» Adventure » Alternative Universe:, Nick Venom [me reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Alternative Universe:, Nick Venom [me reader TXT] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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“So?” Braiden questioned, stuffing his mouth with a large handful of potato chips. “You didn’t let me drink, so I’ll feast on snacks instead! Or what?” He asked, his voice booming off the thin walls. “You’re not letting me do this either?”

Amanda cowered under his voice, slowly retreating. However, Nathan grabbed her back and pushed her forward. He walked up to Braiden and grabbed his collar. “Keep your voice down, we’re in an apocalypse. Get that in your stupid head already.”

Braiden grabbed Nathan’s hand, peeling him off his collar. He threw Nathan’s hand away from him. “Touch me again and see what happens.” He growled.

“So?” Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow. “What will you do? Kill me?”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad-” He started before Nikki interrupted him. 

“Focus, guys. We’re fighting for survival, not for egos.” Nikki whisper-shouted. “I have a plan to open the backdoor, so let’s go.” She led them to the backdoor, pulling out her pistol on the door. She carefully aimed before releasing a few bullets. The bullets embedded themselves into the doorknob, tearing it apart. The doorknob fell off the door, allowing for Nikki to open the door. 

“We’re in, let’s make this quick.” She said.

“Yeah, because you called every zombie in a half-mile,” Braiden remarked, scoffing at her. 

Nikki ignored him, venturing into the room. She noticed ammunition laying on racks, presenting itself to her. “See, there’s our ammo. I-” She was interrupted by the growls of zombies. She glanced to her right and noticed a clump of zombies rising from the ground.

“Run to the front door, there are zombies in  here!” She shouted. “Grab the supplies and run!”



Episode Six "Nikki, I Missed You"

The group turned tail and ran towards the front door. Zombies had heard the gunshots and entered the building through the front door, pushing in through the weak defenses Nathan put up. 

“We’re trapped!” Braiden shouted, grabbing Nathan as the onslaught of zombies surrounded them. Nikki, who was the last one to witness the incoming zombies, turned around and brandished her pistol. She raised the pistol, aiming at the nearest zombies, and pressed the trigger. The bullet nicked the zombie and grazed a zombie standing behind it. 

“Damn,” She muttered to herself, carefully aiming at the zombie. She pressed the trigger again, missing the target for the second time. 

“Take your hands off me!” Nathan shouted, fighting Braiden’s grip. Braiden had panicked, grabbing Nathan as a meat shield against the zombies. 

“I want to survive!” Braiden shouted, using his words as an excuse to betray Nathan and the others. He cowardly threw Nathan towards the zombies. 

Nathan fought his push, spinning on his heels to face the cowardly teacher. He raised one hand and balled it, striking Braiden. The teacher collapsed to the ground, a bruise forming in the spot he was struck. 

“Don’t you dare do that to me!” Nathan shouted before turning back to face the incoming threat. He raised the assault rifle and fired blindly into the small crowd forming in front of him. Amanda, by his side and witnessing Braiden’s embarrassing action, raised the hunting rifle. She aimed at the nearest zombie’s head, drawing in a deep breath before releasing it. At the same time, she released a bullet. 

It flew through the air, cracking as it tore the air apart. It then found itself embedded in the skull of a zombie, crashing through the forehead and piercing the brain. The zombie fell backward, landing on the ground with a large “thud” sound. 

Nathan glanced at Amanda, both eyebrows raised. “You’re a good shot!” He told her.

She looked away, embarrassed to be praised. “I’m not as good as my parents.” She said, downplaying her abilities.

“Pay attention and let’s focus on escaping!” Nikki shouted, pressing the trigger for the third time. This time the bullet flew through the zombie’s head and pierced its brain. The zombie stretched out its arms towards Nikki in an attempt of grabbing her but, soon, collapsed. Without a brain, the zombie was as dead as it appeared. 

Meanwhile, Braiden remained on the floor. He felt the bruise that was forming, one eye brimming with tears. “No,” He whispered to himself, wiping the tears away. “I’m not a kid like them. I should be in charge.”

He stood up from his sitting position, brandishing a kitchen knife. “I’ll show them. I’m stronger than them.” He faced Nathan, creeping closer to the oblivious kid. Once in arms reach, he raised the knife high into the air. 

Nathan glanced over his shoulder at Braiden, his eyes filling with fright. His muscles tensed up as he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the attack. 

“Move, kid!” Nathan shouted, passing Nathan and heading towards a zombie. He dodged the zombies' outstretched arms, jumping to the side of it and piercing its brain. “One down, they took down four.” He muttered to himself, looking at the zombies Nathan killed. His blinded firing scored him a few kills.

Braiden charged forward, slicing at the zombies. He pierced a few zombies’ brains on his own, trying to outscore Nathan.

Nathan, on the other hand, stopped firing. His muscles were too tense to properly discharge his gun. He was afraid that Braiden was going to kill him, however, it ended up not happening. Instead, Braiden turned his resentment and anger into fury, slashing and piercing the zombies.

“Recover, Nathan,” Amanda told him, pointing over her shoulder. Nikki was struggling with the zombies from the backroom. There were few in number, but her bullets were fewer. She spent three bullets to kill one of them. 

