» Adventure » Jessica Marks, Abbie Davis [top 100 novels .TXT] 📗

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of course. Since he has past, her dad is it now. So she thinks she can boss me around, even though I’m the best.

“You should be happy your still alive,”she said,”Your team was so upset when you were missing. You should teach them how to be more careful or at least act better.”

“Shut up!”I said getting out of my chair,”You don’t me. You might think you do but you don’t. So just shut that fat mouth of yours.”

“Does someone think she is so tough,”She said evilly,”How about we see if she is correct on that one.”

  Kay punched my eye, giving me a blacken one. That was the wrong move girly. So I did right on back to her little girly face. That just made the both of us begin a full on fight. Everyone started to surround us as we fought. Mrs. Phyllis had Jame, Luke, and Slade make me stop and Zack to get his sister. We both had blood running and a black eye.

  Mrs. Phyllis sent us to the principal office with Lindsey following us. The nurse was waiting at the office with the principal standing beside her. He stared at me and wasn’t happy. He took me first letting the nurse take care of Kay.

“Jess,”He said,”Why did you get into that fight?”

“She doesn’t leave me alone,”I said,”I’m sorry Uncle.”

  He married my aunt on my dad’s side and talked my mom into letting me come here. He was like a father to me, since that day I lost mine. Only my team knew he was my uncle. So thankfully Kay didn’t know about him being my uncle.

“Did you win?”He asked doctoring me up,”Who started the fight? Or did you do this to just see me?”

“She did,”I said laughing at him,”Are you going to tell my mom?”

“No kiddo,”He said patting my back,”This will be our little secret.”

  He sent me back to class and had Kay come in so he could talk with her. I went to Mrs. Phyllis’s classroom and got my things before heading to the shooting range. While the others did the guns or whatever they did during this time, I would being doing Bows and Arrows.




  Once I got there, Layne and Luke were throwing axes at a wooden target. James and Slade were shooting their guns. So I walked over to my bow and arrows and began to shoot. Mrs. Olivia and I got into a competition halfway through the class. We made it a tie, when Layne came over to tell us it was time time for Recess.

   We went to our team headquarters for it to regroup and get ready for whatever we wanted to. They started to ask me questions about the fight which was kind of funny. Slade still had said nothing so I got the idea to try again on that one. We all tried to get him to talk but not a word came out.




   School went by fast and my group stayed a few hours behind to talk. It was eight by the time we left to go home, I had to walk home all alone. I lived two hours away from school and today everyone got a ride home while I didn’t. My uncle offered me one but I declined it.

    I walked the same route I always go for the past eight or so years. I was halfway home when I felt like someone was following me. So I turned around with my knife in hand to see a little girl. She looked terrified with her torn clothes and holding one of her shoes with the other on her foot.

“Hi, there,”I said putting my knife away,”It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?”

“I’m Kylee and I nine,”The girl said.

“Well then, Kylee,”I said,”Can you tell me what happen to you? Or do you want to come with me to my home?”

  She looked behind her and looked at me. She said she didn’t want to walk, so I made a quick call and my uncle came to get us. She then told me how she lost her parents and almost died too. When we reached my house, she stayed with my uncle till we could find a home for her. So I walked into my home to see what else was going to happen.


 I walked into koas. Rex and Righley had friends over and my mom was at the store for a little while. The house had become a complete mess. It was just a normal day at home for me. There was six of them and only one of me. So I found my bullhorn and put my things up.

“Let’s stop making a mess,”I said into it,”Or I will make you give me twenty pushups.”

  Rex and Righley stopped and their friends followed them. They looked around and just smiled at me. We had a half hour to clean up the house that was wreck like it has been through WWI. So I had to do my chores, which included taken care of my brothers, watching their friends, and cleaning the house before mom came back home.

“Let’s start cleaning up,”I said,”So go.”

   We put the couch back up and moved it back to the wall next to the door. Rex and two of his friends did the pillows. Righley and two of his friends fixed the plants, two flowers and a venus flytrap. I started dinner for Mom as they finished up the house. We set the table and fixed and fixed up the living room. We did it all in twenty minutes, so I let the boys watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I finished as Mom walked in the door with her step husband.

   Rex and Righley ran to their father when he step into the house. Then their friends went home and we sat down at the table to enjoy our meal. We waited for Rex bless the food and when he did we started to eat.

