling for their lives - however, the trainees were working together in perfect harmony. Niisarm had taken charge. Splitting the spriggers into groups.


“If you’re assigned, get movin”, yelled Xena.


At the front of the pack, the vanguard was led by Stow, his group consisted of the most physically imposing individuals; each one chosen for their brute strength. They were already eagerly bulldozing their way up the path, taking on the first wave of beasts; a troop of bullboons had already been subdued by their bare fists. Next a swarm of slithering, giant brown scaled haemadipsa, snake their way down the path to confront them. Stow keeps his pace steady - in response the giant brown tube shaped creatures stop and rear up, their bodies coiling; preparing to unleash a leech like attack. Stow still at the point of the group - sped further forward - his arms out in front of him, ready for the haemadipsa pounce.


“Be ready, those things will suck the life out’ya in a second!”, yelled Zweek from behind.


The haemadipsa formed a squirming line, each coil pulsating, fainting to spring at the on rushing meat. Their round mouths gaped wide, rimmed with thousands of tiny pointy teeth. A sour vinegar stench created an invisible barrier, halting most of the groups charge - Stow however, flung himself through the foul air.


“End the ones I don’t!”, yelled Stow, to the brave individuals that followed him through the nostril burning smell.


The largest of the creatures, pushed its bulbish green eyes upwards - until both dangled from black spotted tentacles; it gauged the distance. After a squelch, its body suppressed flatter than an inch, then sprang at Stow.


With hands already in place, Stow latched onto the haemadipsa just behind its jaw - catching it in mid air. Its tail thrashed wildly and its eyes reared up to focus on the shockingly strong Stow. Using the momentum of its leap - his powerful back twists nimbly and he slams the huge leech into the dusty ground - before its slippery body could attempt to ensnare him. The beast struggled intensely, the pure mass of muscle writhed in desperation to slip free of Stow's colossal grip. Stamping down with the heel of his boot he pins the tail in place, then with a thunderous strike, renders it flatter than ever; green blood sprays through the air.


The other haemadipsa hurtle forward one after the other, all aiming for Stow’s bulging back. Each one is dispatched by reinforcements, rapidly. After being shown the technique to nullify the leeches leap, the brave followers teamed up and were able to finish their prey before the wimps behind caught up.


With everybody working in teams, we will survive, was Zweek's original thought, and so far his choices had been justified. Putting the dependable Xena in charge of the rear, giving her the role of herder - making her primary concern the protection of the injured and traumatized. This was an obvious call for Zweek. With her calm nature she would not push the weakened spriggers too hard, this was crucial for later; Zweek still planned to escape. With a sword in her hand Xena is one of the strongest in all of Niisarm, even without she would be able to take the place of Stow in the Vanguard, but Stow is not as versatile; the role of protector does not suit him. Xena grabbed the most dependable to help her escort the weakened captives up and out of the pit. Her group pushed, carried and dragged as many as they could out of the pit and up the path; realising that only more misery awaited them victory or not, a good few excepted the watery grave.


Aradian looked down upon the movements of Zweek and co. With the water not far behind, he smiled and gestured to be taken outside. The golvurs slowly pulled themselves around, and turned to walk through the exit. Below, the training ground completely abandoned, and now fully submerged under water. Giant ocean creatures cascade into the cavern, along with a now clear green sea water.


Zweek was a sharp thinker and came up with his plan the second the gates opened. Confident in his abilities - he gave himself the most difficult task. Selecting four nimble footed fighters, all survivors of Niisarm, he set off. Climbing the steep walls of the spiral pit, his groups aim, to head off the beasts a few levels above and find a life line.


Towu, Somi, Seenah and Goombi have been apart of Niisarm since their bandit days. Knowing them well, Zweek choose to bring them as he could trust their fortitude and experience. For a small team like this chemistry is

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