Nathan nodded his head at Amanda, turning around to assist Nikki. He walked up to her side, blindly firing into the crowd of four surviving zombies from the backroom. They were decimated by the blind fire, which wasted more ammunition than it saved. 

In the front, the small crowd turned into a horde of zombies. More zombies were pouring into the building than Braiden’s messy cutting and Amanda’s marksmanship could handle. They were being overwhelmed by the horde.

Suddenly, however, two beams of light pierced the windows. The lights were headlights belonging to an operational car. The driver stepped on the gas, launching the car forward and barreling towards the window. The car then crashed into the glass, shattering it.

The driver poked his head out of his drivers' side window. “You guys need help?” He shouted.

“No!” Braiden shouted.

“Ignore him, we need help!” Nikki shouted as she approached the driver. Nathan followed behind her. 

“Good!” The driver said, jumping out of his truck. He wielded a black compound hunting bow. He drew an arrow, letting it fly into the head of a zombie. He then drew another arrow and killed another zombie.

The person sitting in the passenger seat stepped out of the truck and charged towards the nearest zombie. The person turned out to be a dark-skinned woman wielding a spear. The woman pierced the skulls of the zombies with intense force, digging the tip of the spear into the zombies’ skull.

The horde that had been growing, now stagnated. The driver and his partner arrived in time to aid them. 

After five minutes of fighting, the horde that threatened their lives were decimated. They were free and no longer afraid of being overwhelmed and torn apart by the zombies. They were happy to be alive. 

Nikki walked up to the driver, shaking his hand. “Nikki, over there-” She pointed at Amanda and Nathan standing by a bloody aisle rack. “-are my best friends Amanda and Nathan. As for him-” She muttered with a look of disgust. She pointed at the bloodied man sitting on the floor. “-he’s Braiden.”

“Nice to meet you all.”


“I’m Nick,” His black hair was cut short, gelled up to stand straight at attention. He wore a black shirt jacket and light-blue jeans, a usual attire for a hunter. His tannish skin was illuminated by the headlights of his car. 

“Behind me is my sister Alexia and-” He pointed at the car. “-in the car is my younger brother, Grant.” Alexia stepped forward, her dark skin contrasting with the headlights. She had long dark hair that wrapped around her waist, curling up at the ends. She wore similar attire to her older brother. 

“Thanks for the help, we would’ve died if not for your help,” Nikki told him.

Nick shook his head. “You were just lucky that we were nearby. We came here from our ranch to find more supplies and chanced upon your predicament.” He said. “We need to leave before more dead arrive. Do you have a home somewhere?” 

“We have a place, can you take us there?” Nathan chimed in. 

“Yeah, load your supplies and give me directions to your base. I’ll drop you off there.” Nick told them.

“Good-” Nikki looked away from Nick, slightly blushing. “-we’ll give you a few bags to repay you. It’s not a lot, but it’s something.”

“Thanks, I’ve been craving sweets. We got nothing more than meat.” Alexia added, popping her head into the conversation.

“Can it!” Nick said, pushing his sister away from the conversation. “Let’s hurry up.”

“Got it,” Nikki said, ordering everybody to fill up an extra few bags before loading them into the sturdy farm truck. Then they loaded themselves into the truck. Nikki sat in the middle row with Amanda and Grant, who was a short and stubby dark-skinned kid holding a hunting knife in his sweaty palms. In the back row, filled with the bags of supplies, were Braiden and Nathan. Both were seething about their fight during the zombie attack, one having the moral advantage in this situation. Braiden tried to sacrifice Nathan for his own safety while Nathan knocked Braiden to the ground to prevent him from succeeding in his plan.

Ten minutes later, the group was dumped in front of Amanda’s house. Braiden, Amanda, and Nathan grabbed three-fourths of the supplies and threw them on the doorstep. 

Meanwhile, Nikki lingered behind to chat with Nick. “Where do you guys live?” She asked.

“We have a ranch about five miles from here. If you need to, come over and visit. Or if something happens with your house, then you’re welcome at our ranch. There’s a large sign with our last name, the Forrest Ranch.”

“Last name’s Forest?” Nikki questioned.

“Yup, just an extra ‘r’ in it,” Nick said while smiling. “A family of ranchers and hunters, so Forrest is fitting.”

“Well, thanks for everything.” She extended her hand.

“It’s my honor to be thanked by such a beautiful woman.” Nick flirted. Alexia heard his flirt, smacking him at the back of his head. She glared at him, off-putting any future flirt attempts. “Well, I hope to see you all again.”

“Likewise,” She took a step backward, watching as Nick said his goodbyes before leaving. The car lunged forward, taking the siblings away from Nikki and towards their ranch. 

Nikki watched as the car left her sight before heading towards the door. Amanda was busy knocking on the door, waiting for Kiya to open the door. However, she wasn’t opening the door. 

Worried that something happened, Amanda dug through her pockets and took out her house key, unlocking the front door. She headed inside, turning on the light hanging over the door. With the light illuminating a small part of the room, Amanda noticed the frightful eyes of Kiya. She was bound, stuck on the floor. She had attempted to grab the knife and cut her binds, but

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