» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

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from a standpoint of time.”
“I don’t get you. You mean we would have to detain them, interrogate them and find the location where they are going to attack and head off the others that are on their way here from Houston?”
“Close. Plus, we don’t know that the bio-five are really headed here. There was some talk about a simultaneous attack. They could possibly be split and some here, some at another location.”
The Dean received DJ and agent McBean cordially in his opulent office in the top floor of the admin building. A panoramic view of the sprawling Texas University campus was the background to his desk through a large window. Beyond the window was a small patio with two round tables and chairs.
“Sir, in all sincerity I apologize for broad siding you like this but a most urgent situation of National Security has come to our attention within the last twenty four hours and by the time we could confirm, well, we just ran out of time. I hope you will understand.”
“Just what is it you need to use our student library for this evening?”
“We need to set up a secure area that can be sound tight and make sure that there are no students in the immediate area. This has to be handled so that the person or persons that we are going to meet do not suspect anything is amiss . This will only require a few minutes to complete but we need to know that the area is secure. “
“I suppose you have a plan on just how to do that without tipping off the uninvolved students Lt.”
DJ noted that the Dean had read his ID card closely when he entered the room by his remark.
“We will Sir and there will be no danger to any of the surrounding students.”
The dean looked at DJ and swiveled in his chair before carefully making his next statement.
“I’m sure that Agent McBean has given you my background prior to this meeting Lt. so I am not going to tell you I appreciate your candid explanation on what you and your team intend on doing here tonight. I just want to add that if there are any cowboy rough and tumble confrontations and God forbid any shots fired, I will see that regardless of your position with Homeland Security and your relationship with our VP, your governmental career will be short lived. I am responsible for the safety and welfare of my students and I take that responsibility very seriously.”
“Yes sir. You have my solemn word that we will conduct this operation with the safety of the students in mind at all times.”
“Then good luck. Please brief my head of security here CMDR. Sanchez and he will assist you in whatever you need.”
“Thank you sir. I am thankful that this nation has people of your character that appreciates our concern for national defense.”
“Well said Lt. By the way, please tell your father that we need to get together sometime this summer in Montana for more fly fishing.”
DJ smiled at the distinguished gentleman.
“I will sir. With any good fortune at all , I’ll be with him and my mother this weekend.”
McBean and DJ left the building and headed for the armory to brief the team. The campus security director was alongside as McBean asked DJ;
“That was a surprise. Did you know that he knows your dad?
“It was to me as well. No, I have never heard his name. But in the background brief you gave me on him it indicated his service with the NIS under Nixon and the DIA during Carter admin so I would say that when he heard we wanted an appointment with him, he made a few phone calls.” I’ll ask Penny for some details on him.”
“Sly old guy.” Said Charlene.
The armory was walking distance from the admin building so the two walked across the campus discussing what the plan for tonight should be. The fifteen agents that were assigned to the operation were already inside and standing around a weapons display used for training. When DJ and Charlene entered the building with the campus security commander, the agents grabbed a chair or a bench and sat down to hear the plan. DJ was in his civvies and looked pretty casual. He looked around the room and noticed one thing that may not work well. “No offense gentlemen and ladies but with few exceptions, this does not look like a typical campus student gathering. How long has it been since most of you were in college? The room chuckled and one young lady in the back, dressed very much like Charlene answered; “We are all returning to school on the G.I. Bill if anyone asks, we are veterans.”
“We’ll just have to keep the attention of our suspect so he—or she does not look too close at the room. Spread out as thin as you can but be in position to watch the suspects or follow them at any time.”
DJ laid out the mission plan and asked if there were any questions.
“Just one to satisfy my own curiosity sir if you don’t mind.”
It came from one of the youngest looking agents in the room in the front row.
“Unload. I want all of you well informed and aware why this is not a take-down exercise.”
“Why not detain these suspects for questioning and hold them from making contact with the others you say are on their way to this area?”
DJ looked at the agent and walked over in front of him to speak directly to him as he answered.
