» Adventure » Impossible Girl:, Nick Venom [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗

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in a different direction. He headed to the male dorms, on the other side of the prison. As he walked, he felt something tingling at the back of his neck. He touched his nape, feeling an intense heat on a small sliver of his neck. He looked over his shoulder at where Milly disappeared, seeing an eye disappearing around a corner. Eagle assumed it was Milly who was watching him from afar and causing the heat somehow.

Wait… it can’t be her power, right? Everybody should be stripped of their powers when they enter the Vault. But… she has a cellphone, which is illegal. She has contraband on her, for God knows how long, so why should a faulty collar be out of the cards. Damn, this is too much for me. I need to get more solid evidence against Milly and make her out herself as a spy looking to recruit metahumans and mutants

Eagle continued walking, arriving at his cellblock. A guard noticed him, yelling at him for being late. He kicked Eagle into his cell before locking it behind him.

Now in his cell, Eagle looked around. There was nothing out of place. He smiled at the thought that everything remained the same. He enjoyed familiarity.

Now tired, he turned to his bed and approached it. He jumped into his bed, draping the blankets over him. Once his head was on his brick pillow, he fell asleep not able to think about anything else. His thoughts disappeared as his heartbeats steadied. He was peacefully sleeping.

Milly didn’t like that. 


The rest of Helen’s first day was a blur to her as thoughts of Steven circled throughout her mind. It filled her with fear, more than any police officer or scientist could. She couldn’t shake the thoughts away like a physical object as they would follow her to the ends of the world if they wanted to. And she was sure they would.

Fortunately, Helen awoke the next morning, feeling much better. The fear lingered, but it wasn’t as powerful and frightening that it was a day ago; it wasn’t as fresh in her mind. She yawned loudly as she sat up. She glanced at her side at where Cat was sleeping. She slept crazily, her body sprawled over her bunk. The end of the bed and the beginning of the floor was a blurred line. 

Above her was Beverly who slept traditionally, straightened and her limbs within the confines of the bed. The line was straight and known. 

Helen, now satisfied with her amount of sleep, stood out of bed and began stretching. She released the tension in her joints before approaching the cell door. She peered out of the space between the bars, but couldn’t see anything amidst the dim lighting. 

“You okay?” Beverly asked. Helen jerked her head backward and turned to face Beverly. “Have you seen a ghost? Because you look like it.”

She shook her head. “No… just nervous.”

Beverly bit her inner cheek before she slowly escaped her blankets and bunk. She was dressed in the same jumpsuit she fell asleep in. 

“Sit down and relax.” She ordered.

  Helen complied instantly. She sat down on the lone chair in their cell. She looked up at Beverly with frightful eyes. “Why am I here? Why was I brought here?”

Beverly bit her lip before answering Helen. “Because we’re special. We’re not like the others. And I’m not just talking about Cat.”

“That’s why?” She asked. “I lost everything because of these powers.” She looked down at her palms. “For what? I haven’t saved anybody like the heroes in the comic books I’ve read.”

Beverly nodded. “We’re not like the comic books. This is reality and… as you can see, it is harsher than the ink in those books.”

Helen nodded. “So what is our purpose here? To die or be raped?”

Beverly shook her head but stopped midway. “I… would hope not. Still, as long as we stick together like glue, we’ll be fine.”

Helen tilted her head as she looked deep into Beverly’s eyes. “Why-? Why are you helping me? I’m marked already… so I’m going to die soon, aren’t I?”

Beverly shook her head, this time confident of it. “I’m helping you because I want to. I’ve seen too many people like you be destroyed so soon after arriving. I couldn’t watch any more fall, especially someone who lives in the same cell as me.”

“We won’t die if we escape,” Cat muttered, catching the others off-guard. “We can’t be raped if we escape, right?”

“Uh… well, I mean, that’s true and all… but we can’t escape this place,” Beverly told her.

“Oh, we can’t? I thought we could just walk out.” She muttered to herself. “Maybe they changed the rules… I don’t remember seeing the patch notes saying anything about the terms changing.”

“W-What? What in the world are you talking about?” Beverly asked. “This isn’t a game!”

“Oh,” Cat muttered, frowning. “Strange.” She then turned away from them and went back to sleep, snoring loudly. 

Helen and Beverly stared at Cat sleeping for a few moments before turning back towards each other. “Weird isn’t she?” Beverly asked. 

Helen nodded. “Yeah, but… she isn’t wrong.”

Beverly shushed her. “Remember that you’re marked. Steven will be monitoring you for as long as he lusts over you. Don’t say anything that could irritate him like the word ‘escape’. Okay??”

Helen nodded. “You’re right… Then what now? Wait and hope he doesn’t attack me?” She asked, trembling softly.

Beverly shook her head. “The Warden will be back in a week, so we have to think of a plan soon.” She muttered.

“What if we break the collars?” 

“No shot there. We need powers to break our collars and we can’t use our powers.” She whispered.

“I can use mine!” Cat exclaimed, holding her arm up as if to ask a teacher a question. “It isn’t hard to break them.”

Helen and Beverly stared at her with open mouths and eyebrows nearly jumping off their faces. Then they stared at each other, sharing the same surprise as each other. 

