» Adventure » Beyond the Sparkle Forest, Camilia Wilson [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Beyond the Sparkle Forest, Camilia Wilson [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Camilia Wilson

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Bethany nodded, “I think you’re right. After all, that’s the only clue.” When they both were 100% sure that they were going through the cave with three gold stars on it, the cloud whooshed in. 10 seconds later, a huge mass of sparkling trees lay in front of them.   The Sparkling Forest


“I think this is the Sparkle Forest,” Marianna said, sounding excited. Bethany nodded,” Exactly.” The two sisters were getting more and more excited. They looked around. The trees were all sparkling with diamonds and other gems and the trees were looking as healthy as can be. It smelled fresh. They didn’t notice each others’ change at all until they looked at each other. Marianna’s and Bethany’s hair were all the style they wanted. Their dresses were also looking prettier.

  “You look much nicer! How did that happen?” asked Bethany sounding eager to know.

  “I don’t know. You look much nicer too! What I think is that there is magic in the stone wall and it grants our wish. That’s possible,” declared Marianna. Bethany agreed.

  A minute later, Bethany said, “They said they would be waiting for us. But I can’t see them anywhere!”

  “Do you think they tricked us?” asked Marianna anxiously.

  Bethany shook her head, “I don’t think so. After all, this place is so beautiful and has magic! How would they trick us?”

  Marianna shrugged, “Now we don’t know where we are and no one even shows up. I just want to know how in the world we’re going to get back to our house.” They waited and just stared into space. They thought of some plans and what this place might be. Will they get grilled like chicken? Will they be tied in ropes and get burned by fire? Will the place make them servants?

  “I just knew we shouldn’t have come. Now look what we’re into,” said Marianna crossly, “and it’s all about you!”

  “What did I do? Did I tell you to get lost?” snapped Bethany.

  “You told us to come! That’s what you did! You should’ve listened to me! I’m older than you so you always should’ve listened to me!” Marianna said angrily.

  “Mom didn’t say I always had to listen to you and you can’t blame me because I told you to make up your mind. You said yes,” said Bethany.

  “So? If I didn’t come will you faint with fear in the creepy forest and survive the desert? It was always me who helped you get through!” Marianna argued.





  Bethany sighed, “Let’s just stop it. It’s not worth arguing. We just have to wait and come up with some ideas.”

  “Okay, but I’ve got to get out of here,” said Marianna. They were silent and thought for a few minutes. Then they heard some rustling sounds in the leaves and bushes. They both froze.

  “What was that?” Bethany asked anxiously.

  “I don’t know. It might be some kind of creature that… that wants to eat us!” Marianna said alarmed. They were startled and went on talking about what kind of scary or unusual thing it might be.

  “Maybe we really will get grilled like chicken,” said Bethany her voice shivering.

  “What do we do? What is going to happen? What is the thing?” questioned Marianna quickly.

  “Sis, let’s just close our eyes like you told me to do in the creepy forest. Maybe it will help,” said Bethany. Marianna nodded. The two sisters closed their eyes and thought about happy things. Then they heard the rustling sound again. Their eyes shot open.

  “What was that?” they said at the same time. They looked at each other. This was scary! So this letter thingy really was a trick, after all? Marianna shook her head. No, this can’t be true. This place would not be a bad place. We didn’t get tricked. I’m sure someone would get us. We won’t get grilled like chicken. She thought to herself. She closed her eyes again. So did her sister. Then they heard some laughs and voices. Someone had come to rescue them! She opened her eyes. Nobody. She closed her eyes again. Voices. Her eyes opened. No one! How could this happen? Was she imagining it or was it a… ghost? No, it couldn’t be. Ghosts don’t exist, do they? Marianna thought to herself again. She opened her eyes again…


A Huge Surprise!

 In a distance, a faint light was twinkling. Marianna peered more closely. It seemed to get brighter and larger. Then she saw some shadows. It was someone! Then, she slowly made out a body. It was coming closer…

  “What is that?” Marianna suddenly heard a voice. She swooped around. Her sister was looking.

  “Look. It’s coming closer. Let’s stay still,” Marianna pointed at the light and suggested. They stood still. Then, someone burst through the leaves!

  “Hi! WELCOME! Let’s see,” a person in a fancy cloak said. He was looking at some list,” So, you’re Marianna and Bethany, right? Good. I’m Master Radrifaz and I’m here to have a talk with you. Well, well, well. Now, come with me.” He checked off something on the list. It seemed to be a list of names. Marianna and Bethany froze.

  “COME WITH ME!” He shouted.

