Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

- Author: W.Addison Gast
Book online «Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗». Author W.Addison Gast
of the vehicle and opened the rear door and removed the heavy bag of weapons. There was a 9MM automatic for each as well as one small grenade launcher with five rounds. The largest and heaviest was an m-60 and a box of ammunition for same. She gave each a pistol and three boxes of ammunition Haydar and Goat immediately took out the duct tape from the bag and taped the extra ammo to their legs and belt under their large and floppy shirt.
Ali Baba was best trained with the M-60 so he was given the task of not being more than a few steps away from the weapon at all times. Even if it meant sleeping in the car with it. They returned to the route that would take them to San Marcos and the apartment of Sanjar.
When Badra turned off the I35 highway and into the town of San Marcos, she instructed all to check their weapons. They would be arriving at the apartment of Sanjar and Ammur within ten minutes and she needed to go over the plan that they were going to use when they got to the apartment.
“We have not told these two contacts here that we are coming. They do not know us, the mission or how many of us are involved. Do not tell them---the contact Sanjar and the girl living with him-- Ammur any details on our attack plans for security reasons. We need this location to properly prepare the river insertion. Be on guard at all times. I will make a phone call to the two in the apartment telling them of our arrival and for them to let Goat and Ali Baba into their apartment as quietly as possible. I do not want their neighbors to know that there are additional people in the residence. As soon as Goat and Ali Baba are inside and verify that the place is secure, I will come in with Haydar.
The box on the dashboard spoke for the last time.
You have arrived at your destination. 3416 wonder world drive is on your right one quarter mile ahead.
Chapter 33
“Lingo is in the car and they are heading away from the campus. It looks like he sold them a story because they do not have a weapon pointed at him that we can see. Unit two are you in contact with the Honda?
“Affirmative. We have it in sight. Looks like they are turning on to wonder world Drive and heading west.”
“Roger that. Unit three stay in position with us and when they get to the destination, pull in close as possible without them seeing you and standby for details. Out”
Charlene McBean had the geography covered. Now all she needed was to find out if DJ was going to stay the night or what their next move was going to be.
The Honda came to a stop in front of a large apartment complex on wonder world drive across from the Texas Medical Center. The three occupants got out of the car and went into apartment 132 on the ground floor.
“All units, Lingo and party has just entered apartment 132 move in and secure the area. Try to stay unnoticed in case there are more here than we can see.” McBean was being cautious .
It was now 2230 hours and DJ had been inside the apartment for twenty minutes when the phone rang.
As Ammur picked up the phone she was looking over at Sanjar who had just sat down with DJ at the kitchen table and opened a coke. Sanjar had laid his weapon that he carried in the small of his back in his jeans on the table and was just sitting down.
“Who is calling at this hour?” Asked Ammur as she answered
“Yes, he is here. Who is calling? Just one moment.” The phone had a hold button on it and Ammur pushed it as she said “This person says her name is Badra and she wishes to speak with you immediately.”
Dj’s right hand grabbed the 9 mm from the table and smashed it against Sanjar’s head as he grabbed Ammur around the mouth and pulled her across the room. Sanjar was out cold on the floor. DJ quickly took off his belt and tied Ammur’s wrists together as he told her to be quiet and she would not get hurt. He removed the belt from Sanjar’s jeans and tied her to the bedpost in the adjoining bedroom. Just for good measure he stuffed a pair of panties that were on the bed in her mouth to act as a gag and returned to the kitchen where the phone was blinking on hold. He picked up the receiver and spoke.
“Hello, who is this?”
The voice answered in Pashto
“You are the chosen host tonight of friends that have travelled far to visit you.”
What is this? It sounds like some kind of code that requires a countersign. Shit! Thought DJ
“I know of no such travelers.” DJ answered in Pashto
“We will be at your front door in a few moments. Do not delay our entrance to your apartment. I will explain when we meet.”
Click. The phone went dead.
“Dam! McBean if you have audio on me, I have company coming and may need some back up here. DJ was shouting. If he was at all lucky, McBean’s team also had the apartment being scanned with IR so they could see the movements inside. If that was true, then they knew of the action that took place after the phone call. DJ went over and pulled the still unconscious Sanjar into the bedroom.
