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Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Troy looked over at the girl after he parked the car in front of a small house. He had never met someone as brave and fiery as her. The way she had bravely plunged into battle with two, mind you small kitchen knives, had surprised him even if he hadn’t showed it. Even if Sarah had been scared she never once showed it. But not only that, there was the whole fact that she seemed insanely smart and maybe she was the key hope in saving humanity.

This girl was a wonder within wonders was what he thought.

Troy even admitted that Sarah was very pretty with her blonde locks and big blue eyes that just seemed to entrance him. He knew that he wasn’t the only one from his group who had thought that. Still though he told himself, he was on a mission to safely deliver her to Goodwill.

There was a beeping sound and Troy looked down to see his portable phone buzzing. Picking it up he flicked it open and listened attentively to the commander from Goodwill who had been told in advancement of their impending arrival.

“Troy reporting” he said in his most professional tone.

Sarah’s eyes fluttered open and she saw Troy through the darkness speaking into a device.

“Yes, we’ve arrived at Ashford and we’re planning to camp the night in a house.”

Looking around Sarah felt a pang of guilt that she’d slept the whole day away when Troy had been forced to drive along for hours. But one couldn’t blame her with everything that had transpired; she had just been dead tired.

“Sorry” she mumbled after he had hung up.

Troy turned to her with a questioning look. “Sorry I made you drive all the way here” she expanded on her statement and the Troy looked blankly at her before nodding slowly not knowing another way to respond.

“Where are we?” Sarah asked in an attempt to fill the pregnant silence. She knew that Troy wasn’t a talker but they were going to be on the road together and battling zombies for five days so they might as well become friends.

“Ashford” he said simply but Sarah already knew that she wanted to point out; after all she had heard him earlier. Instead she remained silent as she surveyed the area.

In front of her sat a nice looking row of houses with picket fences and a veranda stretching around the building. It was the sort of home one would go to when they retired or went for a family vacation.

“It’s a suburban area” Sarah said bluntly as she sat up slightly alert.

“Yeah, we need to pass through some of these places to get to Goodwill” Troy said as he began opening the door. Sarah followed him and stepped out into the chilling night.

“Won’t there be zombies?” she asked and Sarah swore that Troy smiled a little secretive smile.

“You scared?”

Scoffing Sarah shook her head not that offended since she was still debating if she had imagined the smile or it had been very real.  

“Are you?” she asked after a moment but Troy didn’t answer her as he took her back pack from the car and shouldered it.

“We’ll take it just in case” he said as he locked the car. “We’d want it if we have to ditch the car”. That made sense Sarah thought as Troy and her made towards the front door, Troy drawing a dagger from his side. Sarah copied his actions but drew her katana from her back, the slim blade beautiful in the night. She was still getting used to the fact that it was hers.

Swinging the katana blade slightly, Troy gestured for her to go on the other side of the front door as he picked up his leg to kick the door down. He kicked it a good few times without stopping till the door banged open with force. It swung inwards to reveal a dark room, shadowed in darkness. Sarah felt a sense of de ja vu at that moment, the image of her aunt’s house tickling her mind. She grimaced at the memory, feeling disgusted with the strange fascination she had when she was stabbing her aunts brains out.

“You ready?” Troy asked, snapping her out of her thoughts and Sarah sent him a weak smile. “Ready when you are” she mumbled as she followed him through the door, the back pack sitting snugly on his broad shoulders.

They both entered silently, there feet barely making any noise on the wooden floor. Troy raised his hand and halted Sarah as he strained for the noise he had caught moments before.

“What?” Sarah whispered and Troy pointed with his blade towards a door that was slightly left ajar.

Sarah concentrated on her sense of sound, willing it to pick on what Troy had heard when she caught the quite rustling as if someone was walking about.

Zombie? She asked with her eyes as she held her katana higher and waited for Troy to give the signal.

