» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

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immediately pick up his trail before he gets away again. We have been tracking this dog for over three years.
Raj Al Kayev is not an amateur in this game. He is a skilled professional and a killer. A psychopath and maniac He will slip through the knots you have tied on him and be on his way to kill again.”
“If, indeed, we have been fortunate enough to capture this Raja what’s-his-name I’ll guarantee you he will not slip through our knots. He will be questioned and then probably sent to Gitmo where he will tell us his story in time, I assure you colonel.”
“Are you married Lieutenant?”
“No Colonel, I have not had much time for that in the past five or so years. Why do you ask? I’m sure you don’t want to line up a backyard bar B Que between our families.”
“Raj Al Kayev was captured the last time in Tel Aviv while planning to bomb our Parliament building. We caught him and three of his terrorist madmen and had them in a secure holding area for questioning. One of the guards at that location thought Raj was a person that was just on the wrong side of the law and tried to convince him to promise to take up a new life when he was released. He became friends with the guard—as I mentioned, he is sly and can be charming- and before long the guard was bringing food and clothing to him. Raj Al Kayev escaped the holding center and before he left Tel Aviv through his Taliban connections, he went to the guard’s home. He killed the guard when he arrived home and raped and murdered his wife. He took their eight year old son and nailed him to the apartment door and opened his body from his chest to his gonads and let the entrails fall on the floor. We know for a fact that it was he that planned the assignation of our ambassador to Italy last year. This is the bastard that you have in your possession Lieutenant being guarded by some young American that was probably only a year ago, football quarterback of his school.”
“Colonel. First of all, its not my call to give you access to our prisoners. That is now a decision that comes from our Justice Department. Secondly, it is my responsibility to return these prisoners over to authorities in relative same condition in which we captured them. Not is pieces or as blubbering mindless zombies.” While DJ and the Colonel faced off on international issues, cowboy was busy under the tunnel.
Cowboy worked his way down the tunnel to the room where all the action on the radio and computers had taken place the past week. Tables were on their side and papers were all over the place. In several piles of papers and books, there was evidence where they had tried to burn them. Then he looked around at the maps and newspaper clippings pasted to the wall. He turned the halogen flashlight on wide beam and looked at the wall across from him. It was a map. It was in English and had red marks on it. He then read the bottom corner title to the map. For the first time in years while searching these underground terrorist caves, he broke out in a cold sweat as he re-read the name of the map. He keyed his Radio.
DJ had hopefully convinced the colonel that he was not going to get anyplace in respect to getting his hands personally on Raj Al Kayev when his radio crackled.
“Lieutenant? Cowboy here”
“Roger Cowboy. Lt. Jacobs here.
“Sir, you better get down here.”

