» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗». Author W.Addison Gast

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closed the gate.
The turbaned one came up to the drivers door of the lead sedan.
In a very pronounced Arabic dialect he greeted the driver who had rolled down the window.
“Masa alkhar” (Good morning)
The driver responded “Masa alnur”
“Enter the building straight ahead and we will start working on your vehicles.”
The driver did as he was instructed and while several people who were inside the building approached the vehicles and started applying flags, different plates and embassy emblems to the black sedans, the passengers took a break and ate some rations that they had brought with them.
Within two hours there was an official Embassy Entourage assembled and the occupants looked every bit the Royal image required.
At the airport they were met by a distinguished looking young man in a western pin striped three piece suit and a turban. The drivers pulled into a designated reserved area alongside the curb while the man who met them collected their passports and asked them to follow him into the terminal. Four uniformed Indian soldiers escorted the royal group up to the ticket counter and as pin stripe collectively gave the ticket person the passports and a large manila envelope, the person behind the counter handed the escort four ticket envelopes.
The group then proceeded to the security area and marched easily up to the area marked “Aircrew and diplomat”
There was no hesitation. As each passed thru the metal detector they were directed to get on the personnel cart waiting to take them to the gate. Badra was carrying the container under her large cover robe. Even though the detector gave out a distinguished “Beeeeeep” as she passed, the attendant waved her on over to the waiting cart. The uniformed army personnel took a second cart out to the gate and escorted the group directly onto Delta flight 5 outbound for Kennedy Airport ,New York City, USA. The entire first class section had been purchased by the Royal Family. There were three other “escorts” that were already onboard the aircraft when Badra and the three men walked into first class and they greeted Badra ignoring the other three passengers with her. After a short discussion, they all took seats. Badra’s veil was in place and had been since she stepped out of the black embassy sedan. The headgear of her three escorts was so lose and flowing around their faces, no one could have gotten a good look at the group as a whole or as individuals.

As the other passengers boarded and proceeded thru the reserved first class section, one girl looked directly at Badra and started to greet her. Badra looked at the girl and tried to think if they knew each other or had met. She had the girl’s face memorized and kept trying to remember the occasion where they may have run into each other. The University!! My God, she recognized me from the university where I had to kill Sadqua! She can not leave this aircraft alive. Badra told none of her team of the comprise to her identity and sat back in the seat and continued to think. She had to silence the girl somehow..
Shortly, Delta flight 5 was airborne and headed for New York City carrying a cargo and some determined individuals that had the capability to render a devastating attack on an unsuspecting nation.

