» Adventure » Self At War, J.T. Bright [classic books for 10 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Self At War, J.T. Bright [classic books for 10 year olds TXT] 📗». Author J.T. Bright

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"Oh my God!," he screamed.
"What? What?" another man said in an alarming voice.
"Dude, I got a B+ in science! I can't believe it. This is so exciting." Tyler Wraith, a 19 year old young man. He had short blonde hair and was well built. He worked on physical fitness much. he wasn't the smartest kid in the school, but he got around.
"That's great. How'd you do it? Did you cheat again? You know, you're not always going to be able to cheat." Traiten Wraith. He was on the smarter side of the family. His physique was the average of any 19 year old kid. He and Ty were twins. And they use it to their advantage much. Usually they would trade favors. Trait would take Ty's place for most his school's test while Ty would take Traits place in college and "deal" with his brothers problems. See Trait was in college, but Ty was still high school.
"No, I didn't cheat alright. Well... maybe a little but see, I only cheat on 3 assignments."
"I'm proud of you," said Traiten,"you still cheated but not as much as usual. So now, I'm betting, you're going to ask if you can go." Ty was wanting to go to a gathering. It was the gathering of him and the rest of his group he joined 3 years ago.
"After this, I guess I have no reason not to let you go. But only on one condition, you have to promise not to fight.
The smile on his face instantly faded."Wait, I can't fight. I might as well not go at all if I don't fight. Trait, that's the entire point of the gathering. Slayers go to fight the other groups in the county. C'mon. If we win then we'll be set for the rest of the year."
"Six-hundred dollars is NOT going to "set" us for the rest of the year." Traiten said with a stern look on his face.slightly in
"It's not just six-hundred dollars. This is the COUNTY gathering, not city. If we win, we win five-thousand dollars. Not only that, but we win the Undisputed County Fighting Championship. I can just see it now. ' And the new Undisputed County Fighting champion. The Slayers!" Ty said mimicking an announcers voice.
"Five-thousand dollars isn't that much." Trait said.
"Also, after the county gathering comes the State Gatherings. Which, if we win that, we get ten-thousand dollars. And trust me, that is that much."
Traiten Wraith just sat there. Completely in awe. After about a minute or so, he finally
spoke."Let's go."