In the Unit one black van outside the radio was busy. The agents had seen the rented SUV pull into the parking area with the four occupants and wait. Audio indicated that the conversation inside the van was Pashto.
“Unit three ---cover the SUV parked over by the recreation area with the four occupants. Unit two see if you can move to the rear of the apartment and see if there is a rear door.” Charlene was on uncertain ground here and without any communication from DJ she was taking a big risk.
“Audio indicates that Lingo is trying to communicate that we are to hold position. He says that there is more coming to the apartment.”
“Damn. Central, get me an Angel and some ground back up to this area –pronto’ McBean was barking orders over the radio to Danny and Penny in Arlington as well as her command center in San Antonio.
“Unit one command from unit three. We have two unknowns approaching the apartment from the SUV. They appear to be carrying some kind of gear that could be weapons.”
Charlene looked over at the sidewalk in front of apartment 132.
“Roger three. Contact.”
Badra sat in the driver’s seat with the engine running while Haydar was directly behind her in the passenger seat. They sat there with the lights off while Goat and Ali Baba moved to enter the apartment. Ali Baba had left the M-60 in the van and taken instead the 12 gauge shotgun with him that he could carry under his coat. They went up to the door to the apartment and knocked as they looked around the neighborhood. They could see Badra and Haydar sitting in the SUV and the only other action in the complex was three men in a van that evidently had been out for the evening and were returning home. Two of the men were outside the van saying good night to the driver and laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk.
Goat knocked on the door.
“Who is there? “ DJ asked in broken English.
“Travelers. Open the door Sanjar.” Said Goat in Pashto
DJ opened the door and replied in Pashto as he looked at the two men carrying weapons not very well hidden under their coats,./.”How do you know my name? I do not know you.”
Goat looked surprised to see that “Sanjar” was a very tall white person. Not at all a typical Afghan or Arab.
The two shoved their way into the apartment and upon entering they pulled the weapons out and pointed them at DJ.
“Where is the girl that answered the phone? Goat demanded.
“She left to be with our neighbors. The phone calls frightened her” Answered DJ
DJ backed into the corner of the kitchen with his hands not quite raised but where the two could see them. He was hoping they were not going to search him and find the 9 mm in the small of his back.
“Where is the woman I talked to?” Asked DJ in Pashto.
“She will be here in a short time. We must know that your apartment is secure before we proceed with the mission plans you imbecile “Goat was trying his best to take command of the situation.
Ali Baba was looking out the front window and Goat was watching DJ when the door to the bedroom opened and A bloody Sanjar staggered out into the front room. As Goat turned to see what was happening behind him, DJ pulled the 9 mm from his waist and fired three shots. The first hit Goat in the shoulder and he dropped the weapon immediately and the other two shots took Ali Baba by surprise. The first shot hit his hand holding the 12 gauge shotgun. When it discharged it was pointed out the window. Dj’s second shot entered Ali Baba’s upper leg and he was on the floor. The shot from the 12 gauge fired out the window took out the street light in front of the apartment and triggered a response from all the agents in the vans and on the ground in the area.
“It is a trap! “ Yelled Badra as she pulled open the bag on the seat.
“Haydar. Keep firing into the apartment and kill anyone that comes to this car while I get us out of here.”
Three agents immediately rushed the door to the apartment. Haydar grabbed the first weapon he could get to when the action started. It happened to be the grenade launcher. He quickly loaded it and fired the first round at the apartment door as instructed. The look on Badra’s face said it all. She was wondering why he was using the grenade launcher when the m-60 was right there. Haydar’s first round missed the apartment by three doors exploding on a large sculptured water fountain. Badra gunned the SUV and drove over the lawn to the exit from the apartment complex firing the m-60 out the passenger window as she drove. When the action started McBean and all the agents in unit one exited the vehicle and hit the ground. This was fortunate because Haydar’s last shot with the grenade launcher made a direct hit on the black Chevy SUV turning it into a huge fireball.
Inside the apartment, DJ had again hit Sanjar on the side of his head and he was out, slumped in a recliner as the three agents entered the front door. Ali Baba was in shock from his two wounds and was just standing there looking at his hand. Goat tried to pull a knife on DJ but was laying face down on the floor before he knew what had happened. DJ grabbed Goats “good” arm and did a quick go-behind and flipped him to the deck and had his knee on Goats throat when the agents came into the room.
