» Adventure » Black Numos Island, Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson [best 7 inch ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Black Numos Island, Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson [best 7 inch ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson

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She fell to the dirty ground. Sam turned, feeling hatred burning inside him.

“You will pay for hurting my sister!” And he held up the pistol and shot, The driver’s face held many different emotions as he winced in pain. He looked sad, confused. His face told Sam that the he deeply regretted something.

“I’m a horrible person.”

“That you are!” As the words slipped out of his mouth, Sam immediately felt guilty. It saddened Sam to see the man this way but he knew what the driver had done was unforgivable Slowly, still watching the man, Sam opened his cab door and hopped out. The man paid him no attention and cradled his arm.

Emily was writhing in her spot and Luke was nowhere to be seen. For a couple of minutes, Sam just cried. He had just shot a man and left him. His parents were probably dead, Luke was gone, and his sister was poisoned. Finally he regained his strength and stepped towards Emily.

“It’s going to be alright,” he told himself out loud. Sam felt it was a lie, considering everything they had just been through, but he knew it was the truth. right now Sam couldn’t think about those things now; he had to get Emily and Luke and headed towards safety.








Marc Slythe


Steve guided the couple to a clearing outside of the cavern. There, he pointed out the berries that were edible. Steve then explained that some of the berries looked like they were blueberries, but really, they were poisonous. They were called mock-berries. Mara and Chris laughed and tossed berries into their mouths. They picked for hours, thankful that they would be able to survive on this island. Soon, they had sacks full of berries. The kept picking until the sun started to set.

On their walk back to the cavern, Steve told them about his wife Sara. He said she had long, dark hair and her laugh sounded like sandpaper. She was a sweet and caring wife. When they reached the cavern, Steve asked them to go in without him while he went to the bathroom.

When he got back, Steve retrieved three wooden plates from his bamboo dresser. Then, all three of them sat down on the bamboo furniture.

Steve said, "Guests eat first." Mara and Chris both picked up one of the indigo-colored berries, and pushed them into their hungry mouths. Mara's left arm fell to the table immediately and both, husband and wife, slumped in their beaten chairs. Mara tried to say something, but her lips wouldn’t move. Steve laughed wickedly.

"So here's the story," he began. "My name is actually Marc Slythe. Yes, yes. The most wanted criminal in America, blah, blah, blah. And, of course, I wear Anyways, I have crashed many planes on this island. But you must be wondering why other planes crash here even when I’m not driving them. I had a highly professional technician set up a system so that all planes flying over Black Numos Island-yes, that’s this island-will crash. Also, no one can get signal and can’t communicate with others.

Mara’s brain suddenly made the connection. As if reading her thoughts, Steve said, “Black Numos Island is known to others as the Bermuda Triangle. But let’s not get into those details. I built this hideout so when I was on the run, I could just steal a plane and crash it here. Until now, though, I have never had anyone survive one of my crashes. And I don't want anyone to. So now, sorry to say, I have to kill you. Actually, I’m not sorry to say! Ha! I’m never I’m just thinking of your family’s faces when they heard you were killed, or better said, murdered. But, I’m getting out of topic here. So, let me tell you how I got you two into this position. When I said that I had to go to the bathroom, I was actually injecting a paralyzing drug into the berries that are now on your plates. Then, you got paralyzed. And now I kill you, but you already knew that. I know this is a lot to take in, so let's just get the job done quickly." There was a very shocked look on both Mara and Chris's faces.

"How about we kill the beautiful wife first?" He stalked back over to his dresser, that seemed to hold everything, and selected one of the many knifes kept in his bottom drawer. He walked back over and simply plunged the knife into Mara's heart. If possible, she slumped even more in her chair. Chris tried to scream, but he couldn't. A lonesome tear rolled down his cheek. Steve wiped off the blood with his white shirt, and then he slid the knife across Chris's throat.

"Bye-bye!" He giggled.







“Luke, come out! The driver’s gone and Emily’s unconscious.” Sam had been walking around outside the lonely airport for almost ten minutes. He made sure not to forget where Emily was. For a split second, Sam almost gave up hope. But then he heard footsteps behind him.

“Hurry up Luke.” A hand clamped against Sam’s mouth.

