» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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herself up before blindly reaching for a fork which I held out for her."Fine" was all she mumbled, eating with her eyes closed as she leaned her cheek on the palm of her hand.While keeping an eye on Holly, making sure that she actually got some food into her system I grabbed my own plate before turning my attention back to Jake who was looking at my mate with amusement."Really tired her out, huh?" he smirked, my eyes rolling but I couldn't help but grin smugly as I wrapped one of my arms around the back of my mates' chair. I found I couldn't resist touching her, the fact she was now permanently mine meaning that I doubted that would ever change. I would always want her around; always want to touch her."Of course" I winked. "So what did Paul think of Annie?" I asked as I dug into my own food, glancing at the clock before my eyes widened briefly when I took note that it had just gone past three in the morning. Shit, didn't expect it to be that late in the night."He liked her""So, are you dating now then?" I asked curiously, swallowing a mouthful of food as I awaited his reply.At my question he grinned broadly, clearly already answering my question with simply a look. "Yep, I asked her if she would be my girlfriend and she said yes" he said proudly.  "You decided on when you're going to tell her, clearly she must feel the pull?" I asked interested, standing up to grab myself a juice from the fridge before hurriedly returning to the table to gently shake Holly awake. "A little bit more, sweetheart" I told her, hearing a groan but she complied much to my relief.Due to me being the alpha Jake would have to come to me first before he told Annie that he was a werewolf, the fact he would be cluing her in on our nature when she wasn't one of us meaning that he had to have my permission to do so. It wasn't like I would deny him, but it was a formality that he couldn't skip without getting into some serious trouble and he knew it."I don't know, I mean I haven't even kissed her yet" he mumbled embarrassed, cupping his face with his hands before he sloughed back into his chair while running a hand through his hair. "I don't want to rush her, you know scare her off" he confessed."There isn't any rush, Jake. Take as long as you need, I mean it's not like you're on a time limit" I told him, effectively making him relax. I may be considered an aggressive and unsocial alpha at times, but that didn't mean I didn't care about my pack. I mean they were my responsibility, it was my duty to care for them and make sure they were safe."Thanks, Alpha" he grinned, turning his attention to Holly before he seemed to frown when he took in how pale she looked. Something that hadn't missed my attention either. "How's she doing?""I'm hoping she's just tired, she seems to be getting better" I told him, brushing away some of her hair from her face as I stared at her adoringly.With that Jake said his goodnight before heading upstairs with a spring in his step. I couldn't help but shake my head, though I didn't take the piss since I knew I was just as whipped  with Holly."Let's get some sleep" I told her, already aware that she had fallen asleep yet again as her breathing had evened out. "We'll take it easy tomorrow," I promised her as I pulled her into my arms and took her upstairs. I meant what I said, I would make tomorrow about just her as to make sure she knew that simply because we had mated didn't mean I would be treating her any differently; she was still my little princess and she always would be as far as I was concerned. The only change would be that I would most likely feel even more protective of her, what with her being my official mate now after all.


Chapter 72


Holly's Pov

It was fair to say that I have never slept so well in my life; literally. Never have I felt safe enough to simply close my eyes and let myself drift off to the land of dreams, where I knew I wouldn't be forced awake like I had been for all of those years beforehand when I was at my other pack. That was if you could even call them that; I certainly had never thought of people who you looked out for since I was singled out all my life.That was what surprised me the most I think when Adrian introduced me to his pack, or should I say his family since that was what they were. They acted and blended together like family, like friends rather than a group of wolves who needed an alpha to follow to stay on the right track and not to turn insane.I liked it here I found. I liked belonging for once in my life and I could only hope that it lasted.I knew that running away from my brothers' pack was the best thing I had ever done in my life, how it had led me to Adrian which was something I would never change. He made me feel loved; an emotion that I used to think was only a fairy—tale and nothing more. He elicited emotions from me which I never thought I would be able to feel, and I loved him for it.Last night in the woods was something that I never thought I would experience, the trust I felt for him should have scared me but it only seemed to make me feel alive. He was so soft, so sweet at the start that I couldn't help but smile every time I recalled it. Sure he got more aggressive in our lovemaking towards the end but he only did so once he made sure I wasn't in any pain, the fact it seemed to cause him just as much discomfort as it caused me was something that I couldn't help but love him for.  Letting out a breath I didn't realize I had I let my eyes drift open, smiling again to myself when I took in how Adrian had his arms protectively around me as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. He was gorgeous, and I could hardly believe that he was mine and mine alone.I had never thought I would find a mate even if it was something I had hoped for, as far back as I could remember I had dreamt and wished for my knight in shining armor to come to my rescue. He didn't disappoint.Shifting in his arms slightly I soon found myself moving so my head rested on his bare chest, the sound of the continuous thumping of his heartbeat soothing me as I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. It was amazing how simply his presence alone could drive away any negative emotions or feelings I had been experiencing, how every time I saw him smile my heart skipped a beat and I felt the pull in my chest encouraging me to stay around him where I belonged.Feeling a smile mold onto my lips I let my eyes drift open before flickering my gaze up to look at my sleeping mate, his strong and rugged appearance never failing to make me feel all warm and gooey inside."You're staring"I squealed in surprise when I heard his husky tone; wasn't he meant to be asleep? Hearing his chuckles I knew that was not the case, my wide eyes finally settling on his grinning expression as his eyes remained closed."Sorry" I muttered, embarrassment running through me as I moved to hide my flaming face in his chest. I still wasn't good with this whole bantering thing, I wasn't used to so many people taking an interest in me, let alone talking to me. It was bizarre almost."Hey now, I didn't say it was a bad thing did I?" he asked grinning, opening his eyes and obviously seeing the embarrassment I felt staining  my deeply flushed cheeks."No" I admitted, he sounded more amused than anything."You see, I like you staring at me like that" he smirked smugly, making me feel confused."How?""Like you want to eat me" he winked causing me to stumble over my words."I…I.." I hadn't been looking at him like that, had I?"I was joking, sweetheart" he smiled, drawing another squeal from me when he pulled me up so I was straddling his waist. I blushed. "I like how you look at me, like you need me" he whispered, so low that if I hadn't been a shifter I probably wouldn't have heard a single word he said."I do need you" I found myself admitting softly, timidly as if I was worried I had said the wrong thing. His lips on mine however told me otherwise.This was a feeling that I knew I would never get sick of, feeling his lips against my own as he wrapped his arms protectively around my much smaller form. He made me feel safe, wanted and protected and I knew that as long as I was with him my life would consist of love and happiness. Something I desperately wanted to keep hold of and not let slip through my finger; I didn't know how long I would last if I lost what we had. I didn't even want to think about it.Pulling apart our foreheads rested against each other, our breaths coming out in light pants due to our sudden lack of breath. It looked like he was about to open his mouth to speak when the sound of footsteps could be heard from the corridor, the heavy stepping sound stopping when they had clearly reached their destination before three quick taps could be heard on my mate’s door.Hearing his sigh in what I guessed to be disapproval I squirmed in his grip, effectively making him lighten his hold slightly as I pulled myself up onto a sitting position on the top of his thighs. I blushed again when I saw the noticeable bulge in his pants, my thoughts flickering back to yesterday when he made love to me on the forest floor.

Chapter 73


"What do you want?" Adrian snapped, his hands

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