» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗». Author W.Addison Gast

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room. They never go upstairs except to crap or chow down. There has to be a bunk room or something else off to the east of the room.”
“Ok. How can we find out? Doesn’t the IR show anything over there?”
“No Sir. The IR is limited by distance and we don’t dare try to get closer. We’ll have to wait till we enter the place.”
“We got company” Said the corporal.
“From? Said Cowboy.
“On the street behind us—by where our humvee are parked. It’s not our guys, I can see them coming up this other street to our echo.”
DJ and Cowboy made the same exclaim nation At the same time as they looked at the surveillance camera back a street by the humvee.
The two large SUV continued to come down the street closing on the OP. They were a block from the parked humvee.
“Cowboy to rear guard. Detain those vehicles approaching from your six. Let them see what size weapons are mounted on those trucks-now!”

Immediately in the video DJ could see both gunners on the top of the humvee turn and train their weapons on the approaching vehicles. The drivers responded as any intelligent person would if they saw two large humvee with gunners behind two large 50 caliber point at them.
They stopped dead in their track.
Cowboy’s support team had arrived and was in the back of the building assembling their gear.
The door to the black SUV opened and the bearded one climbed out. His two traveling companions that were on the plane were with him as he brazenly walked up the street passing the gunners by holding up his identification. He proceeded to the group behind the building and again showing his identification to the surprised private at the bottom of the ladder to the rooftop. The three climbed the ladder and took a quick look at the op and saw the cover. Only the Colonel got on his stomach and crawled forward. The other two stayed low by the ladder top.
When Cowboy saw the bearded head come into the O P by lifting the canvas cover slightly, he drew his glock19 and pointed it at the man’s head.
“Hold on Cowboy. He is here. Don’t make a fuss.” Said DJ
“Thank you Lieutenant we only want to observe your observation and then talk to the one suspect. I will not get in your way.”
“We can do that if you work with me on this” Said DJ
“How do you mean Lieutenant?”
“Take your men back and wait until we bust this operation and get the prisoners. Then you can interrogate your man.”
“Fair enough. So they are in this house across from you here that is on this video? Is Raj Al Akayev with them?
“I have no idea Colonel. We will soon find out.”
At that, the Colonel moved out from under the canvas cover and returned back to the vehicles with his men. As soon as the three returned to the SUV parked behind the humvee, they left and moved over a block where they were not visible from the OP or the rear guard .Cowboy asked one favor of the young Lieutenant who was about to command his first take down operation. “Sir, no offense but can I respectfully request that you let my injection team and I take out the location and you control the ops from here?” “I would not have it any other way Sergeant. I have never worked with your team and I’m smart enough to know that I can better operate from here observing.” DJ smiled.
It took about fifteen minutes for Cowboy to brief his injection team and move them around to the side of the house where the OP was on the roof.
Cowboy had just finished setting the charges for the alley back of the house to stop any runaways when the three black SUV came to a screaming stop in front of the house the OP was watching. Six troopers in attack gear came out of the three vehicles armed with two m60 and automatics. They rushed the small house that was on top of the room where the terrorist operation centered. They obviously did not know of the tunnel from across the street.
“Shit.” Was all Cowboy could get over his lip mike when he saw what was coming down.
“Lieutenant, do you see this? Cowboy called to DJ
“Afirm Cowboy. The SOB is going to try to take his man with out letting us in on the action.”
“Head Shed do you have this video stream from our OP?
DJ was asking Arlington if they could see what was going on.
“We have it all right here Lingo. It is your call. From what we see, the Israeli Colonel is trying to upstage our team on the takedown. Arlington out.” DJ got the word. It was his call and Arlington was going to watch to see how the new kid on the block played hardball.
“Cowboy, send a squad over to the house across the street. Grab the runaways and try to take them alive. We’ll be in the back to get the left-overs if they come to the alley. DO NOT GO IN-REPEAT DO NOT GO IN. We will let the mod squad here do the injection and we keep our guys outside. Tell the injection team to stand down and move to the alley. Scorpion we will be on the deck in two. Give me a play-by-play from there on what the Tangos do. Move out.”
DJ was down the ladder and into the alley by the house in three heartbeats. He didn’t think that he used more than two rungs on the ladder coming down to the ground.
“Tangos are panicking-they know they have company. Their RF just went dead but they put out an alert in code that is running continuous on the internet channel they were using.