“How?” Helen asked. “Show me how!”

Beverly shook her head. “Show me that you actually broke your… device.” She said, wording her sentence to turn away eavesdroppers. “

Cat nodded as her hand snaked up her body and reached her neck. She tugged on the collar, showing that it was firmly in place. “Oops,” She muttered as she tugged on the collar harder to no avail.

“See, it doesn’t work,” Beverly said as she sat on the ground. “We can’t-”

“There it goes. I forgot to turn the latch off.” Cat remarked as she pulled the collar off her neck, re-enabling her powers. The collar was now an unconnected three-quarter of a circle. “See, it isn’t hard to break them.”

Beverly felt her jaw briefly hit the floor as Cat connected the collar and twirled it around her pointer finger. “I… I… I… What the hell?”

Cat smiled. “Done!” She exclaimed as she threw the collar up, hitting the bunk above her, and watched as it landed in her lap. “Good?”

“I don’t even know anymore,” Beverly remarked as she watched Cat’s collar being thrown up in the air or twirled around her fingers. 

Helen smiled as she watched the collar being thrown around. “So… we can escape now?” She said with her eyes lit up. “Is it possible?”

Cat nodded. “Give me a day and I'll pop them off.”

“You will?” Beverly asked. “Is there a price for it?”

Cat smiled, her mouth remaining shut.

“I guess there is… Whatever, get this thing off me.” She told her, who complied. Cat pointed at the ground in front of her and Beverly slid into position. Cat then began working on disabling the collar. Meanwhile, Helen kept a lookout for passing guards. Even though many of them were sympathetic to the prisoners, they couldn’t go against Steven’s orders. They were bound to him by blackmail or money. 

“Hey… Helen?” Beverly said. 

Helen turned her head towards Beverly. “Yes?”

“If we escape… Do you have somewhere we can go?” 

Helen thought about it for several seconds before nodding. “My father owns a house we can go to.”

“Is it close? Wait, why am I asking that? I’m not even sure where we are now. We could still be in Chicago or New York for all I know.” Beverly said before rethinking her words. “Well, anyway, can we head to your father’s house if we’re close to it? At least until we can find our way home?”

Helen nodded. “Of course. I would never leave you on your own.”

Beverly nodded. “Thanks… thanks.” 

“Oh, can I come?” Cat interjected. “I want to live in a house.”

Helen raised an eyebrow at her statement but soon dismissed it. “You can come as well, Cat. You are the one who is helping us out the most.” 

Cat smiled. “Yay! I get to be free and inside!”

Helen and Beverly were confused by her statements but passed them off as her rambling. They never saw much of her comments as anything coherent. And Cat didn’t seem to mind. 

None of them seemed to mind their new situation.

However, an eavesdropper was frustrated about it. Milly pressed herself against the wall to their cell, just out of sight. She heard every word they spoke and the plans they were putting into motion.

Damn, the Blue just jumped up to a Black. I need to inform them before they escape. Damn it. Damn it! DAMN IT! She thought to herself, barely able to hold her anger and not slam her fist into the wall. She quietly moved away from the cell and avoided being seen by the guards as she headed back to her cell - now in an aggravated mood. 


“Yes, she leveled up to Black. We need to put her down before she causes a full-blown riot.” She nearly shouted into her phone. She sat on her bunk in her empty cell. She was the only prisoner in her cell; even the neighboring ones were empty as well. 

“She can remove the collars? Get rid of her soon or else everything will be destroyed, especially if the Oranges are freed. The Vault will be in chaos. Shut her down now!” The grim voice ordered. 

“Yes, ma’am. She’ll be dead by the end of the day.”

“I hope so… for your sake.” The grim voice muttered before Milly heard a beep sound. The beep sound was the call being hung up on her.

Milly balled up her fists, aggravated further by the voice’s threat and the problem she now had on her hands. “Damn it. When did she have full control over her powers? And for how long? Damn it!” She shouted, punching the wall and creating a dent. “I mislabeled her. She tricked me with that clumsy and dumb character, but this must be her true self. A scheming wyvern who intends on bringing everything down once she finds compatible people. Maybe those Yellows are what she needs to escape. She must’ve been plotting this from the first day she was here… I have to kill her.”

She huddled herself up in the corner, bringing her legs close to her chest. “At the very least, I need to stop their plans. I can’t afford to disappoint my family. Not anymore.”


“Another victim?” The first guard from earlier asked the second guard. “Why is he creating more and more victims? Shouldn’t the Warden step in?”

The second guard shook his head. “Boe, remember that the Warden would do anything to cover up for his son. Just keep your head down and we’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, but I don’t feel right doing this,” Boe said. “I’ve heard stories and seen bodies being rolled into the morgue, but… to do it myself.”

“It’s disgusting, I know. But we don’t have a choice.” The second guard, Isaan, said. He was holding one end of the gurney holding a female victim that was beaten to death by Steven after being considered ‘disposable’. Blood leaked out of the corpse, staining the white sheet covering the body. “Let’s… Let’s keep going.”

Boe nodded, holding the other end of the gurney. “Still… How is it that we can’t do anything for them? That new girl that was marked,

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