“So, how was school today Jess,”Mom asked.

“Good,”I said,”We learned about solving inequalities.”

“Yeah that’s amazing,”My stepfather said,”But boys, Would you like to see the new Baseball field tomorrow?”

“Matt! They were suppose to go to school with me tomorrow,”I said upset and a little ticked off,”You did it again!”

   Matt hated me and I was the same way toward him. He worked at this big designing company that builds anything. When he knows I have something big planned he would ruin it.

“I want to go with Jess,”Rex said.

“I’m going with daddy,”Righley said.

“Well it’s settled then,”Mom said.

    Rex always sided with me in everything that came up between me and Matt. Righley did sometimes unless it was something cool in play. So Rex knew about my secret of being a zombie hunter. I was ticked off to a whole new level when he brought up the new baseball park.

“Well me and Rex are going to have an awesome time,”I said high fiving Rex,”Aren’t we buddy?”

“Yes we are,”He agreed.

“We’ll bring y’all a souvenir back,”Matt said.

    After that we all went to bed to prepare for the two very long days. I had to pack Rex’s bag for him do he had everything he would need. I also had to Ace in his bed so I could get to mine. He ended up sleeping with me anyway, since he liked it up there with me. 

Chapter 5

“Jess! Get up!”said Rex,”Let’s go! I’m ready to go and see your school for the eighth time.”

“Then get off of me,”I said waking up.

   Rex got off and grabbed his bag. He then left so I could change. It was six forty-five a.m. and school started a little after seven forty-five. He woke me up an hour early and was ready to go. There was a knock at my door and my mom walked in.

“He made you breakfast,”She said carrying a tray in,”He is really excited to go.”

“I can tell,”I said,”HE woke me up an hour early. What time did he get up?”

“At five,”She said putting the tray down,”He wanted to make you breakfast this morning.”

  She left and I ate my breakfast. Rex had made me toast, bacon, and apple juice. I changed and grabbed my things to leave. Rex was holding a watch that I gave him the first time he went with me. He put it on and opened the door. So we left to meet the team.

   James, Layne, and Slade were waiting for us by the new training center. They gave Rex fist bumps and we headed to school. It was around eight forty-five by the time we got there. James said he had to go somewhere but didn’t tell us where he was going. James shook Rex’s hand but Rex decided to flip him afterwards. So we all walked in on that one.




  It was during shooting when James came back. He was wearing a baseball cap as well that was sure to be new. Rex said that it was from the field that his dad was designing. I was really ticked at that and notched an arrow to fire at my next target.

“Where’d you go?”I asked.

“To the new field with your stepdad,”He answered.

“You did what!”I yelled.

   Everyone turned to us and James hid behind Slade. They could tell I was ticked and ready to explode. Kay even turned to my direction. Rex grabbed an arrow for his bow like he ready to help me out if it was needed.

“I wasn’t gone for long,”James said sticking his head out from behind Slade.

  I shot my arrow, just nipping the top of his right ear. He reached up and touched the top of his ear as if I shot it off. I had also took off some of his hair near the ear. He looked shocked at it but yet not mad that I did that to him and not Kay for once.

“Nice hair cut,”He said,”How about the other side.”

  He went to hide behind Slade again when an arrow went in to his knee.He looked down and said ‘Why’ to me but I didn’t do it. I looked down at Rex to see he was smiling from ear to ear. So I told James that my little protective brother did it.

“I was trying to nip his leg,”Rex said,”Like how you did his ear.”

“How about you stick to the targets,”I told him,”Please don’t tell anyone James. Do you need help with that.”

“I got it,”He said breaking the tip off and pulling it out.

   He started to limp to the first aid station to banged his leg up. Layne came over and told Rex not to copy what I do for good reason at that. Mrs. Olivia came over and gave him a high five. She also told him that it was a funny miss at that moment. Everyone then turned back to what they were doing before that little show down.

    Rex looked up at me and gave me his famous loving and goofy smile. I rolled my eyes and began to laugh at the little kid for his protectiveness over me. I guess since I don’t have an older brother, boys should watch out for my younger ones. James was cursing as he fixed up his leg and we counted forty-five words. He is not going to do something like that again, I thought to myself. Rex and I went back

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