“Luke, stop!”

“Shhh! We aren’t supposed to be here!” Luke hushed. Sam couldn’t breath. “!” Sam choked out. Luke’s hand flew off. Suddenly, Sam couldn’t see anything. He heard a loud sound and someone cried out.

“Luke?” Sam asked. No answer. Sam felt something hit his shoulder very hard. Someone yelled. All of a sudden, all the noise stopped. Sam heard squealing tires and the blindfold fell off.

“It’s alright Sam.” Sam opened his eyes. He saw that he was in a dark alley. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw Luke clutching his shoulder and wincing.

“You’re bleeding!” Luke shrugged.

“It’s better than Em’s condition.” Sam didn’t need to ask what had happened; he knew. Luke had been in a fight. Sam suddenly remembered his sister. “What are we going to do?!?!” Luke dug out his cell phone and handed it to Sam.

“Call 911, and I’ll carry Emily over here.” Luke ran off to go find Emily, and Sam dialed 911.

“911, what’s your situation?” Sam listed the address and what happened to Emily.

“We’ll be there in five to ten minutes.” Sam nodded.

“OK, thanks so much for your help.” The line went dead. As soon as Sam hung up, Luke arrived with Emily. A couple minutes later they heard sirens.

“They’re here.” Sam whispered to Luke. He handed the cell phone back to his brother and ran to meet the ambulance.

Thirty minutes later Emily was waking up in her hospital bed. After making sure Emily was okay, the nurse came in the waiting room, and Sam and Luke anxiously followed her to Emily’s room. The nurse handed them some pills.

“Give the young lady two of these pills every day for a week. Other than that, let her rest.” Luke nodded.

“Ok, thanks.” Sam handed the lady a 100-dollar-bill. They lifted Emily up, signed her out, and helped her into a small cab. Sam almost handed the cabbie a twenty, but hesitated.

“Are you, by any chance, wearing a wig?”

“Um, no?” The driver gave him a weird look.

“Just a random question! Denver airport, top speed!” The driver nodded and off they zoomed to the Denver airport.










Steve was using a knife to pick his teeth, while looking at some old newspapers he had found in his cabinet. He had just enjoyed a meal of freshly cooked salmon and some baked beans. Suddenly, he heard a rustling noise outside the cavern.

“Who's there?” Steve asked warily. He stood up abruptly and almost tripped over his chair. His knife clattered to the floor. Steve waited a second, and after hearing nothing, went outside to a stream to get a drink.

The cool water from the stream tasted good in Steve’s thirsty mouth, and he didn’t feel as hot as he did before. Having been refreshed, Steve leisurely walked back to the cave. When he made it inside, he yawned.

“All this murdering has made me tired!” Steve exclaimed, smiling to himself. “I think I’ll skip going hunting for food in the woods tonight. I can do it tomorrow instead.” He sat down on his bed and reclined back, his arms behind his head.

Steve had just begun dozing off when he heard the same rustling noise he had heard twenty minutes earlier. He jumped. Everytime he made a kill he was always nervous for the rest of the day. He shivered and closed his eyes again. But, before he could fall asleep, Steve heard it a third time, this time, louder.

“I know you’re there!” He cried, wincing at his loud voice breaking the peaceful silence. “I’m not afraid of you!” Out of habit, Steve reached for his nightstand, where he always left one of his knives. But instead his hand closed around something scaly.

“What the-” Steve glanced at what he was holding and screamed.

“SNAKE!!!” Steve leaped out of his bed, holding a pillow like a weapon.

Sssssss, the snake hissed as it slid closer. Steve looked around wildly for his knife, and then spotted it on the floor. It seemed that the snake had pushed the knife off the stand! Well, Steve was not about to be outsmarted by a slimy reptile! Not willing to get closer to the snake, he ran over to his dresser and carefully selected yet another knife.

Feeling safe now that he was armed, Steve turned to face the reptile. The snake had come alarmingly close in the short amount of time that Steve had taken to grab the knife. Even though he was a grown man, Steve was shaking with fright. He’d never been scared of anything when he was a child; except for snakes. One time he was going for a walk in the woods with a girl his age (who he liked-shhh! Don’t

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