» Adventure » Self At War, J.T. Bright [classic books for 10 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Self At War, J.T. Bright [classic books for 10 year olds TXT] 📗». Author J.T. Bright

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/> "Fuck! You! That's my name."Traiten said defiantly. "She is not a whore. But you, my fine ser, are an ass hole." Traiten said to him. The man laughed.
"You will die resistantly. That is good. I don't like killing men who give up too easily." He said smiling.
"You can kiss my ass. You've got a sword. Cool." Trait took out a handgun. "But I-." The gun was kicked out of his hands, and be fore he new it, the sword was at this throat. " scared shitless." He finished.
"Now please, if you will, tell me. Who are you?" He looked at him sternly before answering.
"I," he said panting," am Traiten Wraith." He said finally. The man's eyes widened, before sheathing his sword. Trait fell to the ground holding his neck where the sword previously was. The man held out his hand. Trait grabbed it, and was halled up to his feet.
"My apologies. I knew they would send you to get the weapon, but I expected you to be a little more fit," he glanced at the gun on the floor," and a little more well armed." Trait looked at him, annoyed. He kneeled down and grabbed on to Morgan, and dragged her out from underneath the car. He tried to pick her up, but utterly failed. "Should I help?" The man asked.
"Considering you just destroyed my car, hurt my best friend, and held a sword to my throat. I'd say, yeah. I think you owe me something." He backed away and let the man easily pick her up and set her down on the grass.
"Look after her. I'll go pushed down your car."
"Yeah, that'd be a good idea." Trait said, and watched him walk to the car. He put a hand on Morgan's shoulders, and tried to shake her awake. "Morgan, you alright?" Morgan opened her eyes.
"Where am I? Who's that?" She asked looking at the man in black. Then there was a big crash.
"That was the man who just flipped our car, putting it back right side up." He said without looking. "I could care less about the car. It was only my life long dream. What I spent all my life savings on. What I mowed lawns and trimmed bushes all day for six days week, nine ours a day for. You know... nothing important. But what about you, are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Can you help me up?" He grabbed her hand and helped lift her off the ground. "Who's he?" she asked again looking at the man.
"I don't really know." Said Trait. "Hey, dude. What's your name" The man looked up and said,
"Ethan. Hey, um, can I ride with you?"
"Two questions. First, is your name really Ethan?" Trait said smiling. "Second, why do you want to come with us?"
"Two answers." He said back. "First, yes. Ethan really is my name. But I go by Drake. Second, down that trail, where the weapon is, there are two very large statues who guard it. If the blades are touched, the statues come to life against who ever tries to steal or take them." Drake answered. Trait's smile faded instantly.
"Oh no. Ty." He ran toward the car.
"What? What?" Morgan answered urgently.
"It's Ty. He's gone after the weapons." Trait answered then got into the car.
"Oh no. Come on!" She told Drake. He didn't ask questions, just did as he was told. Drake barely had enough time to close the back door before the car tires were already spinning wildly. The car shot forwards. The car, going slower than before, was almost skidding on the dirt. Morgan stopped the car, as it skidded to a halt. She lowered Traiten's window. And what they saw, was Traiten's brother, Tyler, ripping his blade out of a large stone warrior's head, and then stepping off. The three of them watched in amazement. Towards them, Tyler said,
"You missed all the fun."

