» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

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a mission well done in Afghanistan. Lt Jacobs not only exhibited outstanding leadership in the organization and tactical accomplishment of taking out an important terrorist cell in the city of Mazar I Sharif, he captured one of the most wanted Al Queda terrorists on our watch list. I have been in touch with Simon Weisenberg, the Israeli Prime minister who will be on our screen here ……the VPOUS looked at her watch and over at the technician in charge of the audio video equipment in the room who nodded affirmatively…. In three minutes.” This was a very, together, organized Lady that knew the ballgame. “He has expressed his country’s gratitude in the capture and turn over to their government of Raj Al Kayev” As some of you may know, this terrorist has some special and heinous crimes against Israel that make him a very high profile fugitive. “
The screen changed from the HAS seal to a picture of a room or office that was very opulent and well equipped. It was the office of the Prime Minister of Israel and his face was looking into the room where the VPOS responded to his greeting
“Good day Mr. Prime Minister. We are pleased that you could take the time to join us for this conference.”
“Thank you Madame Vice President. The honor is mine the morning. The state of Israel wishes to express our gratitude for the recent apprehension of the terrorist Raj Al Kayev by your personnel. In that respect, may I ask if Lt. Jacobs is in attendance in your meeting there?
DJ almost ruined the fresh pair of skivvies he had put on that morning upon hearing his name from the Prime Minister.
“He is. Would you please stand Lt.?” The general said as he motioned with his hand.
It was on two very week legs that the young Army Lt., only two and a half years out of the academy, proudly stood at attention and responded to the leader of the nation of Israel.
“I am here Prime Minister Weisenberg. I am honored Sir.”
Lt. Jacobs, the entire nation of Israel is thankful for what you did for our country in this recent mission. For your bravery in the apprehension of this terrorist even while wounded, this nation will present to you our Nation’s highest award, the Medal Of Valor. We would request your presence in our country for this occasion and understanding your present concerns in capturing the remaining terrorists, will wait a period of time before making the presentation. Again thank you on behalf of the people of Israel.” He then said good bye to the VPOUS and the screen returned to the agency seal.
The room exploded in applause and the very proud General and the VPOUS got up from their seat and came over to DJ. The general gave DJ a very firm military handshake with a pat on the back but the VPOUS grabbed him and gave him a big hug.
Sally O’Malley was a strong gal. DJ blushed and thanked her as the room returned to the attention of the individual that came in with the VP.
“We are ready Madame Vice President.” He simply stated as a photograph of a C-17 cargo aircraft flashed on the screen. It was a unusual configuration because of the round turret mounted on the belly. It looked somewhat like a flying fortress with an extremely large belly gun turret.
He started his presentation.
The advanced tactical laser ( ATL) is mounted on the underside of this c-17 transport aircraft. The five point five ton unit combines chlorine and hydrogen peroxide molecules to release energy that stimulates iodine into intense infra-red, silent and invisible laser with a twenty kilometers striking range.
One of the most desirable attributes of this weapon is the “plausible deniability” of its use. The advantage is that the US could deny any involvement with the destruction it causes. There would be no munitions fragments that could be used to identify the source of the strike. Besides the covert-plausible deniability angle the other pros to this 100KW-class high energy chemical laser include ultra speed of light engagement and pinpoint accuracy. The unit is capable of picking off a vehicle’s tires. A larger unit is under research that is said to have capability to pick out an incoming ICBM.
The engineer concluded by stating that he was unaware of just how the unit would be used in the mission they were about to witness

Chapter 25
Operation stingray opens a new era in covert tactical procedure

The screen did a slight fade and the face of Lt.General Raul Montalvo appeared. The background of the room behind the Lt. General indicated he was teleconferencing from a tactical operations center. The general had a very serious look on his face as he spoke the opening to his presentation.
“Good morning Madame Vice President and others of you who are present for this exercise. I want to give you some background on the weapon we are about to use here today prior to the real time display of the actual mission in progress. The Boeing engineers in this operation are, in most part, the people responsible for the design and development of this weapon. We considered the fact that although somewhat out of DOD normal operating restraints, they should take part in the actual launch of their many years of work. Therefore, the three technicians that are going to arm the weapon are civilians. This is a bit outside the box but in our opinion, necessary for the success of the mission. I must note here that the actual firing of the weapon will at all times be conducted by a military combatant
In the background you could hear the pilot of the C-17. “STINGRAY COMMAND, THIS IS SCORPION, ETA TARGET IN FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST THE HOUR” The commander of the C17 was clear and spoke with a very distinct pronouncement describing their approach. The teleconference screen then shifted to a overall view of the farm house and target area that was obviously from a sat cam on station miles above the earth.
The scene was the usual movement of workers moving to and from the mill area. Over at the large enclosure that held the underground arsenal, the doors to the underground storage area were wide open. It was a clear day with no cloud cover of haze. This was almost like the location and area that a movie producer would dream about for filming an action movie.