DJ had not had a chance to look outside until one of the agents in the apartment that was cuffing Ali Baba
Called Charlene. “Unit one, apartment secure. You copy?”
A very week radio response that indicated McBean
Ali Baba was best trained with the M-60 so he was given the task of not being more than a few steps away from the weapon at all times. Even if it meant sleeping in the car with it. They returned to the route that would take them to San Marcos and the apartment of Sanjar.
When Badra turned off the I35 highway and into the town of San Marcos, she instructed all to check their weapons. They would be arriving at the apartment of Sanjar and Ammur within ten minutes and she needed to go over the plan that they were going to use when they got to the apartment.
“We have not told these two contacts here that we are coming. They do not know us, the mission or how many of us are involved. Do not tell them---the contact Sanjar and the girl living with him-- Ammur any details on our attack plans for security reasons. We need this location to properly prepare the river insertion. Be on guard at all times. I will make a phone call to the two in the apartment telling them of our arrival and for them to let Goat and Ali Baba into their apartment as quietly as possible. I do not want their neighbors to know that there are additional people in the residence. As soon as Goat and Ali Baba are inside and verify that the place is secure, I will come in with Haydar.
The box on the dashboard spoke for the last time.
You have arrived at your destination. 3416 wonder world drive is on your right one quarter mile ahead.
Chapter 33
“Lingo is in the car and they are heading away from the campus. It looks like he sold them a story because they do not have a weapon pointed at him that we can see. Unit two are you in contact with the Honda?
“Affirmative. We have it in sight. Looks like they are turning on to wonder world Drive and heading west.”
“Roger that. Unit three stay in position with us and when they get to the destination, pull in close as possible without them seeing you and standby for details. Out”
Charlene McBean had the geography covered. Now all she needed was to find out if DJ was going to stay the night or what their next move was going to be.
The Honda came to a stop in front of a large apartment complex on wonder world drive across from the Texas Medical Center. The three occupants got out of the car and went into apartment 132 on the ground floor.
“All units, Lingo and party has just entered apartment 132 move in and secure the area. Try to stay unnoticed in case there are more here than we can see.” McBean was being cautious .
It was now 2230 hours and DJ had been inside the apartment for twenty minutes when the phone rang.
As Ammur picked up the phone she was looking over at Sanjar who had just sat down with DJ at the kitchen table and opened a coke. Sanjar had laid his weapon that he carried in the small of his back in his jeans on the table and was just sitting down.
“Who is calling at this hour?” Asked Ammur as she answered
“Yes, he is here. Who is calling? Just one moment.” The phone had a hold button on it and Ammur pushed it as she said “This person says her name is Badra and she wishes to speak with you immediately.”
Dj’s right hand grabbed the 9 mm from the table and smashed it against Sanjar’s head as he grabbed Ammur around the mouth and pulled her across the room. Sanjar was out cold on the floor. DJ quickly took off his belt and tied Ammur’s wrists together as he told her to be quiet and she would not get hurt. He removed the belt from Sanjar’s jeans and tied her to the bedpost in the adjoining bedroom. Just for good measure he stuffed a pair of panties that were on the bed in her mouth to act as a gag and returned to the kitchen where the phone was blinking on hold. He picked up the receiver and spoke.
“Hello, who is this?”
The voice answered in Pashto
“You are the chosen host tonight of friends that have travelled far to visit you.”
What is this? It sounds like some kind of code that requires a countersign. Shit! Thought DJ
“I know of no such travelers.” DJ answered in Pashto
“We will be at your front door in a few moments. Do not delay our entrance to your apartment. I will explain when we meet.”
Click. The phone went dead.
“Dam! McBean if you have audio on me, I have company coming and may need some back up here. DJ was shouting. If he was at all lucky, McBean’s team also had the apartment being scanned with IR so they could see the movements inside. If that was true, then they knew of the action that took place after the phone call. DJ went over and pulled the still unconscious Sanjar into the bedroom.
In the Unit one black van outside the radio was busy. The agents had seen the rented SUV pull into the parking area with the four occupants and wait. Audio indicated that the conversation inside the van was Pashto.
“Unit three ---cover the SUV parked over by the recreation area with the four occupants. Unit two see if you can move to the rear of the apartment and see if there is a rear door.” Charlene was on uncertain ground here and without any communication from DJ she was taking a big risk.
