» Adventure » Virus, ninja jinx [fastest ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Virus, ninja jinx [fastest ebook reader txt] 📗». Author ninja jinx

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This story is a draft so there may be alot of problems and things you don't get but i hope you still enjoy it

Chapter 1


Sarah Walker stared at her plate with a frown. Her lobster that only a few moments had seemed appetizing suddenly turned into something that wanted to make her throw up. Her eyes darted to the person sitting across from her.

“Dad” she said in a pleading tone. “Daniel…it’s just I don’t think he’s the one”

Her dad looked up from slicing his fish with a frown and eyes sharp like it could cut steal.

“Daniel is my best friend’s son and I need you to go out with him because it would benefit our business” he said firmly and Sarah shivered with the cold look he gave her. It was if she were some meat to be traded and sold to gain profit. What about her thoughts she wondered as she sunk into her seat.

“I hope you know that our company’s future rests on you. I also hope you would stop those self-defence classes. You’re a girland I don’t need my daughter running around waving weapons and throwing kicks and acting like a fighter. It’s your aunt’s fault though, sending you to all those classes ever since you were little”

Sarah nodded numbly. She knew very well that she was a girl since it had been imprinted into her mind ever since she can remember but yet she didn’t regret taking the various classes since she enjoyed the thrill of fighting and smell of sweat and her plastic katana blade.

Taking a bite from her food she swallowed it with a grimace before placing her fork down. “Please excuse me while I use the ladies room” she asked politely while standing up. Her dad didn’t even glance up from his meal as he flipped through his messages on his phone.

Sarah made her way towards the bathroom door passing by a waiter who was hacking away on her hander kerchief. Sarah winced at her loud cough and found herself stopping.

“You ok Miss?” she asked politely and the lady looked up. Her eyes were unfocused and bloodshot and her forehead was sweating, even her skin was beginning to take a pasty form.

“Y-yes” she mumbled and Sarah recoiled slightly at the repulsive breath. “I was attacked on the street. Someone bit me” she explained. Sarah looked on in horror before placing a hand carefully on her back.

“That’s horrible” she said as she urged the woman towards the bathroom. “How about we get you cleaned up and then we get you home right?” she said and the lady nodded. This was an odd flu she thought and she made a mental note to wash her hands after treating to the lady. Sarah was always a tad bit crazy about science and medical conditions.

Sarah pushed open the door with her hand and sat the women down on the cushioned seat pushed to the side. Never in her life had she been thankful that such a thing existed as she grabbed some tissues and handed it to the lady.

The female groaned in pain, clutching her stomach and hacking away again as Sarah stepped back.

“Oh god, should I go call-“Sarah’s voice was cut off as the person toppled over. Sarah tried to catch her and but withdrew her hand when she felt how cold the body had become.

“Is everything-“

“Quick” Sarah said as another waiter came in to see what the noise was about. The waiter looked surprised as they took in the scene. “Call the ambulance!” Sarah cried and the waiter panicked and came further into the bathroom with frantic eyes.

“What?” they asked stupidly and Sarah groaned as she began to leave. “Wait here, I’ll go make the call. Just make sure she stays with you and-“

There came a loud cry of pain and Sarah turned in time to see the women biting off a chuck of the waiters arm.

Sarah stumbled back in horror as the waiter collapsed onto the floor, screaming in agony.

“Holy shit” she swore, completely forgetting her manners as she watched immobile as the lady slouched towards the waiter who was weeping tears of pain. She watched as she bit into the flesh around the waiter’s neck and blood gushed out in torrents.

She needed to help she thought urgently snapping out of her daze as she looked around for something but was cut off by the  bang from the door and Sarah turned in time to see someone stumble in bloodied with a stricken look on their face.

“Dying” they mumbled as they pointed outside as the door slammed shut. Sarah frowned for a moment before she heard a groan and remembering her purpose she looked around more frantically. That was when she noticed the person who had just entered carrying a long silver knife.

Sarah made a grab for it and she was relieved that the lady gave it away so easily since it seemed to slip from her hands. Quickly swivelling back around Sarah looked at the monster who was furiously chewing away at the dead waiter. She shut her eyes for all but three seconds before she made a lunge forward and swung the knife down, trying to remember all her self-defence classes. She could feel the meat hit the blade as she steeled herself and kept hacking away. When she felt the monster go still before her was when she stopped.

