» Adventure » Alternative Universe:, Nick Venom [me reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Alternative Universe:, Nick Venom [me reader TXT] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Humanity's Fall"

“Ready to go?” A pink-haired girl asked. She wore her school uniform of a plaid button shirt and long skirt. In her hands was a tattered backpack and a bright-red notebook. On the notebook was a word written on the cover in glitter ink; reading, “Journal.”

The person that she was talking to, a short-haired brunette, emerged from her house and walked up to her. She glanced behind her at the two-story house. In the front window was the girl’s younger brother, Andy, waving at them as they departed. The girls waved back as they left the property and headed towards school. On their way, they encountered many sprawled-out homeless people. Some were on the streets while others were on the sidewalks, propped against dumpsters and other disgrading objects. These homeless people had tattered clothes with many stains on them. Some of the stains looked like blood, yet nobody mentioned it. Instead, passersby ignored the sight of the bloodied people and continued towards their destination. 

Nikki, the pink-haired girl, noticed them quickly but dismissed them. “What a weird day.” She remarked to her best friend. 

Amanda, the brunette girl, nodded her head. “Homeless people everywhere. It’s like an epidemic or something.” 

“Yeah, it really is. Huh?” She muttered while passing another bloodied person. “Something is really wrong, let’s hurry up and get out of her.”

“Agreed, there must’ve been some type of conflict. A gang battle? I haven’t heard of any gangs around here, but I could be wrong.” Amanda remarked. 

The two girls then quickened their pace. It took them half an hour before they reached their school; Westworld High School. The three-story building housed more than 1500 kids or staff at once. The giant population was caused by several apartments being built nearby the school. The new and affordable apartments brought in several new children and parents to the school that was created out of the ashes of a graveyard. 

Unfortunately, neither Amanda nor Nikki cared about their school’s history. The only thing they cared about was getting through their curriculums easy and as quickly as they could. 

“Hey, something is weird here as well,” Nikki whispered as she pointed at a few more unconscious people. However, these people had on different attire than the ones they saw earlier. Instead of tattered rags, these people had on the same uniforms the girls wore. 

“Yeah, these are our classmates! Let’s ditch, something is really off today.” Amanda said as she grabbed Nikki’s arm and pulled her away from the school. Nikki’s eyes, however, were lingering on the school and the collections of unconscious bodies. They hadn’t entered the school, but Nikki could sense that something was entirely wrong inside.

“Hey! Where are you guys going?” A familiar voice shouted. The girls’ attention was taken off the school and onto the voice’s origin. A guy with short black hair, barely scraping across his forehead, waved at the girls. His school uniform was crumpled and dirty. His tan skin, coffee-colored, was brightened up by the sun’s rays from overhead. 

By his side was another girl, this one having charcoal-black skin and flowing purple hair. Her hair extended to her waist, curling up at the ends. She wore the same outfit as the girls, except that her hair extended a few inches lower.

“Nathan! Kiya!” Nikki shouted, waving back at them. “Where have you two been?” 

“Kissing?” Amanda whispered. Her words were quiet, but loud enough for Nikki to hear. 

“Jealous?” Nikki asked as she winked at Amanda. Amanda’s cheeks reddened before she looked away. 

“She’s always jealous of our relationship, so leave her alone,” Nathan said as he walked up to them. 

“Don’t be mean,” Kiya said as she playfully smacked him. “Let’s go inside before the bell rings.”

“I don’t think we should. Look around-” Nikki motioned to their surroundings. Clumps of unconscious people laid on the ground. Some of the bodies were classmates while others were strangers. “Don’t you think today’s strange? I say we skip school together.”

“I can’t. I got practice later.” Nathan said as he turned towards the day. “See you guys later!” He shouted as he opened the door and ventured inside. Kiya followed him, waving bye. Nikki and Amanda waved bye as the doors closed. 

“Shall we go now?” Nikki asked Amanda. 

“Yeah, my parents aren’t home. We could-” Amanda was interrupted by the sounds of growling and snarling. The unconscious people that laid on the ground flat suddenly woke up. Dirty dark-green in color with cracking skin and dripping blood, these monsters rose to their feet. The non-human beings resembled humans in appearance, but not in behavior. Instead of showing modern human characteristics, they exposed their inner primal instincts. Clumps of the beings attacked passersby and began chomping into them. Screams and cries were everywhere, squeezing silence out of the air. 

Nikki and Amanda, fortunately, were far enough away from any unconscious people to avoid being eaten. However, their escape route that led to Amanda’s house was blocked off by creatures arriving from every block to feast on new flesh. 