Chapter 10

"How did you..." Trait was speechless. What you could he say? His brother had just killed to giant, stone monsters single handedly.
"I take it that I was wrong about you being the one I was looking for. I knew you had a brother, I just didn't know which one was THE one."
"wait a minute," Tyler said walking up to the car,"you thought this little punk was the strong one? As a matter of fact, who the hell are? What the fuck happen to my car? And why does Morgan look so messed up?" Ty was asking angrily.
"Well, if you want the truth, this douche right here," Trait answered pointing at Drake, "jumped on the hood of the car, and threw Morgan off the trail. This dude totaled the car. The car crash is how Morgan got injured and how I sprained my leg, thanks for asking my dear caring brother, and he held me up at the throat with a sword." Trait was getting angry, fast. He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and looked the other way.
"This all true?" Ty asked Drake.
"Well, yes, but-." Ty was done listening as soon as Drake said yes, and he punched him right in the face. Drake clasped his nose. "I think you broke my nose." He said, his hand still on his face.
"Does it looked like I give a shit? Get the hell out of my car." Ty was instantly mad. "I said get the hell out of my car." Ty repeated. Drake looked at him, sternly, and got out.
"You have no right to order me around." Drake confronted Ty, which was more than he expected. "I can beat you, if any thing, YOU should be doing what I what say. Now, if your done pestering me for the damage he cause, I will be going to see Hellen." He turned, and stalked off. Ty was not going to let that go. He walked after him, gripped one of his new slits, and swung. Drake turned right before the attack, and had just enough time to get out of the way. He unsheathed his sword and stood in front of Ty, ready to fight. Ty lunged toward Drake, but Drake already knew what he was going to do. He dodged out of the way, and landed a slice on Ty's chest. Ty barely noticed, kept on the attack. He shot forward, the ear splitting noise of steal against steal, when Ty's slit found Drakes sword. His attack was heavy, and threw Drake off balance. Ty got out his sword, and before Drake had enough time to recover, he was attacked once more. The heavy blows be Ty was much more than Drake had expected. One blow knocked Drakes sword down, he barely had enough time to draw it again before Ty's onslaught continued. Every second, Drake was blocking an attack. He had no time at all to land an offensive strike. If he let down his defense for a split second, he was dead. Ty, using his two gauntlets and sword all at once. Drake quickly realized that he could not keep this up for long, and soon the fight would be over. And Tyler would have won. Then, the worst possible thing at that moment was happening, Drake's sword was starting to crack. Drake got worried. But that one moment of hesitation was all Ty needed to knock away Drake's sword and swing his blade right across his opponent's throat. Ty immediately stopped as soon as he knew he had won. He sheathed his sword, put away his gauntlets, and watch as Drake's lifeless body fell to the ground. Ty realized that he had just killed the man who guarded these woods for over one hundred years. He himself, looked on in shock of what he just did. He turned away, walked to the car, opened the door and said a simple word.
"Drive." Then, in silence, they drove off back towards the hut, leaving the dead body of the forest's guardian behind.

Chapter 11

They had gotten the map. Ty, over displeased with himself. Trait was driving the car, while Morgan was looking out the window of the car in the back seat. She looked up. Ty looked at her, and she looked away. This simple turn of her head had worsened his day to the edge of depression. He leaned back in his seat, and thought. Two days ago, he had happier than he ever was. Two days ago, he had won the County Championship. And now, he had been the cause of a merciless kill. Two days ago, he thought of him self as the luckiest man alive. And now, he thought of him self as a pitiful excuse for a human. He had remembered what Hellen had said to him earlier.
"If you are truly the one," he remembered her saying," then you will be the cause of many more deaths. Though, they will all be for the greater good. The deaths, the torture, the sacrifices. All for the greater good"
"All for the greater good." He repeated to himself. He thought on this, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

"What is this!" Vendell's shriek had awaken him the next day.
"What, what?" He asked urgently.
"This map. It's fake! She gave us a fake map. Oh, I knew we shouldn't have trusted her. I swear, when i see her again, I'm going to rip her heart out with my claws. I'm going to tear her throat apart with my teeth. I'm going to-."
"Calm down!" Traiten's voice interrupted her rant. "Just calm down and let me see the map." He grabbed the map, and looked at it. He smiled, then looked at Vendell. "The map is right," he said to her," it show you where to go. The right trail. You just can't see it." He looked up. "This here, my friend, is where we are supposed to go." He pointed at the wall in front of them.
"But, it's a wall. The map leads us right into a wall." Vendell pleaded.
"And that's how they keep it a secret. When you come to a road block. You turn around and go the other way. They no that. You'd never jump the road block. You'd find a way around it, even if there is no way. So let's go." He got out of the car. Walked around to the other side, and opened the door for Vendell. He looked at the wall. He turned around and walked away towards a tree.
"What are you doing?" Vendell called.
"Just hold on." He turned back towards the wall. Then he ran. He ran straight for the wall. When he got about four feet away, he jumped through the wall. Just like that, he disappeared. Vendell looked in confusion.
"I think we should go two." Said Tyler. He picked up Vendell, walked towards the tree, and ran towards the wall. And just like his brother, they ran through the wall. On the other side, was a forest like no other. It was dark, depressing, and lonely. Just moments after they arrived, Morgan came fall out behind them.
"Glad you could join us." Trait said to Morgan. "So what do we do now." He took out the map, and looked at it. "That way." He said pointing deep into the woods.
"Where are we?" Morgan asked.
"The Dark Forest." Vendell answered. "I always thought it was a myth. But now, it seems as though I was wrong." She sighed, then followed Trait.
"We better go too." Ty said to Morgan. She didn't look at him or show any acknowledgement to what he said. She just walked away. Tyler looked down, shook his head, and followed her. They were walking through the woods for about an hour, when Trait suddenly stopped.
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