"Owe, dear God! Are you sure you want to do this. I mean. that guy just got kneed in the face harder than any guy I've ever seen!"
Tyler kept telling Trait that it would be alright, but he still wasn't sure. They had arrived at the County Gathering about an hour ago. But they hadn't actually got into the arena until about ten minutes ago. So far they had seen 3 fights. Each one more vicious than the last. The leader boards showed that the Slayers were at 3rd place. Then finally, it showed Slayer vs. Quantum.
"Who's Slayer?" Asked Trait.
"Watch and find out." said Ty. Then he through off his coat, and walked into the ring.
"Introducing first, weighing in at 206 lbs. Slayer!" Then, Ty walked to the middle of the ring and through his arms up in the air toward each side of the ring.
"And the in the other corner. He is the returning County Champion. Weighing in at 340 lbs. Quantum!"
Then Quantum finally took the coat off. What Trait saw was a monster of a man. He was bald and at least 7 feet tall. He look like he could stare a freight train down. He look like he could left a tank off the ground with one hand. Shocked at the beast he saw standing across his brother. He was at least ten times the size of his brother. He ran up to the ring right up to his brother.
"Dude, you got to pull out." But when he looked at his brother, he didn't see any worry what so ever on his face. What he saw was pleasure. A grin he only saw on his face when he was going to do something. What ever it was, no matter what it was, he was going to win.
"Don't worry. I can take this guy." he said.
"What you got to understand is that that thing right there ain't no guy, ok. That right there is Chubacca on steroids, alright. There is no way you can beat him." And then the bell rang. Instantly, almost like instinct, Trait droped out of the ring. As soon as the bell rang, Quantum charged at Ty. Trait looked away for about 3 seconds. When he looked back, he was expecting to see his brother flattened. But what he saw was Quantum layed out on the mat. He looked up on the screen and saw the replay. Quantum charged. But when he got about three feet away. He launched a punch right Quantum's heart. The punch was so fast and hard that the camera almost didn't even captured it.
"And the new Undisputed County Fighting Champion. Slayer!" Ty was handed the title while Trait went in to get the cash reward. He glanced at the title, carelessly, and snatched the five grand out of the announcers hand. But his brother was still in the middle of the ring. Holding the title in his hands. Still in awe of the belt, he slowly walked out of the ring. Then, he slung the title over his shoulder, and slowly and proudly, walked out of the arena.
"Dude, look at all this money. Oh, it smells like cash. It looks like cash. It feels like cash. How did you do it dude. I mean first I see The Incredible Hulk runnin' at you, and then, all of a sudden, he's on the floor. Out cold." He was still holding the envelope of money.
"I told you I could take him,"he said walking to their car."Now give me that envelope."said Tyler, then he snatched it right out of his hand. He opened the passenger door of the car and sat down while Trait ran to the driver's side and stated the car. Ty throw the envelope on the dashboard.
"This is my money," Ty said," and I'll be damned if some like you wasn't even going to let me go take what I earned away from. Besides, you said that it wasn't that much anyway."
"Tyler, buddy, you know I was just kidding. Why would I ever keep you from doing what you want. You're my brother," said Trait,"I've never been your enemy. Remember all the things I've done for you. Now, all I'm asking is a little bit of the cut." He tried to look innocent but he could see his brother wasn't fooled. He quickly figured he wasn't going anywhere. So he gave up and drove off.
Ty wasn't interested in the money. He was going to let his brother have all of it. He was just having fun seeing his brother trying to convince him to get half of it. But, honestly, all he was interested in was the title. He was very proud of himself. To him, this was a very prestigious prize, and would stick with him as one of his greatest accomplishments. Three more months and he was going to the state championships. And when he won, he would have respect like no other in his town, in his county, in his state, and soon, the entire United States. He could just feel the glory. The cameras flashing and cell phones taking pictures and videos while millions of fans all over the USA cheered for him and-.
"Hey. Hey, you all right bro?" His thoughts were cut short by his brothers voice."Were here. Back at home. You look like you kind of wandered off. You sure you all right?" His brother seemed a little bit worried.
"Ya man, I'm fine. It's just that... man can you believe that I've won the county championship?"
"Well, at first when I saw Hulk Hogan and Angre the Giant's crack baby, I wasn't so sure. But from the way you handled that dude, guy, thing or what ever the hell that thing was, I'm pretty sure you're going to keep that title for a long time."His brother seemed proud him. But not like the great honor that Ty saw it as, but like you would be proud of your kid getting A's and B's for a strait year. As they walked into the door, Ty with his title tossed over his shoulder ans chest puffed out with pride. And Trait with his hands full of the money his brother won, they came in to see their cat being pet by a woman in black sitting in their recliner waiting patiently for them to come back.

Chapter 3

"Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you doing with my cat? And what the hell are you doing on my chair? Why the hell are you here at all?" Tyler's outrage quickly turned into curiosity.
"Dude calm down, I'm sure a lot of people come home to see incredibly hot gothic, rainbow haired women in their chair petting their cat whenever they go to an arena to win a championship belt. Excuse my brother, he's a little protective over me."
I'm protective of my stuff and Mittens. She could go ahead and eat you for all I care, I just want Mittens and my chair back."
"Thanks man, I can see you really got my back." Ty shrugged. Trait just sighed and shook his head."As you can see, by my brother's large number of insults, that my brother and I are very close." The women smiled, but didn't speak."You look about eighteen, how old are you exactly?" Still, she sat silently.
"Dude, take a hint, she's not interested." Trait looked at his brother annoyingly. A silent message to be quiet. His brother raised his hands showing that he got the message and then said,"I'll wait outside." He then walked out door and and stood on the porch. Trait slowly turned his head back to the woman.
"O.k., I can see you don't want to give a stranger you age, totally understandable. Could you at least tell me your name?" The woman just fixed hers eyes on him. He saw that he eyes were a very, very light blue. Almost colorless.
"Are you... are you blind?" She just stared at him."Deaf to eh?" She continued to stare at him. "Hey dude, can you come back in here? You're the only one who knows brail." He turned around to see that she had her head down."I'm sorry! Don't cry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" His frantic word came out in a jumble. And then he found that she wasn't crying. She was laughing!"Are you all right?" he asked."Did I do something funny?" Then she finally spoke.
"It's going to be fun having you two around." Still giggling.
"You spoke! So you're not a mute? And you're not deaf or blind? Dude," he called to his brother," scratch the brail, she's talking!"
"Ah hell!" They herd him say from outside the door."I've already got an entire paragraph down.Damn it!" Trait saw her giggle again.
"I can see you laugh a lot."
"Her name is Morgan." A voice said.
"Who was that?" He asked.
"Down here." He looked down to see Mittens looking up at him.
"Mittens, did...

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