» Adventure » Beyond the Sparkle Forest, Camilia Wilson [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Beyond the Sparkle Forest, Camilia Wilson [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Camilia Wilson

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I know we’ve took a long time but we need to be a little patient. Our mom told us that when we were small and she always told us that. Even if we’re away for the minute, you still need to remember her words, right?” Bethany said seriously.

  “Yeah, I guess so- Wait, speaking of patience, I remember that you said for me to stay patient at some time. When was it? I was sure it was at the beginning when we haven’t come here yet…” sad Marianna

  “Sis, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I told you to be patient for a billion times already and you never complained much. Why bother you so much today?” answered Bethany annoyed.

  “Yes, never mind,” said Marianna. But at that moment, Bethany thought about the thing she did she didn’t want Marianna to know… A million years later, well, really only about 30 minutes, they finally reached the Nadora Palace. Wow, it took a long time for them to get here, so that means this is deep into the forest. Marianna and Bethany were amused at the sight of the palace.

The Wonderful Nadora Palace

The sight of the palace was beautiful! The two sisters and the other girls all staredsurprisingly and amusingly. The Nadora Palace shimmered. First it had a Silver gate 100 feet wide. That was the Grand Gate. Gems and crystals were specially nailed intothe gate. Swirly patterns of all kinds made up the gate. 5 guards stood at each side on the inside to make sure no one bad comes . After that there was another wall with a different gate that was golden and made with real creamy pink and white pearls. This was the Golden Gate. 5 guards also stood on each side of it. Then, there were still two gates after that. Those were the Protector Gates. They were made out of 1000 layers of steel and then covered with pictures of royal people. 5 guards stood on each side of those gates. All the walls were made out of 100 layers of steel in the inside, then 100 layers of rock on the middle layer, then 100 layers of marble on the very outside. When you get through all the gates, you get to the Great Moat. It is a 100 feet deep moat. There was a silvery marble bridge. It stood magnificently with jewels of all kids glimmering and shining. Guards stood at each end and side. The Nadora Palace was strongly protected.

  The Nadora Palace itself had 500 towers. It was 15,682,372,273,188,100,199,188 feet wide and 15,000 feet tall! It was mostly creamy white, pink, light blue, and light purple colors that the Palace had. Jewels, gems, pearls, gold, silver…were all on the palace towers and around it. It was the most beautiful structure you’ve ever seen. Walking in the palace made Bethany and Marianna nervous. It wasn’t scary, just a bit awkward. Was this real? Maybe it’s a dream? Maybe if they pinch themselves everything would be gone? But nothing did. Everything stayed, sparkling and shimmering in the moonlight.

  “My dears, now it’s time for all of you to come in! Do not be afraid, for you will have fun! Come, the royal servants will show you around,” the magnificently dressed lady said, “come in one by one!”

  “Oh my.”

  “Oh, my.” All the people went in, but one by one at a time of course! Bethany went in first. She gasped and her jaw dropped open. When Marianna went in, her jaw dropped open too! What in the world?! This place was so huge and magnificent!

  The fancy dressed lady walked up to the grand stage. She stood there and smiled. Then she spoke,” Everyone, listen to me! I am the queen of this land. Very soon the servants would show you around. But still, only some lucky fellows will have the chance to stay here. Now, please wait for your groups.” Some servants called names that would be put in groups. Marianna and Bethany waited to be called on. Soon, a woman called on them.

  “My girls, please. Come with me for the quick tour! Let’s first go to the rose hall,” the servant said. Their group walked to a hall that had a sign saying ‘ROSE HALL’. It was fancy, covered with a rose design.

  “The rose hall is the hall that has lots of rooms where members of the palace stays. This is the very first level to start with. Every once in a while, different girls get chosen to come here. The lucky ones get chosen to stay. They start off with the 1st level: Level Rose.