Chapter 14

Thirty Kilometers east of Mazar I Sharif

Haydar was sitting on his bed talking to Goat when the curtain was pulled back and one of the camp security guards started shouting to all the recruits in the room. There was no time to lose. Their security had been breached and they were moving out. All recruits had been trained to know that this episode could happen any time and at any hour of the day or night and they were ordered to have their belongings together in one place so that they could pick them up and leave within five minutes. The white vans that the group usually traveled in were not in the camp. Two large semi trucks with canvas covered box-like containers were running and supplies and people were being loaded. At the far end of the camp there was a small fire and instructors were hurriedly moving files and records from the main tent out to the fire and burning them. The strong one came up to Haydar and grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him to the side of the mess tent.
“You will have a new leader and instructor from this point on in your mission. She has the complete mission intelligence and briefing materials. As you know, your team will consist of yourself, the Goat, actor and the one called Ali-Baba. Allah has bestowed upon you a great responsibility engineer and it is up to you now to prove you are worthy. Do not fail. All of your Mujahideen brothers will be with you in spirit wherever you travel. Go now and join your team on the truck. We must separate here but we will meet again when you return from your mission and we are with the supreme leader in his camp. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! After saying those words to Haydar the strong one turned and jumped into the first truck as it started to roll out of the camp.
She? The strong one used she when he spoke of our new leader thought Haydar. He climbed in the back of the second truck and surveyed the people sitting and laying in the large bed of the vehicle. He saw his three other team members and summoned them to come sit with him in the rear of the vehicle. It would be dusty here but they would have at least some breeze coming in the back to help cool off the group.
The trucks turned onto the main road and turned west.
“We are heading back to Mazar I Sharif Haydar! We will all surely be captured by the Americans that patrol this road as we saw on our last trip to the city!” It was Goat expressing his amazement at the fact that he thought they were driving into the very laps of their enemy. “It is a large city Goat. Our leaders know that in such numbers, we will be harder to locate and identify. “You will see” The next voice came from a darken corner of the truck; “Your friend is correct young warrior of Osama. We are heading to a safe location deep in the heart of the city that is completely unknown to the British and the Americans. We will be safe. Get some sleep. We have many tasks to complete tomorrow.” The voice was strong and direct. It was a voice that was not that of the typical Amatullah “You are the person the strong one informed me about?” Asked Haydar, knowing that this person that would speak to two male travelers directly had to be someone of great courage. Women who spoke directly to males traveling like this in this country had been known to be stoned just for the act. “You may call me Badra, Haydar. Come sit here across from me and we shall talk of our journey about to take place.” As Haydar moved over to the area across from the person that had just identified herself as Badra he noticed she had a western style suitcase beside her and she was sitting on a small wooden box that had rope for handles. It reminded Haydar of the boxes used to carry ammunition around the camp.
“As you are aware by now Haydar that the headquarters room under the house has been discovered and our Mujahideen brothers have all been captured or killed by the Americans.” She was talking in a low voice and it was difficult for Haydar to understand all that she was saying due to the noise of the Truck. It was reasonable to assume that none of the passengers around the two could hear her speaking as well. “Our plan is difficult Haydar so you must memorize every detail that I am about to give you and never, ever write down any notes or names—anyplace. You understand?”
“Yes. We studied the way to detail the necessary information for a mission plan and memorize it almost two years ago now back in Iran.”
“Good. It has been decided to let the other team leave first from the airport tomorrow. If they are stopped at the security gate it will show that the Americans have our identity and our team here will need to find a less conventional way of leaving the country. When this truck stops after we enter the city, you will all change into the western clothes you were given. This is what we will travel in. Do not keep or bring any of your clothing that is not levis and shirts. I will have your passports and some cash to be given you at the airport before we leave tomorrow. I want you to pass on to your team these instructions for escape and evasion in case we are detained or discovered at the airport before we leave.” Badra then proceeded to instruct Haydar on how they were to hide in the airport until nightfall and then go into town to a safe house where they would get new instructions and a revised plan on how to leave the country. The plan on what the mission involved once they landed in America would not change. The infidels would be celebrating their July fourth independence day and it would be a day that would be remembered in history for more than that Nation’s beginning.
It was not quite sunrise when the truck pulled into the main produce market area in downtown Mazar I Sharif. Merchants were starting to assemble their carts and stands to show their wares to the buying public and the restaurant owners, chefs and food service people of the metropolitan area. Badra climbed down from the truck very agedly and carrying her suitcase in her left hand and the wooden box in her right, she walked directly to a waiting small mini-bus that looked very much like one of the airport shuttles used from the major hotels to the airport. The driver never left his seat He was constantly looking around the area as Badra loaded her belongings and motioned her four escorts to do the same. The minibus was just pulling into the baggage check-in for Continental Air when Badra told the driver in rapid Pashtu to pull around and go around the airport again. He did as she instructed and as they passed the baggage area they saw the airport security detail loading the dogs back into their cages. Their work for the day had been complete. The Prime Minister’s plane was in the air and on its way. And the increased security was being shifted back to the standard everyday routine. When the van pulled back into the area the second time, they all departed and left the baggage in one large heap. That is, all except the wooden box Badra was carrying. Haydar’s team was trying to take in the sights of this new world they were becoming a part of. Here they stood, in Levis, polo shirts and sandals looking like any traveling student. The porter looked like all the others working the area but there was something different about his uniform. It just didn’t look
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