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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift
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Title: Gulliver's Travels
Author: Jonathan Swift
Illustrator: Milo Winter
Release Date: May 31, 2021 [eBook #65473]
Language: English
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I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground

Page 8




with illustrations by

New York Chicago San Francisco

Copyright, 1912, by
Rand McNally & Company

All rights reserved
Edition of 1936

Made in U. S. A.

THE CONTENTS PAGE The List of Illustrations xi A Biographical Note 1 A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT CHAPTER I The Author gives some Account of Himself and Family—His first Inducements to Travel—He is shipwrecked, and swims for his Life—Gets safe on Shore in the Country of Lilliput—Is made a Prisoner, and carried up the Country 5 CHAPTER II The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the Nobility, comes to see the Author in his Confinement—The Emperor’s Person and Habits described—Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language—He gains Favor by his Mild Disposition—His Pockets are searched, and his Sword and Pistols taken from him 18 CHAPTER III The Author diverts the Emperor, and his Nobility of both Sexes, in a very Uncommon Manner—The Diversions of the Court of Lilliput described—The Author has his Liberty granted him, upon Certain Conditions 30 CHAPTER IV Mildendo, the Metropolis of Lilliput, described, together with the Emperor’s Palace—A Conversation between the Author and a Principal Secretary, concerning the Affairs of that Empire—The Author’s Offers to serve the Emperor in his Wars 40 CHAPTER V The Author, by an Extraordinary Stratagem, prevents an Invasion—A high Title of Honor is conferred upon him—Ambassadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefuscu, and sue for Peace 47 CHAPTER VI Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput; their Learning, Laws, and Customs; the Manner of educating their Children—The Author’s Way of Living in that Country—His Vindication of a Great Lady 54 CHAPTER VII The Author being informed of a Design to accuse him of High Treason, makes his Escape to Blefuscu—His Reception there 67 CHAPTER VIII The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefuscu; and, after some Difficulties, returns safe to his Native Country 77 A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG CHAPTER I A great Storm described; the Longboat sent to fetch Water; the Author goes with it to discover the Country—He is left on Shore, is seized by one of the Natives, and carried to a Farmer’s House—His Reception there, with several Accidents that happened to him—A Description of the Inhabitants 85 CHAPTER II A Description of the Farmer’s Daughter—The Author carried to a Market Town, and then to the Metropolis—The Particulars of his Journey 100 CHAPTER III The Author sent for to Court—The Queen buys him of his Master, the Farmer, and presents him to the King—He disputes with His Majesty’s great Scholars—An Apartment at Court provided for the Author—He is in high Favor with the Queen—He stands up for the Honor of his own Country—His Quarrels with the Queen’s Dwarf 107 CHAPTER IV The Country described—A Proposal for correcting Modern Maps—The King’s Palace, and some Account of the Metropolis—The Author’s Way of Traveling—The Chief Temple described 120 CHAPTER V Several Adventures that happened to the Author—The Execution of a Criminal—The Author shows his Skill in Navigation 126 CHAPTER VI Several Contrivances of the Author to please the King and Queen—He shows his Skill in Music—The King inquires into the State of Europe, which the Author relates to him—The King’s Observations thereon 136 CHAPTER VII The Author’s Love of his Country—He makes a Proposal of much Advantage to the King, which is rejected—The King’s great Ignorance in Politics—The Learning of that Country very imperfect and confined—The Laws and Military Affairs and Parties in the State 147 CHAPTER VIII The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers—The Author attends them—The Manner in which he leaves the Country very particularly related—He returns to England 155 A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB AND JAPAN CHAPTER I The Author sets out on his Third Voyage—Is taken by Pirates—The Malice of a Dutchman—His Arrival at an Island—He is received into Laputa 169 CHAPTER II The Humors and Dispositions of the Laputians described—An Account of their Learning—Of the King and his Court—The Author’s Reception there—The Inhabitants subject to Fears and Disquietudes—An Account of the Women 176 CHAPTER III A Phenomenon solved by modern Philosophy and Astronomy—The Laputians’ great Improvements in the Latter—The King’s Method of suppressing Insurrections 187 CHAPTER IV The Author leaves Laputa—Is conveyed to Balnibarbi—Arrives at the Metropolis—A Description of the Metropolis and the Country adjoining—The Author hospitably received by a Great Lord—His Conversation with that Lord 194 CHAPTER V The Author permitted to see the Grand Academy of Lagado—The Academy largely described—The Arts wherein the Professors employ themselves 201 CHAPTER VI A further Account of the Academy—The Author proposes some Improvements, which are honorably received 209 CHAPTER VII The Author leaves