“These are not our main players in this attack so far as we know. We do know that the biochem that they plan on using is never out of sight of the woman involved. She is in the group that came into Houston this afternoon. If we take out these individuals we will lose possible contact with that person and the material they intend on using. “ At this point, keen surveillance is our strongest weapon. The person I meet may or may not have another individual with them. I want you to watch the room closely and if you see anyone taking special interest in my conversation with the person I meet- keep them in view. Do not approach but get a good profile if possible. We have set cameras and microphones in place throughout the library so we will have some data to research who these people are and how they got here.”
It was 1830 and an hour and half to go. DJ decided to call Danny and Penny and let them know what was planned. Danny answered his phone on the first ring and said he was still in the bubble and intended on staying there until this operation was over.
“We have a live camera on the room right now DJ and we can zoom in on the meeting you will have with the suspect. As soon as we can get a facial image, we will run it to see if we have anything on those sleepers there in Texas.”
“ok Dan. We are set here. Wish us luck.
“Did you get the shirt I asked the FBI guy to get for you this afternoon from the student store DJ?”
“I did. I didn’t understand what the significance of the Longhorn logo and the words 2005 National Football Champions - until Charlene read me the chat room log where you referenced how this guy was supposed to recognize me in your report you emailed to me on the plan. I took it to the General and he made one comment. I want you to hear what he said DJ.”
“What? That was a contingency plan. I may not have to use it Dan. What did he say?”
“His comment was on the part where you said that you may have to stick with this guy the rest of the night and tomorrow or till they try to make contact with the Bio-five. He said that was dangerous and to never let the agents lose contact with you at any time.”
“I understand. We’ll play it cool. Thanks. Got to run. See you on TV Dan.”
The library was in constant movement. Students were checking in books and checking out others at the main desk. The row of computers was relatively empty of users and DJ took one closest to the entrance to the library. Looking around the room he felt comfortable that the agents that were in place were not obvious. He saw Charlene sitting at the next table over from the computer position and held a smile as he observed her disguise. Reading glasses, hair in pony tail and a longhorn sweater. Cute. She looked the part.
2000 on the dot DJ opened the chat room on the screen but did not sign in. He turned the screen slightly so that a person approaching the IT section of the library could see what was on the screen.
“The attendant at the desk over there may make you leave if she sees you logged onto that Chat room. These computers are for studies and research.”
The voice had a slight tremble to it but was in perfect English. The young man was approximately thirty years old and clean shaven. His dark features were the only indication that he may have been from the middle east. He looked at the shirt DJ was wearing as DJ turned around and then a faint smile came to his face.
“I’m about finished here anyway. I just came to meet a friend here tonight.” Said DJ
The young man then sat down in the computer chair next to DJ. He was nervously looking around the room when he said: “Will your friend have to travel far to meet you here?”
DJ took the opportunity and as he looked closely around the room answered in perfect Pashto; “I am the one that has travelled far to meet my friend. There will be some others joining us in the next few days and we are looking forward to renewing friendships.” The man almost broke into a smile but restrained himself.
“I am Sanjar my friend it is good to see you. We have much to discuss.”
“And I am Ousay. Please call me Oskar here-OK? We can talk here safely I believe. This room is very large and if we speak in our language, we should be all right.”
“You say our language. You do not appear to me to be Afghan Oskar.
“I am Afghan Sanjar. My father was from Kandahar And my mother was an American missionary. I speak several dialects and have traveled the country extensively since joining the brothers. You are from where?” DJ was attempting to try to feed some data to the listening audience.
“I was born in Delaram but my family moved to Kabul when I was eleven. Then my father took me to England where I was schooled and trained for my mission here.”
We will have more time to talk about our beloved country after our mission Sanjar. I am surprised that Badra did not come with you. Has she contacted you yet?”
“Badra?” The man looked terribly puzzled by the question.
“The mission leader-Badra she has not been in touch with you or your companion?” There was a look of surprise on Sanjar’s face at the mention of Badra’s name.
“The mission leader is a woman?”
“ A very dedicated woman and also a professional warrior Sanjar. I can see that you have not talked or meant her. She is due to contact you soon. Do not tell her that I am here if she does call you or
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