» Adventure » Book Of Short Stories, Donna Jayde [best books to read in life txt] 📗

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had some wild life in it. They would have to make a safe place to rest, and make sure Laila didn’t leave at night. Jay had just the right idea. His little sister was terrified of wasps. “Hey,” Jay whispered to Felicity. “What?” Felicity whispered back. “Go along with me,”. Felicity looked confused, but she would get it in a second. “Hey Laila,” Jay started, looking scared. “Yeah?” Laila asked curiously. “Did you know, oh never mind,” Jay was setting her up big time .Felicity started to understand what he had asked. “What?!”. Good Laila was curious. “Well,” Jay started. “I think there are giant nocturnal wasps herre,” Jay whispered. “WASPS?” Laila screamed. “Yeah, but they're nocturnal, they only come out at night,” Jay said. Laila started to whimper. That’s when Felicity chimed in. “But, if we build a house, the wasps can’t get in,”. “Really?” Laila said, tears going away. “Let’s get started!” she yelled and started running around.  That was easy. God knows the next part won’t be.


Chapter 4: Felicity

They started building right after that. Laila got wood from the beach, singing the whole time about how she wouldn’t get killed by wasps. Jay worked on some rope stuff to get the house together. Felicity’s job was to find materials to make things to put in a shelter. Her and Jay were still baffled and scared, but Laila, not knowing we wouldn’t be going home anytime soon, was happy as a lark. She went off into a grassy field area to find something. She mostly found leaves, a few usable twigs, and some wild blackberries. Then it hit her. We’re gonna need a lot of food.  Layla eats a little about every hour. That’s not good. Felicity decided to look for food, and materials. She found a few more twigs, some tough vine, and a few handfuls of blackberries, and she went back. Star welcomed her back by rubbing her face on her legs. Laila was sitting down now, looking pretty mad. “Hey!” she said excitedly, trying to cheer Laila up. “What?” Laila asked, trying REALLY hard to be in a bad mood. “I got blackberries!” she said, really excited, like blackberries were better than going home and taking a bath. “Yay!!” Laila said running up to me and grabbing some from my hands. “You found food?” Jay asked hopefully. “Yeah, there were more blackberries back there. We could get a basket of some kind and get some more,” she responded. “Great! I found a tupperware from the bag I grabbed when we went to the cellar,”. Felicity knew that Laila was tired, so she proposed an idea quietly to Jay. “I got enough stuff that I have enough to do for the day, so I could watch Laila while she takes a nap, and you could go get some blackberries?” she asked. “Good plan, little sister,” Jay sounded impressed. “I know,” she said smugly. Laila sat down on the sand and fell asleep almost immediately. Felicity got to work on getting the shelter together. Felicity tied logs together to form a base, tied long supporting sticks onto the base, put together a wall, and was just starting to get it put on when Jay came back. He had a huge tupperware full of blackberries that should last for a few days. “Wow, that’s quite a haul!” she said impressed. “I can’t believe Laila stayed asleep the whole time,” Jay pointed out. Felicity hadn’t really noticed that. She got to work on putting the wall tight in place. Jay came up and started on another wall and got it up. Before much longer, they had a little bungalow big enough for three people. Then Felicity started on the beds. It took a base of logs with small stubs tied to the corners, with a ton of grass and leaves piled on top. It took all day to get the home done, but now they had a place to sleep.

Chapter 5: Jay

It was midnight when he first heard it. It ruffled the leaves of a bush. Jay looked outside and saw nothing, so he went back to sleep. About an hour later, he heard it again. He looked out, but again saw nothing. This time he went out to look. An opossum as big as an outdoor garbage bin ran at him and hissed. “AHHH!” Jay screeched. Felicity woke and ran outside carrying a large, sturdy stick. She hit the opossum and it ran off. “Well,” Felicity said finally. “That happened”. “Yeah,” Jay responded. “Yeah it did,”. That just showed that the wilderness was a harsh place. Just as he thought that, some birds flew away.


CHapter 6: Narrator


That night, the island shook. They ignored the birds that flew away all that last week. A volcano erupted and left the kids fighting for life. The first one to go was Felicity. She fell into a lava flow. The next was Jay. He broke his foot and told Laila to go on. He soon after was hit by falling lava. Laila choked on the smoke and smothered. The only member to be found by found by the authorities was Star.

A Lesson

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sugar. I know what you think with the name, but Sugar was a brat. She thought anything she wanted should come true. The supreme goddess Anello, was always looking down on the girl with a disapproving frown. But one day, Sugar went too far. When her favorite duck died, she didn't care who told her nothing could be done. She went everywhere whining and screaming at them to give her what she wanted. At last Anello lost it. She sent Sugar into a storm, that misled her over the side of a cliff. When she awoke, she was lost. Sugar wandered the woods, trying her hardest to survive. when she had finally, after two days, scaled the cliff, she walked onto her street. She stumbled into her front yard. But then, right when she thought she was safe, she collapsed from exhaustion, dead on the ground. She saw a bright light, and then saw Anello. Anello told her that she would let her go, if she promised to appreciate the gift of life, and do things for herself. Sugar agreed, woke up, and walked inside. From that day forth, she was sweet as sugar.


The House

There was once a house in the woods. The house was abandoned long before this story took place. A man took residence in this home, on account of being very poor. He was homeless when he found this place. Long ago, a woman and her three children lived in this house. The woman was unstable, and often screamed at her children. Her children didn’t know why their mother did this, for their mother never told them. One day, while their mother was in an unstable condition, the children tried to help her calm down. Instead it made her more mad. She killed all the children before she could become stable. She made a report and turned herself in, saying that her children’s ghosts haunted the house, and that they would kill anyone that went in the house. Obviously, the man didn’t know this. About a week after he moved in, he heard something. He went into the hallway and, for a brief second, saw a little girl… She immediately disappeared. The man just thought that he must be tired, and went back to bed. The next week, the same thing happened, but he saw the girl long enough to see her characteristics. She was very small, about four or five. She was a blood-stained white dress on, and she was holding a blood-stained teddy bear. Her face was pale, and she had blood on her face, arms, and legs. This time when she disappeared, the man heard something. A girl’s voice, singing a strange melody. Then an older boy joined in, the sound of his voice made him seem seven or eight. The man, shocked, ran into his room and locked the door. Once in his room, he heard a teen girl, sounding around the age of fifteen. The man was never seen again.


Publication Date: 10-14-2015

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