The silence of the room at Arlington was broken by a question from the VPOUS.
“Lt. General Montalvo?-- To your knowledge will this detonation of the target be detectable by nuclear atmospheric sensors?
“We have not seen any trace of the explosion in the past tests at Kirkland AFB Madame VP. However, the magnitude of the expected explosion here will possibly be different depending on the number of items of ordinance stored here. I think it would be prudent if you could ask the atmosphere people in Las Vegas to take a look to see if we register on their sensors. If, you can do that without compromising our security? “
“Lt General Jacobs?” Asked Sally O’Malley, the best looking VPOS ever to enter this command sit-center
“I’d have to object to that unless you have a very important reason other than being prepared if we get any questions that come over the red phone. I’d like to keep the security ring as tight as possible Sally.”
“OK. No request to Vegas. It will be interesting if they do come at us—Vegas that is--- with a statement.”
The speaker crackled a bit then an obvious air to ground transmission announced to anxious ears in the room and in Kabul that Scorpion was inbound to the target.
Kabul answered the command pilot of the C17 that was about to make history.
The teleconference screen then split. The image on the left screen was the farmhouse from the satellite and the right side screen was the target painted with the target laser from scorpion. The right side screen suddenly added a cross hair scope configuration. In the upper right of the screen rolling numbers indicated the distance to the target image painted on the screen. In the opposite corner, real time clock in minutes and seconds was rolling. The Julian date was at the bottom.
On board the C17 adrenalin was flowing like a fast trout stream. Mike Aguirre’s mind kept flashing back to one of those documentaries on the history channel where the crew of the Enola Gay, the B29 crew that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. He returned quickly to safety check and release when he heard the words arm the weapon and standby to fire came over his intercom. Mike took a reading on the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide tank and recorded it in his portable computer. The data was automatically transmitted wireless to the main design center at Boeing Corporation in Renton Washington. Mike then turned to his right and gave the technician sitting in the ATL control seat a thumbs up and remarked ; “Everything is go on this end Sheila. Do your thing.” Sheila Tait responded with a glance at the air force Major who was the trigger man in this operation and said; “Major, I will now make the final settings and the weapon will be ready for fire. Make your RTF to command at your discretion.” She then set several toggle switches on red and moved a dial. “Boeing control, I have ground temperature of 103 degrees F and humidity at 87 percent. I show wind from the southeast at 15 knots. Sending arming code …….now.” The intercom relayed the response from the people in Renton and suddenly, a second and third panel came to life on the aircraft weapon station. On a large rectangular section of the panel the numbers slowly appeared in sequence. 7…1….3…..6….7…..1…..4. And then flashed three times to acknowledge that the sequence was complete. The forty-two year old Sheila Tait looked at the numbers and keyed her mike. “Control I have 7136714. Is my read back correct?” She received an affirmative in response and then turned to the Major and in a very loud and clear voice announced that she was turning control over to him for the tactical fire procedure. On the screen showing the target the words WEAPON ARMED AND RFF appeared. Mike reported to the plane commander; WE HAVE WEAPON ARMED AND LOCKED ON TARGETS ALPHA-BRAVO-CHARLIE AND DELTA. The commander then called Kabul command.
Stingray this is Scorpion. We are over target and ready for launch. The pilot of the C17 was in position and requesting permission to fire.
Scorpion this is Stingray. Fire all phases when ready and stay on station for additional instructions. Over.
The Lt. General in Kabul wanted this mission to be flawless. For this reason he commanded the aircraft to stay over the target after firing the four phases of the laser in case there were other targets of opportunity that appeared after the blast.
The aircraft was at 37,000 ft and circling above the farm. Haji Abibi was moving the pallet of black boxes from the truck that had just arrived to the opening to the underground warehouse when the red flash came from the sky above. One minute Haji was moving his forklift and within the following three seconds
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