» Adventure » Impossible Girl:, Nick Venom [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗

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is she just dead now?”

“The Warden’s gone and Steven is on his own. He won’t act until after he returns, so she has a week to think of something.”

“Then what? After a week, Steven will feast on her and she’ll end up being on this table like this poor soul.” He said as he pointed at the girl under the sheet. “Unless her collar comes off or she… I don’t know, maybe she steps up to him. Some of the girls here, for sure, scare him.” 

Isaan nodded. “We can’t do anything for them as long as we want to earn money and live.”

“What if we quit and then report to the police about this place? It has to be some type of illegal slave camp, right?”

“Is there such a thing as a legal slave camp?” Isaan asked.

Boe shook his head. “Forget about that, let’s focus on the topic. Is that possible?”

“If it was, wouldn’t you think that the police and FBI would’ve already raided this place? Obviously, something happens to silence all those who quit and intend to rat this place out.”

Boe nodded. “Then we’re stuck here until we die?”

“Let’s hope we leave when we die… unless we’re stuck here for eternity.”

Boe nodded in agreement. “I think we should’ve tried our luck shoveling snow and mowing land. It would’ve paid less, but our lives and morals wouldn’t be stretched and played with like it is.”

“Well… we lost that chance now.”

“We lost the chance to stop Steven.”

“When did we ever have that?” Isaan asked.

“The first day working here. We lost it the second day.”


“What kind of rumors?” An irritated Steven asked. “Tell me what kind of rumors you heard!” He barked as he approached one of his “boys”. 

“Rumors that said you wouldn’t act without the Warden around.” A man, named Nanu, told him. He was smaller in height by a few inches with a clean-shaven face and a skinny and frail build. 

“I can’t act without my father? They’re calling me worthless without him?”

Nanu nodded. “According to the rumors-”

“Rumors is it… or are these your words?” Steven asked, pressing a thin knife against Nanu’s neck. “Speak of which.”

He took in a deep gulp of fresh air. “... the rumors, sir.”

Steven smiled menacingly before nodding his head. He released his grip on Nanu, taking several steps backward. “So… the prisoners don’t believe I can operate without my father… get all of the marked and bring them to the courtyard. Now!”

Nanu’s eyes widened as he realized Steven’s plan. “You’re not saying that you’re going to rape them all in the courtyard? That’s crazy!” He shouted. “Your father will be angered by this.”

“He’ll be happy that I do something on my own. Now go and gather them all. Take any women who intervene and kill all men who step in the way. Now!” Steven barked, venomous words articulating themselves. “Before you end up like the men.” 

Nanu nodded before disappearing from Steven’s room. He sprinted down several flights of stairs with an expression of guilt and revenge. His past sins weighed him down so that passing the message took longer than usual.

Steven didn’t like that.


“Where are you taking us!” Beverly shouted, handcuffed and being led away from her cell by a sobbing Beo. 

“I’m sorry, I really am!” Beo cried out. 

Isaan placed a hand on Beo’s shoulder, applying pressure. “Check your emotions, he’ll target you next.” He remarked, not daring to look at either Beverly or Helen, who he was leading. Cat, meanwhile, was following after them without an escort. She was handcuffed, but she picked the locks while nobody was looking. Even so, she continued to frolic through the hallways with the handcuffs still attached to her wrists.

The others, on the other hand, were escorted by Beo and Issan to the courtyard. They went through several hallways until reaching one of the entrances to the courtyard. Isaan opened the door and Beo escorted the girls outside. They were immediately greeted by the sight of Nanu and other men who stepped into the way, laying on the ground, beaten to death or with their throat slit. The bodies of the men littered the courtyard, frightening Helen and the others. It was a gruesome and revolting sight, even for the guards; most of them turned away or looked down at soil not yet tainted by innocent blood. 

“Welcome everybody!” Steven announced as he entered the courtyard. “Welcome to a… demonstration of sorts. A demonstration of my power. Since, apparently, many of you believe that I’m powerless without my father, I’ll show how much power I truly retain.” He said before brandishing a whip. “The first volunteer gets it easy, so… who’s taking it first?” He asked with a devilish grin on his face. 

As soon as he finished talking, many women spoke up to become the first victim in the demonstration. They raised their voice to trample on others - they all feared to be the second victim.

“Disgusting,” Beverly spat. “This vile beast!” 

“I guess that’s why demonstration begins with ‘demon’,” Beo muttered to himself, being overheard by Beverly and Helen. They nodded their heads in agreement. 

“Woah, he looks like Catman!” Cat said.

Helen and Beverly looked at Cat with raised eyebrows. Even Boe and Isaan jumped into the conversation, unsure of what they heard.

“You… You mean Catwoman?” Isaan asked.

Cat furrowed her brows. “Catwoman? Who’s that?” She asked. “I’m talking about Catman! The popular DC character.”

“No, that’s Catwoman,” Beverly said. “Well, whatever, let’s focus on what’s-” She was interrupted as Steven whipped the first victim, a petite brunette some distance away from them. The sounds of flesh being torn into by the whip made a few guards tear up and some of the prisoners throw up. Nobody enjoyed what was happening - only Steven.

