Finding out who I am, Heather Bateman [best summer reads txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Bateman
Book online «Finding out who I am, Heather Bateman [best summer reads txt] 📗». Author Heather Bateman
We are almost to the first stop and he asks me "Lux do you want anything to drink?" I politely responded "Yes, please. I am quite thirsty. Want me to go in with you" "Yes, I would love for you to come in with me" So we walk in the doors hand to hand. Yes, I know we are not dating but you see girls holding there friends hand all the time so why cant Dylan and I hold hands? I think it is perfectly fine so whatever. The lady at the store told us that we are a cute couple and all the nice things a person could say. We both giggle and start to blush a little bit. I go and get our favorite drinks. Mountain Dew. I get back to the register and he is waiting there patiently there for me with his eyes the color of ice cold water. I have thought this since the day that I first met him, that he has the most perfect eyes any guy can have, although he tells me that its a lie and that my blue eyes are better than his will ever be. I smile as we walk hand in hand, and he asks me what I am so happy about. "Dylan, I am happy that we are here now and I have a great friend like you" "Lux, there is something that I really need to tell you" "I look bad, I knew I should have wore that other outfit." Dylan laughs a little bit "No, you look amazing like always. I just wanted to tell you that I really really like you a lot. There has been something I have always wanted to try with you" Lux smiles. "really" Dylan leans forward and kisses her on the lips. Of course I don't mind so I keep kissing him as if we were the only people in the world. As I look around I see others clapping and smiling as if we were in a movie and this is the happy ending. "Dylan, thats what I was going to tell you too, is I really like you a lot. You are nice to me. You make me smile when I just wanna go in a conner and cry because life can really suck at times, but when your around everything is alright until you leave. I think I am really starting to fall for you" We smile at each other while all eyes are on us and we walk back to his car. I cant stop smiling at the thought that I actually kissed this boy who I've told everyone that is just my friend not a boyfriend, well I don't think that is true anymore. Only time can tell for that. Our kiss was amazing by the end of the kiss it felt like my first kiss. I know it was not my first kiss but it was for sure better than the first kiss. It was just simply amazing in its own little way.
Well my day was sadly but coming to an end. There will be a lot more sight seeing tomorrow. I found out that my true love was clearly Dylan Mitchell, and that I wanted to spend my life with him.
Dear Lux,
December 27, 2010
We are pleased to finally get a letter from you. I know you are having a great time in London but please come home. Your father and I are worried that you will never come home again. If this is the case please don't forget everything that we have taught you through out your years. I am sure that he will open up to you, just as much as anyone up here that doesn't know you would. Does the family you have any money. They have to or else how are you surving? Oh trust me Skip misses you with all of his heart. We can all see that. We go and visit him everyday and he only eats and drinks enough water so he can survive. He clearly does love you more than anything ever could. The bond the two of you share is incredible and someday you can tell your child about him. Which better not be soon young lady. I am too young and beautiful to be a grandma.
Bree is being a good little girl. She misses you a lot. She has a picture of you in her room and talks to it as if it were really you. You should call her sometime. She would really enjoy that and I know me and your dad will love it to. I know you are making safe decisions. Take care of your self.
Love you,
Oh Ma the things you say. I know you truly mean this letter to be good and loving but really. Did you have to say do they have money? Not everyone needs money to live and enjoy life. There are a lot more other things than money and buying everything that nobody else can afford because they are living off of a low income job. If only I could tell her that in person, and what does she mean everything she has taught me? What to be a selfish little girl. That is all she ever taught me, and well dad has never really been around enough to get to know me or even his two year old daughter Bree who I usually end up taking care of and when we go into the store everyone thinks she is my daughter anyways so Ma does it matter if I get knocked up because people already think that I was? Besides the fact that if I was to have any sexual intercourses that I would be more carefully. Its like she has never heard of the plan B. Wish that I could call Dylan and let him know about the response that I got from my Ma. Boy would he be more than angry at her. Its nearly Two AM and I need some sleep so goodnight. Cant wait to tell Dylan what my Ma said. I shut off the lights and suddenly I hear some footsteps coming towards my bedroom. Oh no who could this be?
Of course I see the door finally open and guess who it is? Cody Salvitor. "What do you want Cody? If its about me moving back home its not happening. I am sorry I like it here and I am much happier than I was with my nagging parents" Cody sighs "Sadly enough Lux its not, as much as I would love to pick on you its something else" Cody shows me the school news paper. "Cody, I was about to go to bed and you woke me up for a schools news paper? Thanks that's what I always drept about." Cody replies in a joking matter "I always knew just what you wanted didn't I" "Oh Cody just shut up and tell me" he hands me the newspaper and I look threw the papers. "So its just a bunch of news about the school and the sports so?" "Lux keep going" I flip to a few more pages and I see a big headline saying "Young Love; Miss Lux Cassidy and Dylan Mitchell" I jump off my bed and start laughing and giggling. "I mean who would do a pathetic little story about silly old me and my love life. I mean come on school news paper its not that important" Secretly I am saying in my head awwww how cute. Let me see that artical so I could hang it on my wall and fall asleep to mine and Dylan's picture of us kissing. I guess the way I was looking was all cute to Cody. I knew he would warm up to me eventually. I smile at cody and say "You can take it but I am going to bed. Goodnight Cody" "Nah, Lux I don't need this picture here have it." I smile as he walks to the door way. "Cody?" "Yes?" "Thank you" he smiles at me "your welcome. Now goodnight sleep tight. You need your beauty sleep the way your looking" I smile and laugh "Your so funny, goodnight."
I finally get into my covers after putting the picture next to my bed. Goodnight all of London and have a swell night as for tomorrow. I will be seeing you in my dreams. I slowly pass out as my day turns into another wonderful dream.
Chapter Three: Glory Days in High School
Its 5am and its time to get ready for school. I dance around my room all excited to go and see Dylan after yesterday! I cant help but to not stop smiling because I know he is all mine. He is not what you expect a girl like me to date. He is kinda on the dark side. He has been into trouble, but day by day Dylan and I are working at his nasty little habits. Mr. and Mrs. Salvitor thought he would never change but look what love can do to you. It can change you for the better or for the worse. I finally get into my closet to pick out what I am going to wear. I finally come to a decision. My favorite American Eagle Mini Skirt and my pink american eagle flannel shirt. I am a little obsessive over American Eagle items. They are all so adorable, and well American Eagle fits my pale skin and blonde hair with blue eyes. I am 50 percent German. Ma says that is the best to have in your because they are all so pretty but to me I am just an average teenager. Everyone is beautiful in there own way. I hear my name being
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