» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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if I didn't know that she was completely serious, I mean she had told me before that she had nothing to her name so I didn't push it. Holly had officially been staying here for a few weeks much to my pleasure, she may still be slightly skittish around the pack when left along with them but she was doing a hell of a lot better than when she had first arrived here when I had found her in the snow. Her confidence was slowly growing and I made sure I was there every step of the way. I couldn't help but smile in my still sleep—filled state when I thought about her, the fact she was constantly on my mind not bothering me as much as it probably should have. The reason why I didn't mind was down to the fact she was absolutely perfect for me in every way possible, I loved her and I didn't bother to hide it. I was brought back to the present when the annoying sensation on my nose continued causing me to shift slightly to try and get rid of it. Any normal person would have simply scratched the itch but that would mean removing one of my arms from my mate and that was just unacceptable on my part. I managed to try and ignore it for a few minutes until I knew getting back to sleep was pointless, my eyes snapping open only to find my own brown eyes staring into my mate’s bright amber ones. I grinned, giving her blushing form a wink when I realized she had been the one behind my incessant need to scratch as she had been flicking my nose playfully until I woke up."Morning" I grinned, loving it when she did the same."Morning" she greeted before trying to wiggle out of my arms, the fact I had unintentionally tightened them around her while I slept only then becoming aware to me. "Adrian" she whined slightly, it was utterly adorable."What's wrong?" I asked as I instinctively tightened my grasp making her squirm."I need to pee and you won't let go" was my mate’s blushing reply causing me to quickly let her go with an amused smile, though it soon turned into a frown when I panicked that my incessant cuddling of her may put her off sleeping next to me. I was quickly reassured when she sent me a killer watt smile though before she hurried into the bathroom, the fact she didn't bother to lock the door when she was in their making it impossible for me to keep my smile hidden. I doubt she even realized how must trust she was actually putting in me; I loved it! While she was in there I flicked on the TV, not bothering to get out of bed as I folded my arm beneath my head before relaxing against the pillow. It was the weekend and while I didn't go to school anymore that didn't mean I turned down the opportunity to be lazy and literally just slouch about all day. It didn't take long for me to hear the flush of the toilet and for Holly to come back into the room, her small pajamas again having a reaction on me as I swallowed harshly at the delicious sight of her as she plodded back over towards the bed before sliding under the sheets.



Chapter 52


"Feel better?" I asked causing her to flush a bright red."Uh huh" was all I got as a reply, my arm moving to stretch out on the bed as she curled up against my side. My arm went around her as she leaned her head on my chest, glancing at the tell as she breathed in deeply. I smiled as she took in my scent. It was only a few minutes later that I could hear footsteps up the stairs, my brows pulling together into a frown as there was a sudden knock at the door."What?" I snapped, slightly annoyed that the quality time I was spending with my mate was being interrupted."Sorry Alpha, it's Paul," my beta replied. "We have a problem" he continued causing me to frown before sighing."Is it urgent?" I asked with a groan."It's to do with the elder’s packhouse" Paul continued causing me to sigh."Give me ten minutes" I scowled back, hearing his retreating steps as he headed back down the stairs. The elder's packhouse was where the older members of the pack lived. It worked better that way, having a packhouse for us while they had their own. It wasn't that they were excluded or treated differently since they were highly respected by all of us, but having an entire pack living under one roof was a problem just waiting to happen. Looking down with a sigh I took note of how Holly was looking up at me with those amazingly rare eyes of hers, her chin resting on my bare chest as she stared at me. I couldn't help but smile, my fingers running over her soft cheek making her mirror my expression."I won't be long" I promised her causing her to nod before she pulled herself out of my arms, sitting up on the bed as she looked down at me. I couldn't help but take in how her rich raven locks fell over her barely covered chest, how they ran in thick curls as they brushed against her still slightly pale cheeks. It had been a few weeks since I had found her and while they had been the best of my life Holly still had a long way to go before she would be completely healthy. Her body was still a fragile little thing so we hadn't even tried asking her to shift, Lisa having mentioned that much like before if she even tried to it would not only be an incredibly painful experience for her but it could have life—damaging consequences. Neither was worth the risk as far as I was concerned. She was a lot more stable though. She could now walk a lot more gracefully and her body no longer shook when she moved which was a relief, it had been deeply unsettling for me to have to watch my mate's hands and legs shake with the strain of even the smallest of movements. Shaking my head to clear those types of thoughts from my mind I gazed up at her, propping myself up on an elbow as my hand rose to cup her cheek. I let my thumb brush against her lower lip, it puckering deliciously at the action much to my delight."Kiss me" I heard her breath just under her breath causing me to instantly capture her lips with my own. Like I would turn down the opportunity to lay one on my temping little mate. The soft but caring kiss lasted for approximately two minutes before we broke apart, my tongue darting out to lick my lips as I stared deeply into her slightly dilated eyes. The delicate aroma of her arousal hit my senses causing a rumbled—like purr to erupt from my upper chest, my arms moving to encircle her waist as I soon pressed my lips back against hers. I groaned. I couldn't help it when I felt her smaller form mold against mine, her hands pressing against my bare chest as the contact only ignited the flame of desire in me as I soon found myself looming over her fragile form. I let my eyes greedily rake over her, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took as she stared back at me through half—lidded eyes. I licked my lips, taking in her own swollen ones as her fingers danced over my biceps almost hesitantly as she tilted her head slightly to the right."You look so beautiful" I told her honestly, collapsing on my elbows but making sure to keep my weight off her. I knew my form would crush her if I let her feel my weight completely; something that was completely unacceptable to me. Holly didn't say anything, rather tilting her head further to the side as a blush rose up her neck to her cheeks. I couldn't help but wonder how far that blush went down, my knees shifting slightly so they knelt in—between her legs as her creamy skinned limbs parted to allow me to do so."It's true" I continued, my tone soft. "You are so, so beautiful" I breathed, lowing my mouth until my lips found hers yet again. I would never grow tired of this."Mm"Her moan of delight only further flamed my lust but I was careful not to overstep my mark, not wanting to startle her like a frightened animal.




Chapter 53


The simple thought of mating with her, of making love and allowing our bodies to slide together in a dance older than time was enough to have me hard and wanting, to have my wolf panting at the mental image and the thought alone.I tried to calm my urges, the fact I was an alpha not helping in the matter since my instincts were more sensitive and aggressive to that of another wolf. I was the leader of the pack after all, my wolf was bound to be more hostile because of it."Adrian" I heard her breathe, it being like music to my fucking ears as I growled lowly in my throat. She shivered at the sound, my lips pulling reluctantly off hers which elicited a whimper from her swollen lips. I smirked.Moving my lips to her neck I let my tongue dart out to taste her skin, my eyes rolling back into my head at her essence. She tasted so sweet, so fresh…Moaning under me my mate tilted her head to the side, my hand rising as my fingers brushed her hair to the side as I cupped her cheek. My mouth continued to taste her, my tongue licking at the flesh of her neck as I made sure to keep my teeth at bay. Even playfully nipping at her skin could cause the alpha in me to gain control enough to bite into her, to mark her as ours forever. Holly may be letting me touch her, but I would never bite her without her permission first."Adrian" she whimpered, her arousal almost suffocating as I breathed it in thickly. I growled at her aroma, the fact she smelt so bloody good only making me gladder that I had found her and

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