Lagado—Arrives at Maldonada—No Ship ready—He takes a short Voyage to Glubbdubdrib—His Reception by the Governor 216 CHAPTER VIII A further Account of Glubbdubdrib—Ancient and modern History corrected 221 CHAPTER IX The Author’s Return to Maldonada—Sails to the Kingdom of Luggnagg—The Author confined—He is sent for to Court—The Manner of his Admittance—The King’s great Lenity to his Subjects 228 CHAPTER X The Luggnaggians commended—A Particular Description of the Struldbrugs, with many Conversations between the Author and some Eminent Persons upon that Subject 233 CHAPTER XI The Author leaves Luggnagg, and sails to Japan—From thence he returns in a Dutch Ship to Amsterdam, and from Amsterdam to England 244 A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS CHAPTER I The Author sets out as Captain of a Ship—His Men conspire against him, confine him a Long Time to his Cabin, and set him on Shore in an Unknown Land—He travels up in the Country—The Yahoos, a strange Sort of Animal, described—The Author meets two Houyhnhnms 249 CHAPTER II The Author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his House—The House described—The Author’s Reception—The Food of the Houyhnhnms—The Author in Distress for Want of Meat is at last relieved—His Manner of Feeding in this Country 257 CHAPTER III The Author studious to learn the Language—The Houyhnhnm his Master assists in teaching him—The Language described—Several Houyhnhnms of Quality come out of Curiosity to see the Author—He gives his Master a Short Account of his Voyage 265 CHAPTER IV The Houyhnhnms’ Notion of Truth and Falsehood—The Author’s Discourse disapproved by his Master—The Author gives a more particular Account of himself, and the Accidents of his Voyage 272 CHAPTER V The Author at his Master’s Command, informs him of the State of England—The Causes of War among the Princes of Europe—The Author begins to explain the English Constitution 279 CHAPTER VI A Continuation of the State of England under Queen Anne—The Character of a first Minister of State in some European Courts 289 CHAPTER VII The Author’s great Love of his Native Country—His Master’s Observations upon the Constitution and Administration of England, as described by the Author, with parallel Cases and Comparisons—His Master’s Observations upon Human Nature 297 CHAPTER VIII The Author relates several Particulars of the Yahoos—The great Virtues of the Houyhnhnms—The Education and Exercise of their Youth—Their General Assembly 305 CHAPTER IX A grand Debate at the General Assembly of the Houyhnhnms, and how it was determined—The Learning of the Houyhnhnms—Their Buildings—Their Manner of Burials—The Defectiveness of their Language 311 CHAPTER X The Author’s Economy and Happy Life among the Houyhnhnms—His great Improvement in Virtue by conversing with them—Their Conversations—The Author has Notice given him by his Master that he must depart from the Country—He falls into a Swoon for Grief, but submits—He contrives and finishes a Canoe by the Help of a Fellow Servant, and puts to Sea at a Venture 318 CHAPTER XI The Author’s dangerous Voyage—He arrives at New Holland, hoping to settle there—Is wounded with an Arrow by one of the Natives—Is seized and carried by Force into a Portuguese Ship—The great Civilities of the Captain—The Author arrives at England 327 CHAPTER XII The Author’s Veracity—His Design in publishing this Work—His Censure of those Travelers who swerve from the Truth—The Author clears himself from any Sinister Ends in writing—An Objection answered—The Method of planting Colonies—His Native Country commended—The Right of the Crown to those Countries described by the Author is justified—The Difficulty of conquering them—The Author takes his Last Leave of the Reader; proposes his Manner of Living for the Future; gives Good Advice, and concludes 337

THE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Facing “I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on Each Side to the Ground” Title “I likewise delivered up my Watch, which the Emperor was very curious to see” 26 “They perceived the Whole Fleet moving in Order” 50 “I have passed many an Afternoon very agreeably in these Conversations” 64 “These horrible Animals had the Boldness to attack me on Both Sides” 96 “I banged it a Good While with One of my Sculls” 128 “I heard a Noise over my Head like the Clapping of Wings” 160 “At last we entered the Palace” 182 “He had been Eight Years upon a Project for extracting Sunbeams out of Cucumbers” 206 “I saw coming towards the House a Kind of Vehicle drawn like a Sledge by Four Yahoos” 260


Jonathan Swift, whose name stands unchallenged at the head of the list of English satirists, was born on Irish soil, for it was in Dublin on November 30, 1667, that he opened his eyes upon a career in which fortune and misfortune alternated in swift succession for seventy-eight years. Before his birth his father died, and his youth was embittered by the grudging provision made by an uncle for his education. Though a keen lover of history and poetry, he held in high disdain the ordinary study routine and the various regulations which govern institutions, obtaining his degree from Trinity College in Ireland’s capital city only by grace of special indulgence.

Restless and resentful and unhappy, when the Revolution of 1688 drove him forth from

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