» Adventure » Jessica Marks, Abbie Davis [top 100 novels .TXT] 📗

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to shooting our targets and not James.



  After school the two top teams had to stay behind. We were going to do a contest to see who truly was the best one here. We went to our team homes and waited to be call. My group got so bored we began to play a music game. When we were call, we were on level thirty-six, so we saved it and went to the gym for the thing.

   The Slayers had everyone looking so serious, it was kind of sad. The teams were suppose to be like mini families and not whatever they were. We had pair field workers and my groups were James and me, Layne and Slade. Luke kept the tech team in check on updates for us. We also treated each other as we were family and didn’t stand down to anyone. We worked out the problem together and not like we were robots. Kay really needs to know that her team are people and not robots.

“Ok so let’s get started,”My uncle said,”Y’all will be judge on teamwork, skills, strength, and time. The judge will be a scientist that has study the people of the zombie. His name is Mathew Castles.”

   That was when a tall man walked out. He had brownish hair, a pale face, and a scar running through his left eye. He looked like a nice man, if I didn’t notice that he had a dart gun in his right pocket, needles in his left, and three good size knives under the lad coat. Who brings that much stuff to a school for a simple judging job?

“Hello,”He said in a squeaky voice,”I’ll be judging you today on this fine day.”

 He said that like he was from the north part of the states. Everyone looked okay with it but I noticed Luke’s face. He must have noticed something off about this guy as well. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew something I didn’t or something that I was hopefully not apart of.

“Are you from the north?”I asked.

“No, Jessica,”He said,”I’m not. So let’s begin the test shall we.”

   I knew something was wrong, since he knew I said that. All I could do was hope he doesn’t figure out who I truly am. 

Chaoter 6

   Everything was going good for us. In team work my team came out on top for reasons that the Slayers will never know. We had the fastest time at three minutes in the obstacle course, the pairs had to run through while the tech team directed them to safety. The Slayers won the strength match even though with Slade you would think it was going to be us. It was the start of the skills test, when everything started to go downhill and fast.

   We started off with guns, which I denied to do and Mr. Mathew took note of it. In axes throwing everyone did good. I had three bullseye, while Layne and Luke had six. Everyone except James aced archery, but he had the guns down pat. Then it was martial arts had to be the last test.

“Our last one is Miss Jessica Marks,”Mr. Mathew said.

  I took my mark against the robotic zombie on the mat. When he blew the whistle the match began and I did what my dad had taught me. I took the level ten zombie down and was shocked at my time of forty seconds. Everyone looked shocked at how easily it took me to defeat it.

“Well then Miss Jessica Marks,”Mr. Mathew said,”You are indeed a zombie person. From the birthmark to the guns and now the martial arts. I don’t need to see if you know the language, because you clearly do by the book you are reading.”

“She can’t be one of them,”James said,”I known her my whole life. I know everything about her.”

“Or do you,”Mr. Mathew said,”I studied their behavior, traditions, and appearance.”

   I never thought of it before but he was right. Appearance was a big deal in it. I had long dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. My green eyes had a story to tell in them. My tan skin meant that I was in the sun a lot. I didn’t realize how different I looked compared to everyone else here.

“There are two more as well,”He said evilly,”Slade and Luke are the other ones.”

“Run?”Luke offered to me.

“Run,”I agreed taking off for the door to my right.




 We ran out the door and I was glad Mat came to get Rex after school. James and Layne was with us and we ran straight for my house. I slammed open the door and saw my family was all home today. That’s a weird thing since they are not always together in the house.

“Mom,”I said,”We got a problem.”

“Is there something you're not telling us,”James said still confused by it all.

“Grab your stuff and get in the car,”Mom said in a hurry.

  I ran to my room and got my things and Ace to come. I wrote a quick note to the others telling them what had happened and told Big Wing where we were going to, so he wouldn’t get caught. Everyone had loaded up into the minivan and we left for Delhi.