“Am I weak!” He shouted at the first victim as the whip tore into her skin. She let out blood-curdling screams that echoed around the prison and brought many more to tears. However, the tears that Steven saw erupting from the guards and prisoners didn’t stop him. He continued to whale on the first victim until he was finished with her. He then sat down the second victim in front of him, who had already begun shouting and yelling, and started to whip her. 

“Come on! Tell me that I’m weak! Tell me that I need my father! Come on, you hellish woman!” He shouted before erupting into laughter. The tension in the courtyard grew more and more suffocating - some of the prisoners even passed out due to their nerves acting out. 

“We need to leave now,” Beverly whispered to Helen.

Helen nodded her head before glancing at Cat. She winked at Cat, giving her the signal. Cat winked back, officiating the plan. She grabbed her collar and ripped it off her as Beverly and Helen did the same. They quickly spun to face their escorting guards, ready to fend them off, but it wasn’t needed.

“Don’t kill us, just leave already,” Beo told them.

“We’re sorry that we couldn’t help,” Isaan said. “We’re not going to stop you… leave before they grab you.” 

Beverly frowned, unsure if they were telling the truth or not. However, they had a small window of time before it was known all around the courtyard that they had their collars off. She couldn’t waste it on the guards that refused to fight them.

“Let’s go.” She instructed Helen and Cat before turning around. “Stick to the plan and we can escape!” She whisper-shouted. They nodded, following her as she led the way. Without a collar, they had access to their powers. And, fortunately for them, Beverly’s powers allowed her to control fire - even though her control wasn’t as stable as she would’ve liked. 

She sprayed fire out of her palms, alarming everybody around them. The fire didn’t attach onto anybody but moved them out of the way. However, her lack of control was apparent as the fire stretched out with different lengths and at different temperatures; it was going everywhere. Even so, it did its job. With the fire keeping the guards that wanted to fight them, which wasn’t a large amount, and the other prisoners from attacking them, they were able to approach the closest wall that connected with the outside. 

Meanwhile, Steven stared at them in shock. “T-They… W-What? How? No! NO!” He shouted. “Get them or I’ll have you all killed!” He ordered the guards. Some rushed forward, but most lingered behind. They already knew of Steven’s despicable ways, but the demonstration had put them into a moral debacle that saw one side winning over the other. 

“What are you waiting for!” Steven screeched. “Get them! Damn you all!” He shouted before rushing forward to reach Helen and the others. He had a few guards that were in front of him, trying to snatch one of the girls before they could escape. They wanted to please Steven. 

Unfortunately for them, Cat used her ability. She pressed her palms against the outside wall, muttering something to herself. The wall began crumbling, but in a weird fashion - almost as if time was being reversed. 

Once the wall reached a point where they could escape, now at five feet in height, Cat stopped her ability. Beverly jumped over the now tenth of a wall in front of her, entering freedom on the other side. Cat followed her, jumping over it with great height, for no real reason, and landed on her butt harshly.

“Why?” Beverly questioned.

“I thought we were landing into water.”

Beverly stared at Cat strangely before pulling her to her feet. “Leave! Head to the forest!” She ordered, receiving a nod from Cat as a response. The strange girl sprinted into the forest as Beverly turned around to assist Helen. 

Helen grabbed the top of the wall, which was jagged (since Cat hadn’t perfected the ability), and pulled herself up. However, the guards that wanted to please Steven now reached her. They grabbed her legs and tried to pull her down with some results. 

Helen kicked at them but found fewer results. Instead, she dropped to the ground and grabbed at their arms, her palms heating up and cooling down. Her right hand melted into one guard’s arm while her other hand froze the other guard’s arm. The guards staggered backward, clenching their arms, with a third guard refusing to be mutilated by Helen. 

Helen glared at them before turning around, picking herself up to the wall. She looked onto the other side and saw Beverly waiting for her.

“Let’s go, we need you to lead!” Beverly shouted. “Let’s go before-” She was interrupted by a gunshot ringing in the air. The sound lingered for several moments and without neither girl understanding where the bullet went - until Helen looked down at her stomach. A small exit wound was present; several things clicked into place for Helen. She glanced over her shoulder at a grinning Steven wielding a pistol. 

“You hellish woman… I did say you were going to regret rejecting me.” He told her. “Oh, fall over and die already. I’m bored with you.” He then turned to the third guard. “Send her body to the morgue with the others.” He ordered.

His words didn’t sit well with the guards and prisoners watching him. They looked at him with anger and frustration. However, none of them dared to take any action… except the first and second victims. Their skin was bleeding and torn and their minds were deteriorating far past normal. Resentment filled their hearts and now they had the best opportunity they would ever have. They both charged him, catching him off-guard. 

Steven fought both frail and starved girls with relative ease, throwing them to the side. He pointed his pistol at them, chuckling to himself. “And get rid of these two. I-” Another gunshot rang out, but this one didn’t belong to Steven. It belonged to Beo who was done with Steven’s words and jumped at the first opportunity presented.

Isaan, who stood next to him, pointed his pistol at Steven and pressed the trigger. The bullet exited his pistol and entered Steven’s stomach, putting

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