Finding out who I am, Heather Bateman [best summer reads txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Bateman
Book online «Finding out who I am, Heather Bateman [best summer reads txt] 📗». Author Heather Bateman
As my mother once told me "Lux you will find the right guy for you. The one who will make you smile even though he has not said one word, but it seems as if he said everything you wish he could have said. Trust me dear you will know it when your time comes". Although back then I did not believe one word that my mother said to me that day. I still kept it in my mind when I was feeling down from who knows what upset me that day. Even though back then I was not really the usually American teenage girl that everyone expected to see. See I thought that I should like myself for who I am and not what other's want me to be because honestly how happy would I have been then, if I listened to every single word that ma or pa said to me. Lets face it if I did my life would be a total mess from here on. I did have the beauty that most girls wanted. That perfect body where if you wanted to bend down to reach something then you did not really have to been down all the way down. I was not very tall then. five foot and one-half inches. Even though around this time I stop growing so I am still the same size I was when I was fifteen years old. You would think that with having a nice body, being beautiful, and having a family who had tons of money that my life would be just like a fairy tale. Well here is the honest truth my life was hell back with my real family. They wanted me to be something that I was not at all. I eventually got out of Hollywood California and moved to London and loved it there. Amazing sight seeing and not to mention very nice and welcoming people too. Of course not all were that welcoming as they could have been, but hey I am the new girl what do you except me to fit right in with every one. No way! Well this is my story.
Dear Ma and Pa, December 25, 2010
I love it here in London. I have met a lot of nice people, and the family I am living with right now are so nice and kind to me. They told me I already feel like one of there children. There is one other kid here, my age to he is just not to thrilled that I am here living with his family. I know he will open up to me once he See's the nice loving girl that I really am. His name is Cody. We go to the same school and all his friends think he is so lucky to live with me and all this good stuff. They have pets like we did at home, well not a zebra, but honestly what family has a zebra? I miss strips tell him I love him and miss him but I had to find out who I am and will be home soon to come back and get him. Love you, and tell little Bree to be a good little girl and to listen to you and Pa
With all Love,
Lux Marie Cassidy
It was a Monday morning and I was about to get ready for school when I realized we had the day off, for whatever reasons the school had, but hey I get some time to myself and my new family too. I am beginning to fit in at school. Slowly each day I get new friends. People are starting to call me a popular does not help that I come from Hollywood, California. Which everyone thinks that everyone there is rich? Yeah, so my family was rich and had money but I never thought of myself as a rich girl. The only time that I thought I had many advantages over some of the girls in London was that I had my man skip. My zebra by the way. Well anyways I was laying in bed thinking of what I shall do with my day. Maybe go site seeing. Its only been a month with me living in the house and I have been so focused on my school work and everything that I haven't really been out of this city. I could ask Dylan who is old enough to drive me around. I am also old enough to drive but still have to take my class up here in order for me to drive. See if I was in Hollywood then I could be driving in my nice new BMW that my Pa got me for my sweet 16th birthday party. Anyways the family who I live with "The Salvitor's" actually like this young man where my family would be totally against it if he did have money of any sort which is why I hate money. All it does is ruin peoples lives, and I don't want that to happen to mine. I want to be able to live life where no one thinks I am a stuck up snob with a lot of money. I want to be a marine biologist some day. That way I can help sea animals since other than a zebra they have always been in my favorite lists.
The Salvitor’s said that it would be fine if Dylan and I went roaming around. So I can see where I live by and when I am able to drive here, and where I can drive to. Well I still have to call Dylan. I pick up my cell phone and call Dylan. "Hey Dylan do you think you could pick me up to go site seeing? I will pay for gas and everything else?" Dylan replies.” Yes, we can go site seeing, and no Lux its fine. I have the money for gas and everything else. Does your family know that you are going?" "Yes, I already asked them and they said it should be fine, well see you when you get here". I hang up the phone and patiently wait for him to arrive at my house.
See Dylan and I, you could say we are best friends, or you could also say we are dating but the thing is we are just best friends. Maybe something will happen in the long run, but I don't even know how long I am staying and if I am going back home soon? So I don't see the point in starting a relationship with him. I like him and all, but I am afraid if we start anything now that we will love each other and if I decide to move back home with my real family then I will be breaking his heart and thats not fair to him. I could always bring him back home. It may seem selfish but I don't want to take the chance of having my family hate him then disowning me because of the guy I decided to date and take home with me. I know I came here to find out who I really am without the help of my families money, but they are still apart of me in some way and that will never change even if I want it to.
Dylan finally pulls up to the drive way and I am ready to leave the house. I have been waiting for ten minuets yet it has felt like a million years, guess I am just that excited. I see him and give him a big hug. It has been three days without seeing him because he has been sick lately which really sucks and I have been to busy with school but he knows that I have not forgotten him. I am just focusing on getting my future all set and ready. I had Mrs. Salvitor drop me off and give him some chicken noodle soup his favorite. Well I am just glad I can talk to him today. Maybe even tell him that I really do like him more than a friend, but I don't want it to end badly because my family is selfish and would disown be for not dating a rich guy, but like I said in the beginning. Who are they to tell me what to do in my life including Ma. What I don't understand is why Ma and Pa would be so upset about me and Dylan when Ma told me that one day I will find the right one out there for me. What if Dylan is the right one? It feels as if so we were meant to be together. Whenever he and I are near I feel the sudden urge of delight like when a mom sees her baby for the first time and she never wants to let go of her baby, and she will do anything to protect that little child. Well its the same with Dylan. I would do anything to protect him because I have feelings for him like I have never had for any other boy. I really think he could be the one. I pondered on the question. Should I tell him that I think I am ready to start a relationship even if it involves
my Ma and Pa to dislike me for a little bit. What I can tell Ma is that before I decided I ever wanted to come here she told me that
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