Sarah wiped the blood from her face and slouched back with bile rising up her throat. She had just killed someone or ‘thing’ was what she was coming to realize.

Distantly she heard weeping and turning around Sarah pulled herself together at the sight of the other person.

“Go call the police” Sarah yelled out, “we need to get help!”

The person continued to cry uselessly so Sarah decided to grab their shoulders and shake them. “What the hell!” she said and the person looked up with a look of terror.

“He began to bite everyone. He was a monster and there were others like him…” Sarah couldn’t understand what else they were saying but fear was beginning to coil around her heart.

Dad, she thought as she stood up and placed her hand on the handle.

“No! Don’t open it” came a cry but Sarah ignored it as she slowly inched the door open. Taking a small peek her throat went dry. Blood was what painted the place, the pastel walls splattered with the colour red.

“Oh god” she whispered as her blood began to pump adrenaline through her system. She supressed the urge to puke again as she stepped back and took a breath to calm herself.

I need to leave she thought as she took a moment to place her thoughts in order. I can’t stay here; I need to find….who? She wondered. Daniel? Dad? God she had killed someone and was standing in the middle of a death field so how in bloody hell was she going to find them, if they were still even alive.

Beginning to feel detached from reality she slouched down and took another breath only to breathe the smell of blood.

“I can’t stay here” she repeated as she clutched the knife tighter. What happens if those things came back? Those monsters that seemed to be biting flesh off? Were they a cult organisation she wondered.

“We need to get out” she said turning to the other person only to see them shaking their head as they pressed themselves against the wall.

“No way” they cried and Sarah took a step towards them. “They might come back!” Sarah said irritably and a laugh bubbled from within the other persons chest.

 “If we can get out of here I’m sure that everything would be alright outside”

“Outside!” they cried mockingly. “They were everywhere. On the streets, in shops, everywhere. What makes you think that everything is ok?”

Sarah stopped; she didn’t want to believe that they were everywhere.

“You’re lying” she said lamely but she recalled what the lady from before said before she turned into a monster. Hadn’t she been bitten by someone outside? Was this really the doing of a cult?

There was a prolonged moment of silence. “There zombies” they said and Sarah raised an eyebrow. “They bite and spread there disease”

“I don’t care what they are” Sarah said shaking her head as she began to strengthen her resolve even though she wanted to scream. “If what you said was true then we should continue to move”.

The other person laughed before shaking their head as if she were a toddler. “Move she says” they said as they continued to chuckle in mirth. Sarah sighed annoyed and distressed.

“Fine then” she said. “I’m going”. It was as if the person didn’t hear her as they kept on laughing and Sarah knew they had broken under the horror. Luckily Sarah had placed a large mental block around that part of her brain which was weeping with terror and instead focused on one goal. Survive.

It was as if some switch flicked on as she felt a strong sense of determination floods her and a will to live.

Sarah knew that it was a bad idea but placed the knife on the floor and kicked it to the person. She watched it slide across the bloodied surface and hit the wall with a clang. “Take it” she said as she turned away and took another peek outside again. When she deemed it safe she took a breath and stepped away from the inside of the room where she had killed someone.

With careful steps Sarah only made her eyes sweep through the room briefly without taking in any off the gory parts in detail. The kitchen doors beckoned at her with the promise of kitchen knives yet she forced herself to brush that thought away. She didn’t know what was behind those doors and she knew to play it as safe as she can get.

Sarah stumbled a little and looked down to see the broken piece of a chair leg. Quickly grabbing it from the floor she examined the uneven splintered end briefly before grasping it more tightly in her hands. This would have to do she thought as she held it out and swung it a few times.

There was a clatter from behind her and Sarah’s eyes snapped back and towards the back of the restaurant. She stilled as she watched a figure rise from the pile of corpses. However it was like the figure didn’t see her even though she stood a few feet in front of them. They just lamely limped and stumbled the other way before crashing into a wall.

Frowning Sarah backed up towards a wall as well to the left of her and pressed her back against it. She didn’t really want people or zombies jumping at her from behind as she walked forward.

Now with eyes darting back and forth between the zombie and the door Sarah made a steady progression forward. When she reached the smashed door with broken glass she took a small peek out and stepped over shards of glass outside. There was crunching under her flats which made her wince

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