» Adventure » Book Of Short Stories, Donna Jayde [best books to read in life txt] 📗

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had to live. He knew if he didn’t use every will to live in his voice, he wouldn’t see another day.

“...,” Amalia thought silently. She seemed to be giving it deep thought. “Alright,” she began. “ I suppose, I will leave, if you quit nagging me,”.

“YES! DEAL!” Dan screamed. So Amalia left the closet, and ran outside, only to see the tornado that would have killed her. All Dan heard was the scream, and slamming of a basement door. Even though the whole reason he was here was Amalia Grove’s death, Dan couldn’t help but feel bad for the girl. She must have wished she wasn't so ignorant, for those fifty, long years. Just as he was considering this, he was brought back outside the orphanage. The sun was setting, a beautiful array of colors. He heard the whisper again, but this time, it was a friendly, content tone.

“Thank You”


Vampire Red

Vampire Red



A cold wind. A full moon. The smell of blood. A girl ran through the night in terror, a young man at her heels. This man was a vampire of the name Lynk. The girl had badly sprained her ankle. As she tripped and looked up, she saw a vampire. She can no longer take the pain from her injury. The oddest thing though, is that he carried her to his home. Yes, a vampire helped a human girl. This, is Vampire Red.


Chapter 1:

           A girl wakes up. She’s in a strange place. This place is not familiar. She looks around, What happened? She tried to remember, when a shooting pain went up her leg. It was her ankle. That’s right she had fallen off the town dam. Her friends had been there. They were probably looking for her. So how did I get here? She thought again, but this time, she shrieked. “AHHHH!” A friendly looking face looked through the door. “May I help you miss?” The man asked politely. Well, he would have been a sight for sore eyes, except for one thing. That was the man that had chased her last night! But, what was it she was scared about him again? “I’m Lynk,” The man finally said, seeming almost unphased by Her previous lack of answering. “Oh, hello. Im Harmony,” She replied timidly. “Very nice to meet you Harmony!” Lynk started. “But, miss I must ask,” He started in a more serious tone. “ How did you hurt your foot?” Then she remembered. A vampire. That's why she was frightened of him. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” Harmony screamed franticly. “Wait ma’am! As you may know, I am a vampire,” he started in a reassuring tone. “But, I don’t plan to hurt you. I take medicine to quench my thirst for blood,”. Harmony didn’t know what to think. Today, she had met a vampire. A vampire.


Chapter 2:

           So, Harmony just learned more about a mythical creature than she ever wanted to know. As Lynk told her about, bad vampire were called, “Reds”. Good vampires were just vampires. There was a vampire world, just like the human world, except with vampires. WHAAAT? This is crazy. I can’t believe I know a vampire. “But,” Harmony began. “If you are just a vampire, why were you chasing me when I was bleeding?” “When people faint while there bleeding in a deserted area, they get killed by a Red. No way around it,” Lynk replied. “So I was doing my job,”. “”Your job?’” Harmony was amazed, in the way you're amazed that a tornado is tearing apart your town, but amazed none the less! “Well, if you’re feeling better, then you should get going,” Lynk said. “I’ll take you,”. “Oh, okay,”. Harmony replied, obviously disappointed. She wanted to learn more. She wanted to see this, “Vampire World,”. “Something wrong?” Lynk asked, seeing her reluctance. “Oh nothing,” she replied hastily. “Well, actually,” Lynk said, thinking something over. “Maybe you want to see the vampire world?” “YES!” Hermione said, a little too soon, and a little too loud. “Oh, sorry, yes I would love to go!” “Great!” Lynk replied, unfazed. She was so excited! She was going to meet vampires. Vampires. The more she thought it, the crazier it sounded, but it was real.


Chapter 3:

She was in a car, over halfway to the vampire world. At least, that's what Lynk said. This was ridiculous! She had been in a car, with some strange man, not to mention vampire, of an HOUR! She had NO clue where they were going, NO CLUE how long they had left, NO CLUE if this guy was gonna eat her, NO CLUE AT ALL. “Ok, get out and look around,” Lynk finally said. Without words, Harmony got out and looked around. It was amazing. There were huge billboards advertising “Pocky Sticks”, and “Blood Tablets”. Something very familiar and something very new. She loved pocky sticks back home, but blood tablets were new.


“So this world has Pocky Sticks?” Harmony asked. “Well, every time the vampire world finds some human food, especially dessert, a factory will want to mass produce it, and advertise it as “human food”. Lynk replied. “Wow, obsessed much?” Harmony fooled. Lynk smiled in return. “You like Pocky Sticks?” He asked, trying to make small talk. “Oh yes!” Harmony replied chipperly. “I eat about three a day!” “Obsessed much?” Lynk threw back at her. “Ha ha very funny,”.