We have action in the tunnel between the house and also in the top of the house. It’s a madhouse over there. Cowboy you have a runner coming at your twelve- standby.
The sound of a M60 is something that can not be mistaken for a nine millimeter or an AK 47. The M60 was at the top of the stairway to the underground room and was clearing a path to come down the stairs. Just as a concussion grenade went off in the main room, the door to the small garage next to the OP house that exited from the garage to the alley flew open.
DJ was standing just three feet away behind a trash container when the guy ran out the door and was about to make it down the alley at full speed. As the man approached where DJ was hiding, he was looking back over his shoulder at the house to see if anyone was coming. DJ stuck his foot out from behind the trash container and tripped the tango on the run. The guy pulled a pistol from his chest holster and before he could aim it, DJ kicked it out of his hand and then put his knee on the tango’s gut and shoved his nice new Glock into the guys face.
“Hold still. I don’t want to kill you. Said DJ in Pashtar.
It felt like a bee sting. Then it was wet. DJ’s leg was on the guys stomach and he had the guy’s right arm pinned to the ground but his left arm was able to get the knife from his sheath and stick it in DJ’s leg. Without giving the action a second thought, DJ planted his Glock 19 pistol butt into the guys face just between his eyes and his forehead. He went limp.
Two more tangos had tried to use that same garage door and Cowboy’s men were there waiting on them. Across the street, the injection team that held at the entrance to the tunnel had two more..
The explosion shook the ground and the middle of the street erupted as the blast went off. It was from the tunnel under the street.
“Scorpion-sitrep!” Called DJ into his lip mike.
“That was from the tunnel under the street sir. We didn’t have any one in there but I can’t answer for the SUV group. That blast took out two of their vehicles. Standby one—we have a guy on the rooftop waving for a medic. It’s the Israeli – not the Colonel the guy that was with him.”
“Don’t send any of our guys ---medics—in there until we have it cleared Scorpion—pass that word to the rapid response team that just arrived also. Get someone on that rooftop to talk to the Israeli and see what is going on in the nest.”
“Cowboy, take all these prisoners back to base and hold them in a secure location until I get there. Make sure they are searched black hooded and cuffed prior to transporting. In other words, be careful that they don’t have a knife someplace that they can stick you in the leg with.
“Roger sir. Request one change if possible. Over.”
“”Roger Cowboy what is it?”
“Scorpion can take the gomers to that location and I can stay here and review this operation with you sir.”
“Afirm Cowboy good idea. Make it happen.”
“Lieutenant. Sergeant Reagan here Sir. I’m inside the room and it is secure. Tunnels in both directions are clear also. It would appear that we have everyone that was in here in custody sir.” The transmission was week but DJ got the message.
“Is that Colonel there Sergeant?” Asked DJ.
“I am right here Lieutenant. Your sergeant here has been kind enough to loan us his radio so we can get medical attention for our brothers here. .”
“Colonel, without going into the stupidity of your last twenty minutes and the jeopardy you placed my unit in , I’m going to ask you to stay away from the prisoners we took. If you so much as ask where they are being held I’ll see that you do not have access to them until after their arrest and trial which may take about five years. You understand? I am serious.”
“I’ll talk to you here Lieutenant. At the moment please see that my men receive immediate medical attention. I have one casualty and two wounded”
Cowboy came around the corner of the garage and when he saw the blood on DJ’s leg he called for a medic and told DJ to stay by the ambulance while he went down into the underground room.
DJ’s leg was not a deep wound but it was going to make a big scar behind his knee. The knife had not cut anything vital and no arteries. He was lucky.
The two Israeli wounded and the body bag came out of the tunnel with the medics and left in the ambulance. DJ was sitting on the ambulance gurney with the medic bandaging his leg when the colonel approached.
“The prisoners have been removed from the area while we were in the tunnel. Where are they?
“Wasn’t that radio working when I told you the terms on which you could interrogate the prisoners?”
“Was Raj Al Kayev among them?”
“I have no idea Colonel.”
“You have not interrogated the prisoners?”
“There you go again Colonel. I told you, I can not give you any information until our people finish talking to these guys. You’ll just have to cool your britches,…..sir”
“Lieutenant Jacobs. You are in way over your head here son. I realize this is probably your biggest mission since you joined your agency but I must give you some background on who you have here. First of all, I need to know if you have Raj Al Kayev in fact. If you do not I need to
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