Chapter 28
All eyes are on Texas
Big Bird touched down at Lackland AFB in
San Antonio Texas and taxied to the transient operation hanger. An Air Force Staff car was there to get the occupants of the late night flight. DJ gathered his gear plus a new lap top that Danny had configured for him in the last week and climbed down the stairs of the GS5.
“Lt Jacobs?” The voice was a throaty, smooth, velvet covered feminine one. DJ looked beyond the glare of the car headlights to see a young lady in a pants suit outfit wearing a necklace and a holster for her Glock 19.
“Be with you in just a moment Maam.” DJ replied.
“Andy—did Penny make reservations for you and the crew or are you doing a turn around?” DJ asked his pilot.
“We’re staying the night here DJ and returning in the AM. And, --yes—Penny has taken good care of all of us—have a good stay here and call us back when you need transportation again.” Andy was turning off the cabin lights to the aircraft.
“I’ll be in touch.” Replied DJ. He then turned and walked over to the waiting staff car and the two people beside it.
The airman held out his hand to take DJ’s duffle and computer. DJ handed the luggage to the man and reached out to shake the hand of the person that called to him from the side of the car.
Charlene McBean was twenty eight years old, a graduate of Roanoke College and the FBI’s academy. She had been in the field for over three years and attended several counterterrorism schools held by both the FBI and the department of Homeland Security. Just under five foot eleven, she would have looked DJ eyeball to eyeball if she had been wearing her heals. Golden blonde hair that probably would have come down to her shoulders if she had undone the tight roll on the back of her head. There was no bulges where there should not be on the lady. She was trim and undoubtedly athletic. It went with her job. DJ gave her hand a quick firm shake and opened the rear door of the car for her to get in.
“I didn’t mean for you to interrupt your evening to meet me Ms. McBean. I could have found the BOQ on my own and seen you in the AM.”
“I thought we could perhaps have a cup of coffee after you check into the BOQ Lt. and we can bring each other up to speed on this project if that meets with your approval.”
The lady was all business and a team player. DJ liked that.
“That would put us about a day ahead Agent McBean.”
They both smiled as the driver pulled up in front of the BOQ and DJ went inside to get a room.
“Just my duffle bag. I’ll keep the computer with me.” Said DJ as the driver took his gear into the BOQ lobby. He checked in and returned to the car and got in the back seat next to the agent.
“First of all, I don’t need a driver. I’ll check out a SUV from the motor pool in the morning and drive myself around the area.”
“Ok Lt. we’ll release the driver and car after he lets me off over at my wheels and then we can go to the security office here for our meeting or the “O” club. Your choice.”
“Drop me at security, get your wheels and meet me back there.”
DJ had just picked up two yellow tablets and some pens from the stationary room at security when agent McBean entered the small room. DJ had his computer on and the faces of the four insurgents were on the full screen.
“You have seen these before?”
“Right, and their backgrounds back to when they crossed the Iranian border back a few years.”
“And the woman?”
“She is a piece of work that one. Yes—I have her background as well. Evidently we are seeing somewhat of a change in the typical Islamic cell structure.”
“In what respect Charlene?”
“She is obviously the leader of this operation. That is beyond conception for Al Queda to have a woman lead an operation.”
“I agree. However I don’t think there is any dispute in the fact she is calling the shots and she is the contact with the other cell operatives.”
“Do we have anything on these two foreign exchange students at Texas U?”
“Both have overstayed their visas.”
“They what? By how much? Why haven’t they been brought in?”
“Fell thru the cracks. None of the agencies have a procedure in place to track and bring in students that have overstayed their visas.” The agent obviously felt as responsible for the oversight as did several agency directors. It was a fact. No one had bothered to put in place a system that would automatically bingo as soon as a foreign exchange student’s visa expired. Someone in State had compiled a list of known offenders but when it went out to the other agencies, the liberal media had pounced on it as if Rosa Parks had been taken off the bus for wanting to sit up front. It was dropped and now outdated by this time.
“I’m really having a problem with this Charlene. You mean to tell me that after 911 there was not an immediate review and search of all foreign exchange students in the US?”
“There was DJ, and it is in a database deep in the Justice Department secured archives, but is being held as evidence in this screwball lawsuit by the ACLU.”
“I thought those people were on our side.?”
“No comment DJ, I guess this is what keeps young lawyers employed by Justice is all. I have an idea how we can smoke these,…lets call them sleepers , because that is what they are, sleepers, out into the open.”
“Lets hear it.”
“Go in that chat room that was in the report and look for that screen name tigerman that the operative skateboard was talking to from that cell location in Madar I Sharif. Get some dialogue going and tell him that his cousin will soon be in the US and will contact him. If you can get him—or her to respond, we can track the IP number of the computer and see where these gomers are. I think it’s worth a try.”
“What if they have been contacted already?”
“We’ll just have to take that chance unless you have something different.”
“I don’t. I went dry trying to figure how we were going to find these students with Danny and Penny. Dan says that the exchange student enrollment at TSU is over 3,490 names. We have the two last names, Sanjar and Shawr that Raj Al Kayev provided us with so tomorrow, first light we start at the university.”
In the meantime, I’ll get Danny to try to do the contact on the chat room. If he can’t find an analyst that can speak Pasto I’ll have my room mate help him. Maybe we can make contact tonight.”
“Good enough Lt. I’ll pick you up here at the BOQ at 0730 and we can be on the Interstate 35 up to San Marcos.”
“Do we need to get your supervisors ok for your time and release from your work in San Antonio?”
“Believe me; my boss has released me for whatever time this project requires. He got a phone call and telecom from the Brigadier that heads up your section. Evidently these two guys served in Nam and the result is that you have my time as required and my section will set an appropriations budget release that will cover the operation.”
“0730 it is. I’ll buy breakfast on the way.”
“You have all my numbers.”
“And you mine. See you in the AM agent McBean.”

Two hours behind Mom and Dad in Arlington. I need to check in and make sure Mom knows where I am. I know Dad won’t tell her. DJ thought to himself as he dialed the home number from his room at the BOQ.
The ring went three times and DJ’s mother came on.
“I’m looking forward to you being here for the Fourth of July young man. Your father has invited a number of people but you are to be the guest of Honor. Your father told me of your
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