As they walked down the street, they say skyscrapers, to dome houses. They seemed to be very architecturally advanced. “Maybe even more so than in my world,” Harmony thought. “Well miss, I suppose it’s time for you to go home,” Link proposed. “Oh, ok,” Harmony replied quietly. “Ah, but don't worry, you’ll remember this one a while,”. So, Harmony was sent home, still retaining her memories. Sometimes, Lynk would show her more of the vampire world. It was always fun. She lived a changed girl from that day forth.

The Island

Intro:  There once was a family of five. The parents were deer hunters in Florida. They hunted every day and left the three children, Jay, Felicity, and Laila at home alone. Jay was the oldest, being fifteen. Felicity was the middle child, she was twelve, and  Laila was the baby of the family, being only five. On a cold, rainy day in November, Laila’s parents, Jake and Angel had just left to go hunting when the rain picked up. Jay and Felicity ran to the T.V. “Mom said I got to watch the news!” Jay said as he struggled for the remote with Felicity. “Fine, Whatever brainiac,” Felicity replied. As Jay turned on the T.V., a loud crash could be heard outside. Jay frantically turned on the weather. “Hey Felicity,” Jay started.


“Did you know a hurricane was coming?”

“WHA?!” Felicity screamed.

The two children exchanged a look, then screamed in unison, “MOM AND DAD!”.

Chapter 1:   Laila Laila stood and asked, “What? Whats wrong? You know mom and dad went hunting,”. The two older kids looked at each other for a while. Finally, Jay said with tears in his eyes as the weather channel went on,

“The weather says a tornado is touching. We need to get in the safe room,”. Felicity noded crying. Laila stood silently.

“So mom and dad aren’t coming home?” she started tearing up. Then, Jay grabbed her by the arm and signaled Felicity to follow. He ran outside and got smacked in the face with a whirl of wind. He tried screaming to Felicity to hold his hand, but his screams were drowned by wind. But Felicity, being very smart, grabbed Jay’s sleeve as she stumbled back from the wind. The three kids forced their way through the raging storm. They were completely soaked, and dazed by the time they reached the storm cellar. Jay pushed Laila down, helped Felicity down, and looked up to a monster tornado a mile away, touching down. With a gasp he jumped down into the cellar. He landed with a thud on the ground. For a while, no one talked. Felicity was the first to speak.

“What do we do now?” she asked stunned. The house cat that they had moved into the cellar, Star, walked up and meowed. “Were stuck down here,”.   Jay suddenly jumped to his feet. “You two stay here,” he ordered sharply. He jumped out into the storm and ran off.

“Jay!” Felicity yelled. She ran out the cellar with Star in her hands. Laila jumped up running after her siblings.

“Wait up!” They all were picked up by the tornado. They awoke at an island. It’s pearl colored beached shone in the sunlight. It was midday on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  

Chapter 2: Felicity  They awoke at the same time. Jay squinted at the sun. Felicity yawned and stretched. Laila turned to Star, the cat, and petted her. Jay stood and looked at the amazing island they had landed on. “Wow,” he uttered speechlessly. It took the kids a minute to comprehend what had happened. “So Jay?”  Felicity asked dismayed. “Yeah?” Jay asked, almost afraid of of what she would ask. “Why did you run outside?”.  “I don’t know,” he said quickly. “Don’t lie,”. Felicity knew her brother too well. She knew when he was upset. She knew when he was excited. But she really knew when he was lying. “Ok, I left something,”. “What?” Felicity was curious of what was SO important, that he ran back in. Being the weather freak he was, he knew not to leave. “The phone. I wanted to call mom,” Jay finally admitted. “When can we go home,” Laila asked innocently. The older kids looked at her with confusion in their faces. “I don’t know,” Felicity admitted. “Soon,” Jay added, trying to comfort, not only his sisters, but himself too. So this was it. They were stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere, with three kids, and a cat. GREAT.


Chapter 3: Jay


                  They had walked a bit, but not much, when Laila said what they had all been thinking. “I’m hungry!” Laila said. Jay could tell his little sister was tired. By looking at the sun, Jay could tell it was her nap time. The beach would have been the most beautiful thing any one of them had ever seen. If they hadn’t just floated in from the ocean, that is. It had pearl white beaches, and from what Jay could see, a small jungle area. Well, small as in compared to other jungles. It was huge. It definitely

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