   James, Luke, Layne and I were in the back. Slade and the twins were in the middle playing rock, paper, and scissors. Matt and Mom was in the front with Ace in the middle of them. No one was following us, so I felt safe enough to tell my friends my secret.

“I’m one of them,”I said,”The chief to be truthful to y’all.”

“And you didn’t tell me,”James said,”I am your best friend.”

“It’s law,”I said feeling a little guilty for not telling them,”I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”

   Everyone was quiet for the rest of the ride. I was listening to the music on my Ipod and reading my book. Luke was trying to teach James the language while everyone else was a sleep but my mom. I just wished there was another way to do this.

  James said something to me in the language that translated into I have a pickle snake in my eye. I started a fit of laughter at that as Luke tried to hide his. I think Luke forgot to go over that the words do sound similar than he thinks and if mispronounced it means something else. I saw Luke whisper what James had said to him and his eyes got huge.

“I was trying to ask you if you're alright,”He said nicely.

“Yeah,”I said,”But wait till you know the language before asking another question, ok.”

  He agreed and we went back to doing what we were. I had my bookmark in my hand and almost cried at the happy picture of me and my dad. I missed him that much.




  We reached Delhi and my old home at three in the morning. Everyone spilled out and we walked inside the old home. Mom gave everyone a place to sleep while Ace and I went to my old room. I open the door and saw the room eight year old me left.

   The room was black with blue and green splashes everywhere. I had a high tech computer on my desk near my door. A bunk bed with just the top bunk on it next to a wall by the far but next to a window. Under it was a place for any hand weapons but not a single gun to show there. Instead of toys on the floor, there was a si, a bo staff, some nunchucks, and a samurai sword. On the wall next to my bed, were pictures of me and my dad. This is the room I had to leave behind and strangely enough I never had a toy but a stuff wolf.

   Ace started to push the weapons on the floor to where they go. I stood in the middle of the room looking at how much I had changed. Then I heard a knock on my door as the person kept their eyes on me.

“Jess, We need to talk about how we are going to go to school,”James said,”Since I can’t go to my old school. So how are we going to do that?”

“I know a place,”I said holding a picture of my old school and friends.

Chapter 7

“Welcome to my school,”I said once we got there,”The school for talented kids. Mostly zombie people though.”

  We walked in as I told them about the school. The school was for the tribe as a place of security. All the student followed the traditions, rules except for a few, and no one knew who was one of them. There was a student chief, of the highest performance rate of couse.

“So were you the chief?”James asked.

“Yes,”I admitted,”Till I left then Amanda…”

   I never got to finish that sentence. I bumped into Amanda Rider, the new chief here. She turned to look at me as the group around her went quite. She looked at me with complete distaste as if I was someone of a lower class than her.

“Watch where you’re going Marks,”She hissed toward me,”I run this school now and what I say goes.”

“Jessica,”The group said.

   My friends were still the helpers to the chief. They all ran up to me and all made sure they gave me a hug. There were five of them and I was glad to see them all.

“You’re back,”said a black hair girl with blue eyes.

“Yes Macy,”I said.

   Macy was my adoptive sister. Her parents died from cancer, so my family took her on. She looked like me and was one of them as well. Her family was third in charge after Luke’s. Her brother, Jack, stood beside her in complete silence. He looked the same but had dirty blond hair. While Macy and me were the same age as he was two years younger than us.

  Then there were the triplets, Jasmine, Jack, and Jacob. Jasmine was older by three seconds and she had golden eyes. Jack was the second oldest by three seconds and he had brown eyes. Jacob was the youngest, he had the gray eyes. They all had blonde hair like their dad. They were also like me and was the same age as me. They were the wise crew of the tribe.

  The principle then walked up a little bit after that. He was the triplet’s father and a good friend to my dad. He looked like his children but had one gold eye and one gray eye. He wore a t-shirt and blue jeans like the students did. So he looked pretty

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