“Audio indicates that Lingo is trying to communicate that we are to hold position. He says that there is more coming to the apartment.”
“Damn. Central, get me an Angel and some ground back up to this area –pronto’ McBean was barking orders over the radio to Danny and Penny in Arlington as well as her command center in San Antonio.
“Unit one command from unit three. We have two unknowns approaching the apartment from the SUV. They appear to be carrying some kind of gear that could be weapons.”
Charlene looked over at the sidewalk in front of apartment 132.
“Roger three. Contact.”
Badra sat in the driver’s seat with the engine running while Haydar was directly behind her in the passenger seat. They sat there with the lights off while Goat and Ali Baba moved to enter the apartment. Ali Baba had left the M-60 in the van and taken instead the 12 gauge shotgun with him that he could carry under his coat. They went up to the door to the apartment and knocked as they looked around the neighborhood. They could see Badra and Haydar sitting in the SUV and the only other action in the complex was three men in a van that evidently had been out for the evening and were returning home. Two of the men were outside the van saying good night to the driver and laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk.
Goat knocked on the door.
“Who is there? “ DJ asked in broken English.
“Travelers. Open the door Sanjar.” Said Goat in Pashto
DJ opened the door and replied in Pashto as he looked at the two men carrying weapons not very well hidden under their coats,./.”How do you know my name? I do not know you.”
Goat looked surprised to see that “Sanjar” was a very tall white person. Not at all a typical Afghan or Arab.
The two shoved their way into the apartment and upon entering they pulled the weapons out and pointed them at DJ.
“Where is the girl that answered the phone? Goat demanded.
“She left to be with our neighbors. The phone calls frightened her” Answered DJ
DJ backed into the corner of the kitchen with his hands not quite raised but where the two could see them. He was hoping they were not going to search him and find the 9 mm in the small of his back.
“Where is the woman I talked to?” Asked DJ in Pashto.
“She will be here in a short time. We must know that your apartment is secure before we proceed with the mission plans you imbecile “Goat was trying his best to take command of the situation.
Ali Baba was looking out the front window and Goat was watching DJ when the door to the bedroom opened and A bloody Sanjar staggered out into the front room. As Goat turned to see what was happening behind him, DJ pulled the 9 mm from his waist and fired three shots. The first hit Goat in the shoulder and he dropped the weapon immediately and the other two shots took Ali Baba by surprise. The first shot hit his hand holding the 12 gauge shotgun. When it discharged it was pointed out the window. Dj’s second shot entered Ali Baba’s upper leg and he was on the floor. The shot from the 12 gauge fired out the window took out the street light in front of the apartment and triggered a response from all the agents in the vans and on the ground in the area.
“It is a trap! “ Yelled Badra as she pulled open the bag on the seat.
“Haydar. Keep firing into the apartment and kill anyone that comes to this car while I get us out of here.”
Three agents immediately rushed the door to the apartment. Haydar grabbed the first weapon he could get to when the action started. It happened to be the grenade launcher. He quickly loaded it and fired the first round at the apartment door as instructed. The look on Badra’s face said it all. She was wondering why he was using the grenade launcher when the m-60 was right there. Haydar’s first round missed the apartment by three doors exploding on a large sculptured water fountain. Badra gunned the SUV and drove over the lawn to the exit from the apartment complex firing the m-60 out the passenger window as she drove. When the action started McBean and all the agents in unit one exited the vehicle and hit the ground. This was fortunate because Haydar’s last shot with the grenade launcher made a direct hit on the black Chevy SUV turning it into a huge fireball.
Inside the apartment, DJ had again hit Sanjar on the side of his head and he was out, slumped in a recliner as the three agents entered the front door. Ali Baba was in shock from his two wounds and was just standing there looking at his hand. Goat tried to pull a knife on DJ but was laying face down on the floor before he knew what had happened. DJ grabbed Goats “good” arm and did a quick go-behind and flipped him to the deck and had his knee on Goats throat when the agents came into the room.
DJ had not had a chance to look outside until one of the agents in the apartment that was cuffing Ali Baba
Called Charlene. “Unit one, apartment secure. You copy?”
A very week radio response that indicated McBean
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