» Adventure » Betrayed by you dad?, Me [speld decodable readers txt] 📗
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that makes this a lot harder.” He said.
“So what am I supposed to do?” I asked.
“Okay this won't be easy but try to imagine that you are outside.” He said in a voice that instantly made me calm down.
“Okay I think I got it,” I said closing my eyes trying to concentrate.
“Next imagine it is raining,” My dad said.
“Got it,” I said quietly
“Good, now have you ever seen a homeless mans fire?” He asked.
I opened my eyes and stared at him blankly of course I have I've been homeless all my life. So this had to be one of the most stupid questions he could have asked me. So I sent one simple thought to my dad.
“Dad I have been homeless myself for all my life.” I thought
“Oh yeah I forgot never mind, of course you have how stupid of me to ask.” He muttered
“Dad, um, so what am I supposed to do with seeing the old man's fire?” I asked.
“Have you ever watched a fire be extinguished?” My dad asked.
“Yeah I guess.” I said
“Good, because what I want you do is think about that. Okay?” My dad replied.
“Done.” I said, and this is when I opened my eyes and saw that I had flames now on my hands.
“Ummm, I don't have a clue what you just did,” My dad stated.
“Me neither,” I said as I closed my fists and then opened them again and saw that there was no longer flames there but instead a big tattoo that covered my body, and then I realized that this tattoo was the color of flames and it was moving it was as if the flames were alive. When I looked up at my dad he was just staring in shock at my now color changing body (the flames changed colors but there was no heat to them.)
“Dad what did I do?”I asked staring at myself in disbelief.
“Levi, I have no idea.” He said still staring at me in shock. “But I do know that we have a very powerful wizard on our hands.”
“What do you mean our 'hands'? Do I have a mom?”
 “Well of course you have a mom in fact she will be here shortly,” He said in his matter of fact tone.
“Dad what is your real name?”I asked.
“Why do you wanna know?” He asked skeptically.
“Because your my dad and I don't know anything about you.” I stated
“Well I guess that reason is good enough. My real name is Amos Quackery,” He said with no emotion.
“Amos Quackery? I asked as I burst into laughter.
“Yes and there is nothing funny about that.” He declared.
“Um, yes sorry sir,” I said trying to mask my laughter.
“Levi,” He said with a warning glance my way.
“Yes father,” because suddenly I got the impression that if I didn't do things his way there might never be things that could go my way.
“Good. You just learned the first step to becoming my son.”He said
“Theres steps?” I asked skeptically.
“Well y-,” He tried to say as he got interrupted by the knock on the door.
“Benedict, will you get that please.” My dad yelled down the stairs.
“Yes master.” Benedict says.
“Benedict, who is it?”My dad yelled.
“Some girl, looking for the young master.” Benedict replied.
“Excuse me, but I would prefer it if you didn't call me 'some girl'.” The person said, but I knew it wasn't just any person, it was my wife and yes I just said wife, I am 18 and I have a wife and a kid who is 3.
“Em?”I asked.
“Lucky Dawg?” She asked.
“Thats me,”I replied
“Oh I am so glad your safe,” Em said.
“How did you know I was here?” I asked as I walked down the stairs. When Em saw me she gasped.
“Lucky Dawg whats wrong with your skin?” My wife asked.
“Umm, I guess its like a tattoo,” I responded.
“But its moving,” She said as she placed her hand on my shoulder and tried to touch my face.
“Did you bring Bradi?” I asked trying to move away from the subject.
“Well of course I did,” She said in tone that made me feel stupid.
“Where is she?” I inquired, and thats when the little three year old head popped up from underneath the shawl her mother was wearing.
“Here I am, Dada,” My daughter said as she reached towards me so I could pick her up.
“Were you playing peek-a-boo, again?” I queried.
“Yup. Again,” She replied in a voice that made me laugh.
“Levi, who is this?” My Dad asked.
“Levi?” My wife asked.
“Yeah umm Emmie this is my dad,”I answered.
“Your dad?” She asked.
“Yes and who might you be,”My dad asked.
“Umm, sir this is my wife,”I answered.
“Your wife. You have a wife?!” My dad asked as his voice was getting louder.
“Yes sir I do,” I answered stiffly.
“Okay, and who is this little cutie you got here?” He said as he took Bradi surprisingly calm.
“That is our daughter, her name is Bradi.” I retorted.
“She is just so cute,” My dad said in a baby voice.
“We know,” My wife and I reported in unison. Which made us all laugh even Bradi joined in which made us laugh even more. Of course this wonderful moment didn't last long. Soon we were interrupted by a knock on the door to the parlor where we had been sharing this merriment, it was Benedict. 
 “Master, they are catching up to you,” Benedict said.
“ Who is catching up to who?” Emmie asked.
“No one of your importance dear,” My dad replied smoothly.
“Dad, what are you and Benedict talking about?” I asked.
“None of your business,” My dad snapped.
“What do you mean none of my business, we are a family and most families share their little secrets, dad,” I retorted.
“Fine, you want to know my secrets so bad well here it is. I AM NOT YOUR FATHER! I KILLED HIM A LONG TIME AGO! I WAS TRYING TO STEAL YOUR POWERS! AND I ALMOST DID TILL YOU SHOWED UP!” My dad said pointing a finger vexed at my wife and kid. I tried to get in the way, but it was to late the evil wizard had already started to throw flames at them.
“STOP!” I screamed as I had to listen to my wife scream in agony.
“Where is the child?!” The guy asked turning to me, about as vexed as can be.
“What child?” I asked trying to play dumb, but I could tell it wasn't really working.
“Where is she?” This dude asked trying to stay calm. As my wife who had miraculously gotten back on her feet appearing to be unharmed, but how does that work I heard her screaming surly she most have felt it. She had gotten a frying-pan in her hold and believe me I have seen her with one of those things before hitting a person when she was only seven, and I know for a fact that she can do some serious things to hurt a person with that as a weapon. As my wife snuck up on my dad I had to find some way to distract him.
“Hey dude , I know something that you can't do,” I said as soon as the thought got ahold on me I could feel my whole body bursting into flames. For once I think my dad was so shocked I think he was silent. It was almost nice, well besides the fact that some dude was trying to get my family and I killed, plus the fact that I had no idea where Bradi went.
“fkmsijsigjfdh impossible,” He mumbled.
“Well evidently not,” I replied confidently.
“B...b..but thats not possible, I myself am still trying to learn how to do that, and you are just starting to be a wizard and you have mastered one of the hardest things to do in a lifetime.
“Okayyyyyyyyyy, now I know your only a little weird,” I said almost laughing but then realizing the situation for like the 18thmillion time.
“Boy, this is no time for jokes, where is your child?” This crazy dude was asking me?
“Oh, so were back to that again are we?” I asked smiling slyly.
“So you do know where she is, I can tell by that smile of yours, so tell me, WHERE IS SHE?!” He asked for like the sixth thousand time.
“I just felt like smiling, and again I have no idea where she is,” I said as calm as possible, because I could see my wife coming closer with the frying-pan at this exact moment, and she was so close that she could almost hit him on the head. The next thing I know is that the frying-pan is flying towards my head and I have just enough time to duck before the thing whizzed by my head, and thats when I saw Emily's hand in Amos's hand Emily looked at me with so much fear in her eyes I cried out in pain, it was as if my soul was being ripped from my living body. Then the next thing I know the world goes black. (Which isn't even close to being my favorite color.)
I got those thoughts in the beginning because of this story I don't know who to trust anymore . (I don't believe in happy endings) and that's the End.

Publication Date: 04-02-2011

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