  “Y-y-yes sir. B-but we’re s-still f-f-l-loating. Could y-you get us d-down?” stammered Marianna to afraid to speak.

  “Okay. Why hadn’t I thought of that?” said Master Radrifaz. He snapped his fingers and Marianna and Bethany started coming to the ground. The cloud slowly disappeared. Master Radrifaz used his hand to beckon the sisters and turned around. Marianna and Bethany were scared to hesitate so just followed. On their way following Master Radrifaz, they saw the magnificent trees. They were even prettier than the ones they just saw in the first place! Some were glittering gold, others were silver, bronze, and lots had the most sparkly gems on them than you’ve ever seen. But before they knew it, they stopped. They were in a huge clearing the size of 50 tennis courts! There were tables neatly put here and there with food piled on top of each of them. Some golden tables and chairs were placed at a far corner of the clearing. There were people dancing and people playing games. It was like a huge carnival!

  “Go on. It is our welcoming ceremony. All the guests are involved. Eat and have fun! But at midnight, we’ll leave,” replied Master Radrifaz. Marianna and Bethany stared. It looked fun!

  “Let’s go! Come on! I really want to try some food! After all that, it’s nice to eat and drink something,” said Bethany excitedly. Marianna nodded and didn’t hesitate. They went jumping in the clearing.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please do not do that! It’s not good manners!” shouted an elegantly dressed lady,” I’m Lady Kascade and would appreciate good manners. Now, stop skipping.” Marianna and Bethany slowed down and started walking. Lady Kascade nodded.

  For the next few hours, Marianna and Bethany had lots of fun. They tried lots of things. The food was delicious! No one could’ve not loved it! They danced in a few songs and played all sorts of games. You could even get a free cuddly stuffed animal at a stand! Marianna got a blue bear and Bethany got a pink rabbit. Although they were already sick of stuffed animals, they still really liked this new one. But soon they heard a bell.

  “What does that mean?” asked Bethany out loud.

  A few minutes later, some dressed-in-white people came into the clearing. It didn’t take Marianna or Bethany long to figure out that these people were chefs. The chefs cleared everything away and went out of the clearing. All left was the guests and some people from the palace-Nadora. Some people were wailing and squealing like little juveniles. They were really loud!

  Suddenly, Bethany froze like a statue. There was a faint sound of bells and galloping of horses.

  “Did you hear that?” hissed Bethany in Marianna’s ear. Marianna listened hard, and then her eyes became wide. She nodded.

  “What would horses be doing here?” asked Bethany anxiously. Marianna shrugged, “I have no idea.” The sound became louder and louder, and then they saw some horses, and BURST! Marianna and Bethany stepped back. In front of them was-was-was a bunch of magnificent carriages pulled by several gleaming white-coated horses with elegantly dressed coachmen sitting on one of the lead horses. There were so many carriages!

  Very soon, a lady that was dressed in the most fancy clothes you could think of came out of one of the carriages.

  “Hello, everyone! It is a good evening and I’m pleased to meet all of you! As you know, you might not believe this, but now you’re in a magical world. Don’t panic. We will take good care of you. Now, I would like the coachmen to tell you your carriage that you’ll be on,” said the lady very soothingly.

  One of the coachman nodded,” Sara and Danielle!” bellowed the coachman. Marianna and Bethany waited until someone called their names. At last, they heard the sound of their names.

  “Marianna and Bethany!” yelled a coachman that was standing beside a carriage that sparkled with all the jewels and it was painted magnificently with gold and silver. Marianna and Bethany walked into the carriage, but they were too excited to even walk! The carriage inside was even more gorgeous! There was one seat on each side of the carriage. The seats were comfy and were red. There were cushions on each seat. There was a miniature chandelier hanging in the carriage that made the inside cast a warm glow. Red curtains hung from the windows. When they climbed in, the coachman shut the door and Marianna and Bethany each chose a spot.

  “Bethany, it’s so nice in here!” said Marianna.

  “Yes, I know. But I wonder what we’ll do after we get off?” asked Bethany. Marianna just shrugged and then they enjoyed the rest of the trip in the carriage. On the way, Bethany slept for a while. But Marianna made her wake up. They accidentally got a notice from the coachman that said: PLEASE BE QUIET IN THE CARRIAGE. IF YOU DON’T IT WILL MAKE THE PEOPLE GRUMPY AND THE ROYAL MEMBERS WILL BE ANNOYED. SORRY TO BOTHER YOU BUT THIS IS AN INSTANT MESSAGE. THANK YOU.

  “Bethany. We seem to almost get there! I think I can see something. Wait-no, it is just the trees,” she sighed.


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