» Adventure » Black Numos Island, Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson [best 7 inch ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Black Numos Island, Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson [best 7 inch ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Maggie Morris, Alaina Fulkerson

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sun was beginning to go down, and it was getting darker. Sam, nervously started rambling.

"I hope Em's OK! She’s all alone in the dark, in a jungle. What if she wanders off? You know, maybe we should go and find her, don't you think so, I mean what if the killer is alive and then he-" Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind that almost blew Luke and Sam off of their feet. An engine roared, and bright lights lit up the dark sky.

"Look, a plane!" Sam cried. The airplane flew away from the brothers, and feeling scared it was going to leave them behind, Luke and Sam chased after it. The plane led them to a an open area on the edge of the island. The small plane landed and the headlights flickered off. A shape stepped out of the plane, and even in the darkness, the twins could tell who it was

Luke let out a gasp of surprise.

"But,!" stammered Sam. Quickly, the boys ran forward to hug the pilot. It was Emily.







When Steve awoke, he saw that he was now alone. His knife lay on the ground next to the now fully shattered picture of himself. Steve now knew that dangerous as those kids were, their snake was even scarier. He never should have underestimated either one of them, but he just felt so stupid being afraid of a handful of kids and a snakelet.

Steve had recognized the snake as the one that had come into his cavern before, so now it was twice that the snake had tried to kill him. Okay, so the first time the snake hadn’t tried to kill him, but it seemed like it.

Steve got up and brushed himself off with his hands. That was when he noticed he had faint bruises around his neck.

That wretched snake! thought Steve.

He didn’t know how long he had been out, but it was long enough to give bruises time to appear, so it must have been a while. He dragged himself over to his bamboo cot, lying down to think. He needed a plan to, “get rid of”-he smiled at his use of quotation-the brats. Steve sat there thinking to himself for who knows how long. Finally, he passed out.

When Steve opened his eyes, light shone in from the small opening to his cave. Jostling around in bed, Steve closed his eyes again. But he snapped them back open when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something sitting on his bamboo table. He leapt out of bed.

There, on the table, was a parrot. It held something in it’s mouth. