Pirates a League of Brothers, H, J, Macey [reading rainbow books TXT] 📗

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"Have you been on a sailing ship before Peter, you seem excited at seeing one?" She asked noting his eagerness to see the ship better, as they came around the end of the buildings.
"No, but as a child, I always dreamed of being a Pirate. I had vivid dreams of being on sailing ships, climbing the rigging and setting the sails. As the ship tossed about like a cork in heavy seas," Peter said turning around to look at the ship. That was now a little behind them and looked like it was in its own little dry dock, on the other side of the docks.
"That is the Celesta she is over three hundred years old and was one of the first ships the brotherhood acquired. I'll take you over to see her if you wish," Felu said, and got an approving nod from Tanya. They were driving along the dockside now, past an old tramp steamer that the crans were unloading, and Tanya pointed to it and said to Felu.
"Captain Jake is back, we will take Peter to meet him tomorrow." Peter glanced at the rust-stained ship as he heard Tanya speak, but his gaze returned to the lovely lines of the Celesta. They were heading out of the docks now, driving along the gently curving road. That ran alongside a golden beach, that stretched all the way to the entrance to the bay. Halfway to it stood a large high long white building, that looked like the largest hotel Sera had ever seen, and it stood alone.
As they got closer Sera saw carabiners on the beach, with straw roofs and straw topped beach umbrellas, that gave shad too many beach loungers and picnic tables. There were many sun worshipers on the beach, and swimmers in the sea splashing about. To Sera, they all looked trim and healthy, even the older generation there seemed agile as they walked from one place to another. Only Sera could see no children playing, or the things they would enjoy playing with.
Closer still the building towered over fourteen stories high and was the size of a city block. With what looked like hundreds of balconies, the size of them suggested they were balconies of apartments instead of just hotel rooms. The big central entrance opened into a large reception come lounge area, where Sera and Peter followed Tanya and Felu to a reception desk.
"Oh for the time being Sera, Peter we have you shearing a two-bedroom apartment. Arrangements are underway to rectify that, in say a day or two. Seeing you were already liv* sorry shearing, we thought it better you stayed together until you were fully inducted into our society. That shouldn't take long, seeing you seemed to have fully committed yourselves to us already, Peter seems at home already don't you think Sera, I'm sure you will feel the same soon Sera."
Tanya said handing them a plastic electronic card key with a number on it, obviously to their new home for the time being at least. Sera had caught Tanya's hesitated referral, to their having shared in the past. She had heard her start to say living, then change it to shearing. Tanya's expression had not changed at all, but there was a new twinkle in her eye. As she had looked at Sera when she changed the word and Sera had to wonder why.
She and Peter followed Tanya and Felu to the lift, which took them to the fifth floor. Then to the door of their new home, it was spacious inside and well furnished. With a large living space, and French windows that lead onto the balcony. A small breakfast kitchen that was well stocked, as Tanya displayed by opening the cupboards to show them. The bedrooms were large and airy, though there were no outside windows. The bathroom they had to shear, was tasteful and was also full of the necessary toiletries.
On their beds were cardboard suitcases with their clothes, that had been brought from their Armadale home, and Sera wondered who had packed her underthings so neatly. There was a phone on the stand in the living room, beside it a booklet detailing where everything was in the building. What time the meals were served, and in the case of an emergency where to go. Tanya after showing where everything was, moved to the door calling for Felu to join her. As he had smilingly accompanied Sera on her tour of the apartment.
"We will leave you to settle in and explore your new surroundings, come Felu we will meet you at ten tomorrow in reception. Until then if you need if anything just call down to the desk, it is always manned." Tanya said ushering a smiling Felu out, even though he was twice her size she was in charge. As the door closed Peter wandered onto the balcony, looking into the distance at the sailing ship, in its own little dock and sheds .
"Sera this may sound weird but I know that ship, I'm sure I've been on it before," Peter said turning to Sera, as she put the kettle on to make coffee. "That Felu likes you, he hasn't left your side since we met him, he's a big lad isn't he," Peter said smiling at Sera, as she turned to pull a face at him. "He's just being friendly that's all," she answered but she had noticed he had been really close at times.
