» Adventure » Time Twins, Monkswalk [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

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don’t think it’s an accident that we have travelled through time. I think we can control it. Wait I’ve got it! When we read those Tudor books in the hospital they got our brain thinking about it triggering our time travelling ability and straight afterwards we found ourselves in Tudor times. That has to be it.
“Hey Sam, I think I know how all this happened”.
“How?” Sam asked. “Well you know how we read those books about Tudors?
“Yes” said Sam enthusiastically, “Well my theory is that we can control our time travelling ability by getting our brain thinking about a certain era. “Yes” said Sam starting to see the reality of things. “So all we have to do is find a book about the year 2011, right?” questioned Sam. “Somehow I don’t think things are going to be quite as simple as that”. “Ohhhh” groaned Sam.
“Look there’s a lady coming towards us”.
“Hello twins I’m your guardian basically I’m here to help you through your adventure, get in my car and I’m going to take you to the only place in the universe that will tell you how to get back” said the guardian smugly. “But where are you taking us” said Sam trembling with fear, it will be okay Sam. The car was luxurious with a TV, games, and huge seats with a massaging machine. It was like Heaven all squeezed into a car.

“So where are you taking us and what is your name?”
“My name is Mary and as I said before I am taking you to the only place in the universe that will get you back” said Mary getting a bit tired of having to repeat herself.
“Right” said Sam restlessly”.
The car finally arrived at our final destination.
“Get out Sam and Amy”
“Hey how do you know our names?”
“Err um I just do I’m your guardian aren’t I, I know these things”
As we entered the strange plain white building our so called ‘GUARDIAN’ locked us in and left us there.
“Let me out, let me out” said Sam on the edge of having a panic attack.
“CALM DOWN SAM! She wouldn’t have just left us here to starve and die.
“She might have” said Sam recovering from his near panic attack.
“ Look over here it’s some kind of scroll it says ‘OPTIONS’.

Chapter 7
The Decision


You have come to the future, to the past from the present; some may say you’ve crossed the path of destruction, for now you are going to have to choose, which time period won’t make you lose?
Choose one …
Past: You shall go back to the past, and keep your powers but split.
Present: You shall go to the present, where you belong. You shall have each other, but no longer your powers.
Future: You shall go to the future, but forget all that happened before then. You won’t know about your powers or your twin and may or may not discover them.
Choose one …

Sam here. We’ve just read this sheet, faded and worn, explaining three horrible situations they call options that we don’t want to happen. It feels kind of strange even imagining these things going on, because we don’t want to lose our powers, but NEVER each other. What would Amy do without me? I’m the oyster to her shell.
“Do you think these are real?” Amy questioned, biting the corner of her lip, her lips making a parallelogram. She’s trying to be brave, so brave, but Amy can’t hide emotions like I can. I was pretty close to breaking. Not good. This whole experience was pretty darn strange.
“I don’t know how we can tell … I hope they’re not real. All three are lose-lose situations. Losing you-” I broke off. See, this is what happens when I’m in a bad situation for more than a few hours. Oops. Can’t lose this emotion barrier, or else we’re both doomed.

White again, so much darn white. That place … before we went to the Tudor period … this room reminds me of it. Apart from the fact that there’s a cuboid block of glass in the middle of the room instead of hospital beds and I feel a bit crazier in here because we can’t get out.

I heard tapping. Yep, I’m definitely crazy. I wandered over to the glass block and examined it with as much interest as I could muster. I felt Amy stiffen beside me, and her head whipped around. I spun around, too, and I found a woman, so very familiar walk carefully into the room, as if we were bombs needed to be tended to with care. The woman that was stalking us through time. Time to get some answers.

I edged closer to Amy, one foot slightly in front of her, my body turned towards her. This woman is mysterious, emotionless, a stalker – and we don’t even know her. She was probably the one who locked us in this room.

“Hi kids. Remember me? I’m sure you do,” she laughed quietly, perhaps sadly, but she showed no expression on her face. “I can almost hear your thoughts by your face Sam; you always thought no one could suss you out, but I always could. And Amy, you’re such an intelligent girl, and strong and independent. You don’t need Sam to lead you.” I think she paused to give us time to digest this, but also to try and get a grip of herself. She was hot and flustered and her eyes were wild. Your stalker claiming to know you is pretty overwhelming.

“I always did love you, and when I lost you, I travelled through time to try and see you, find you, so I could restore you.” Her face trembled and she faced downwards. Maybe she wasn’t so emotionless after all, a bit like me.

“I don’t understand. Randomly, you keep appearing and you think we’ll believe that you have an OK reason for following us and do you think we’ll believe that you know us? Who are you?” I wish she’d just tell me the facts but none of this nitty-gritty stuff. Like I cared about her problems. I just want to be normal again and I want this nightmare to end.

“I know this sounds strange, even crazy, but I’m related to you. OK? I’m your mother, and I do care about you. I’m not some random stalker,” She flung her arms around, trying to get her point across, but she looked a bit crazed. “These are options you have to choose from and they have major consequences, so you’d better choose a good path. I’ll have to leave you after you decide, but I just wanted to tell you the truth and also that I love you.”

I don’t really know what to say, to be honest. I’m stunned into silence, and do you want to know why? I’m starting to feel sorry for this woman. She could be saying a load of dog’s turd for all I know, but she sounds like she’s telling the truth. I’m confused.
“Just discuss it with each other and use the talent you possess. I love you.” She paused for a second, as if thinking about doing something, but turned around and walked back through the door.

I think there’s only one thing to choose. We have decided.

Chapter 8
Sam and Amy
We felt ourselves slipping through time again …

Publication Date: 03-04-2011

All Rights Reserved

To Mr Lancaster for being amazing

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