He nodded and they inched towards the room prepared to make a killing. Troy was the one to ease open the door and the first thing that Sarah noticed was the three dead bodies missing there internal organs laying on the floor and a small hunched figure dressed in a dress that once must have been pink but now was painted a bright red. The head turned towards them and Sarah saw the young and demented face of a young girl who once must have looked innocent. Now she appeared as if she had been dragged through the pits of hell with one of her eyes missing.

Before Sarah could continue to study the female she heard a deep rumbling from the zombie’s chest and then a groan filled the room. The groan was loud and deep, completely different to the girl’s small stature.

The zombie jerked forward like drawn by invisible strings and went to grab a piece of Troy’s leg but smoothly he dodged the lunge and instead in one swift movement plunged the dagger in the zombies head. In an instant she collapsed to the floor and Sarah stood amazed as Troy didn’t falter in any steps even though he carried a hefty back pack on his back and walked towards the dead bodies, cleanly cutting each of their heads off.

“Just in case they come back undead” he said when he saw the confused expression on Sarah’s face.

Nodding her head, Troy and her silently continued to go from room to room, checking for zombies behind doors and under beds.

“We’ll stay here” Troy instructed as he indicated the main bed room. “Get some rest for tomorrow since where going through the heart of Ashford and we don’t know how many zombies there going to be”

Sarah was too tired to argue or complain like a girl at the thought of sharing a room with a stranger, even though she had slept the whole way here, so only nodded her head meekly as she and Troy made their way inside the huge bedroom. It was the largest room of the house with white walls and a blue satin bed spread.

“You take the bed Troy” she said as she collapsed on the couch set off besides the wall. “I don’t think for the life of you, you can fit on the couch”. Troy didn’t comment, didn’t even offer to take the floor as he fell onto the bed after putting the heavy back pack down. He too was exhausted and he knew he needed the energy for what was too come next.

“Thank you” he mumbled into the pillow before turning his back to her.

Sarah smiled slightly, realizing Troy was not one for pleasantries and that didn’t bother her one bit. In fact it made her feel like she had come closer to him and stood on even footing. Like he saw her as a fighter than a fragile woman who needed a bed to keep her from harm’s way and back aches.

“It’s ok” she said into the night as she took off her katana and placed it against her chest, watching Troy’s back for a moment before shutting her eyes.

Yes, everything was going to be ok she thought.

Chapter 6 (extract and unedited)


Sarah sat on the haunches of her feet, bending forward with her katana resting beside her and the blade drawn. The silver glinted in the late morning light as she watched Troy survey the small building with broken windows and shards of glass shining on the floor. He gestured to the small convenience store and Sarah nodded her head.

Their car with all their supplies had been destroyed that morning. One moment they had been resting as peaceful as one could get in a dead world when they heard a loud crash and a continuous onslaught of loud groans. Alert they both jumped up, Sarah drawing her weapon as Troy creeped to the front area of the house through the door and looked through the window. He had sworn, his eyes flashing as he came back and snatched the bag from the floor and grabbed her hand, his harsh grip sending fire through her skin.

“We have to leave” he grunted as he led her to the backdoor and peek through the curtains at the misty garden. His face was tense as he opened the door and it rattled open, Sarah nervously looking back.

“We’ll have to make a run” he muttered as he glanced back at her. “There’s too many of them for us and we can’t have you getting hurt before I get you to Goodwill”

Sarah agreed silently as together they made a wild dash to the broken and tainted fence where they climbed over it before quickly and quietly running down the abandoned street on the side of the house. Her heart was still beating wildly as her eyes focused on his hand still wound around her wrist and she gulped tightly as he turned a corner and took her down the road. Never had a person from the opposite gender clutched her hand like she was going to disappear, not even Daniel. It made a strange feeling well up inside of her, a feeling that she had never learnt or had before. Sarah really desired the company of her aunty at that moment, to ask her if she was ill with a sickness that made ones heart beat irregularly.

Troy slowed down and came to a stop, his eyes taking a distant and faraway look as he debated about his options. He knew they couldn’t continue to walk the whole way, after all it would only be a matter of time till zombies started to appear and he really wanted to avoid an large mass of them. They needed a car.

His eyes swept down the cracked and uneven road and in the

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