As they earn enough points, they move up to the 2nd level: Level Tulip. When they get to the 3rd level, Level Orchid, we then set off to choose more people. You guys are here for now. When you guys are in level Orchid, we will have some newcomers! You will see lots of people here now, and lots of them that you don’t know. Ok, let’s see what the rooms are like,” the servant explained. Then she muttered some words and the doors immediately opened,” Go, my girls! Now you could go look in every room in the Rose hall! Don’t wander off!” Marianna and Bethany quickly walked around, looking in every room. Lots of roses covered the walls. Those wallpaper were beautiful! The beds were fancy. Each room was huge! There were 5 beds in each room. Each bed had a door. It was like 5 mini rooms in a huge room. Each mini room was huge too! So, not many places have things like this. Actually, many do. Like the fanciest hotels… But, they had the chance to be able to sleep and live in one for a very long period! How exciting! Each mini room had a silver door. A name tag was put on each one. But they were all empty. No one lives in the rose hall right now; they are the ones to own the rose hall soon. They opened each door. A bed layed in the very left side of the mini room. A small table was put beside it with a rose colored lamp. There were a few shelves for putting things, a few chairs, a table, and two silver bells. One had numbers below them. Bethany wondered what the silver bells were for. Meanwhile, the servant walked in.

  “Girls, do you have any questions about the room? I can explain everything clearly!” the servant asked joyfully.

  “Of course we do! Thank you so much. Um, can you tell us what the silver bells are for? Ha ha, I really love the rooms! They are very pretty and clean.” Bethany answered.

  “Oh, no problem! This is one of the nice things we have in the palace. It’s for easier communication. The small bell is for communicating with your friends. You just need to put in the correct number of the room. Of course, their own mini room. Then just press the button that says ‘ok’ and ring the bell. That way, you could talk to each other through the bell. The larger bell is when we call for reminders and meetings, and when you want something. When you ring it, you will hear the voice coming out of the bell. That is the royal manager. She will ask you what you want and ring the servants to prepare. That makes things easier, right?”

  “That is very, very cool! At my house, I never had those things!” Marianna exclaimed. The servant smiled, “Maybe you’ll get the chance to stay…”

  Suddenly, a large sound came. Oh, it was just the loudspeaker.

  “Everyone, listen up! Gather to the grand stage. We would have the choosing ceremony there! Quick, everyone! No time to lose!” the queen said through the loudspeaker. Everyone quickly moved through the doors. They gathered at the grand stage. The queen was there already.

  “Girls, now we will have the happy and sad part. Lots of you won’t get chosen, but lots of you will too. If you don’t, then you would have to immediately go. If you do, then we would arrange you to your room. As in your letters, we told you that your mom and dad won’t worry. Their minds would know. Let the ceremony begin!” The queen announced.

A Member of the Palace

  There was lots of murmuring. Marianna and Bethany were so nervous. They might not get chosen! Uh-oh. What is one of them get’s chosen and one doesn’t? Then they would be split up! No, that is not going to happen.

  “Ok, I will announce the members that will be staying! Drum roll, girls!” The queen announced. 1. Andrea Smith! 2. Aubrey Wilming! 3. Rebecca Wilson……… 56. Bethany Altimerg………………… 78. Marianna Altimerg……………………. 100. Michelle Park! Thank you, everyone! Those are the people who got chosen. Tonight you will find everything ready for you. The others who didn’t get chosen, you will get chosen someday. We will call you to come again. But that is a few years later. Off you go!” the queen announced. But Marianna and Bethany were gasping. Wow, they got chosen, both of them!

  One of the servants said,” Today we will take you to your room. Your name would be put on the door along with your door’s number. 5 girls would share a room! Ok, we will now take you.” The servants led them through the long halls. Finally, they saw the rose hall. Everyone eagerly listened for their names to be called.

  “Casey Maraddin, Marianna Altimerg, Sabrina Moasic, Bethany Altimerg, and Teresa Humbert! You are in room 15749294. Go in and look for the door that has your name on it.” A servant said. They did as told and they were so excited! They were sure going to have some fascinating adventures! When everyone was finished, they had some talking and playing. They knew adventures were ahead of them. It was a dream, and that was the whole new dream. Of course, though, Marianna and Bethany had other dreams, and they were about to come true…



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