They had their coffee, then started putting away their things. When Sera had finished, she started changing out of her business suit and decided a shower would be just the thing. A dressing gown was hanging behind her bedroom door, so after removing her underclothing she was about to reach for it when the door opened, and a startled Peter stood looking at her. "Peter," Sera said angrily covering herself with her hands, as Peter hurriedly retreated out the door.
"Sorry, Sera I thought you were still putting your things away, just wanted to ask when do you want to go down for dinner it's six-thirty now." He said through the partially open door, feeling his face glowing at the sight he had just seen.
"Do I need to put a lock on this door, Peter, or are you going to give me the privacy I need?" Sera replied opening the door now she was wearing the dressing gown, and brushing past him on her way to the bathroom. "I hope there's a lock on this door," she said opening it and looking at the privacy bolt mechanism to secure it from the inside.
'Thud' went to the door as she slammed it, 'clunk' went the metallic sound of the mechanism being shot into place. "We will go when I've had my shower and dressed," she shouted through the door and Peter heard the water running for her shower.
Chapter 9
A few heads turned as they entered the dining room, then Sera saw a hand razed and waved a few tables into the room. Tanya introduced them to the others sitting with her, then handed her and Peter a menu. It was almost like the dining hall at Adelaide Terrace, only there were chefs who would cook your choice of meal. Or you could just pick a ready prepared one, off of the servery counter.
It seemed Tanya had gathered those sitting at the table purposely, so Sera would meet like-minded colleagues. That she would most likely work with later when she got to that stage in her training. It was then she recalled something in that advert Peter had read, it had said in-house training would be given and she had scoffed at it. Now as she sat chatting no information came from her new companions, about the corporation she had now joined.
She did try to steer the conversation in that direction, but no one took it up. She did, however, note several glances at Peter, from some at their table and those around them. They were quick glances from most, like when you think you know someone but aren't really sure. Some were really studying looks, from some middle-aged persons.
Peter seemed unaware of them, as he had got into a conversation with a really tanned woman. That Sera thought very muscularly, and she caught some of their conversations as they were talking about that sailing ship in the harbour. It seems she is part of the crew that looks after it and was intent on giving Peter all the information he wanted on it. Peter looked like he was enjoying, talking about the three-masted ship, he had so admired as they drove into the docks.
The very fit looking woman, also told him she was a crew member of the old tramp steamer. The one they had seen unloading at the dockside, and she was looking forward to introducing him to Captain Jake in the morning. She was very friendly towards him, and he seemed to like her close company as well.
After dinner, there was a choice of venues for entertainment within the building complex. Or there were beach bars and music, in one or two cabanas on the beach in front of the building. There was also a bus to Fremantle for the nightlife there. Only Tanya had already intimated that they were kind of confined to Secret Harbour until their probation/induction period was over.
Both of them had not been out on the town for a long time, and Sera watched Peter enjoying himself. He happily danced a crazy dance on the beach, with some of their newfound friends. The drinks as their lunch and dinner were free, and Peter, as he had at the evening meal. Was again overindulging, and was in danger of having a hangover in the morning.
Sera was more self-restrained, but she too had not indulged in drinking for a long while. The few she had were making her lightheaded, and when she woke at eight in the morning she was fussily headed. At first, she knew not where she was, then vaguely remembered them staggering happily through their door. They had supported each other, as they giggled their way into the apartment.
She urgently sat up and looked about her, and was relieved to find Peter was not there. For the incident of the office party, flashed through her fussy mind. She wondered if they had repeated that encounter, as she was unable to remember undressing for bed the night before. As she was now sitting up in bed naked, and she needed coffee to clear her head. Wrapping herself in her dressing gown, she gingerly ventured out of her bedroom and felt immediate relief.
There half on and half off of the settee was Peter fully dressed, still in a drunken slumber. Where he had obviously fallen and laine all night, much to Sera's delight. The Knowledge that she had not again been compromised, and not again slept with Peter while in a drunken state was a relief.
Showered and dressed and a hot coffee, took away Sera's fussy head. Then at nine-fifteen, she prodded Peter's still slumbering body, then quickly stood back
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