To avoid being eaten or cornered, the girls escaped into the school. There they met up with their friends, who hadn’t gone far into the school before the creatures rose to their feet. Now all together, they dashed into an empty classroom, locking the door behind them. However, they realized that they weren’t alone. One of the teachers---Braiden Halt---was preparing for his class when the apocalypse began. The sounds of screams penetrated his brain, but he figured that a different teacher would take care of the situation. He, somehow, ignored the sounds of screaming students, dismissing them as problems that didn’t belong to him. This teacher was then locked into the room with Nikki, Amanda, Kayi, and Nathan. The five of them were stuck in the classroom until silence found itself back into the air.

Meanwhile, the creatures had entered the school and began to tear through the 1495 staff and students in the school. The once clean hallway was dirtied by blood and guts while classrooms were intruded into. The classrooms that had their door open or had a teacher foolish enough to open the door, were slaughtered with little resistance. 

Within an hour, the school was cleaned out, leaving very few survivors. The people that were eaten, however, rose to their feet within the one-hour time span and joined the increasing horde. The horde then made its way out of the school and descended on downtown Chicago. The casualties then climbed into the millions; humanity was falling. 



Episode Two "Fireworks"

An hour passed before they opened the door, peering outside. The halls were no longer filled with laughter and shouts of joy; or screaming and yelling. Instead, they were devoid of sound; eerily silent. 

Nathan was the one to open the door, scanning their surroundings. No creatures were lingering in the halls, only the blood, and guts that remained. 

“Let’s go,” He whispered, motioning for the others to follow him. He directed them towards the nearest exit but found it blocked off by creatures. A small group was seemingly tasked with guarding the survivors, almost as if they were intelligent beings. However, even if they were intelligent, they were only primal beasts in the end. They were attracted by the sounds of screams and cries.

“What should we do?” Kiya asked, holding onto Nathan’s arm. Nathan shrugged his shoulders, looking around at their surroundings. The group was impeded by the creatures lingering outside of the exit. If they decide to go outside, death would be waiting for them.

“Let’s head back and search for a different exit,” Nikki suggested, motioning for everybody to follow her. Amanda nodded her head and went to follow her when Braiden stepped in. 

“There should be rescue coming for us soon. Let’s go to the roof and wait for them.” Braiden remarked. “Look outside, it’s too dangerous to leave!”

“Keep your voice down! Don’t attract their attention!” Nathan hissed.

“Don’t talk to me like that, I am your teacher.” Braiden arrogantly stated. This simple sentence turned away the rest of the group. None of them had Braiden as a teacher, but they figured out his usual attitude quickly. 

“We have no supplies,” Amanda whispered. “We’ll die if we stay on the roof with nothing.”

“Amanda’s right, staying on the roof without any supplies won’t do us any good. Plus, would the cafeterias be any good?” Kiya chimed in. 

By this time, Braiden was getting frustrated. He enjoyed when he had the power over people’s lives, but not the reverse. However, he was outnumbered by the teenagers and wasn’t able to act on his now non-existent power. “Whatever,” He growled, turning away from the group.

Nathan scoffed at his attitude, ignoring the man-child that was Braiden. He turned towards Nikki, motioning for her to take the lead. She nodded back, turning towards the empty halls behind her. She then went through the empty halls carefully, expecting creatures at every corner. Fortunately, the halls were devoid of creatures and other life. Everybody that was bitten or chomped on, were reanimated, joining the horde as it moved. 

The group continued searching the building for an exit not blocked off by creatures or debris. However, the exits were all blocked off, almost as if it was planned by an intelligent creature. 

Nikki, who was tasked with leading the group, was forced to stop and allow the group to rest by the principal’s office. The exits they discovered all turned out to be fruitless, lowering their morale. Without a way out, the chances of surviving became slimmer. Braiden, who forced the group to check the cafeteria, was dissatisfied with his plan having a large flaw. The cafeteria, which was cramped with students and staff, was the first target. In addition, the food that was being dished and served was contaminated by blood and pieces of guts. There wasn’t any way that the group would eat the contaminated food. Instead, they decided to keep searching even if it didn’t bring any results. 

Nathan, who was sitting against the door to the principal’s office, stood up and glanced through the small window into the room. Inside the room was another blood mess, nothing different than the halls of the school, but one thing piqued his interest. A bloodied knife was laying flat on a desk inside. Beside it, was a pistol. 

“Guys, isn’t the contraband that the school collects stored in the principal’s office?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah, it is. Why?” Braiden said, staring at Nathan strangely. “You’re not going to do what I think you’re going-”

Nathan ignored Braiden, opening the door, and headed inside. He quickly scanned his surroundings before searching for the rest of the contraband. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for him to discover the remainder of the contraband. The contraband ranged from fireworks to cigarettes to plastic knives. The most dangerous items being the pistol---loaded with a few bullets---and the real knife. 

“What are we going to do? Use the gun and knife? Kill… people?” Kiya asked. 

“We have to. Those creatures are slaughtering us.” Nikki started, grabbing the knife and raising it into the air. “Let’s fight back.”

“With what? A half-loaded gun and a bloody knife? Blasphemy! Plus, inexperienced kids like you shouldn’t

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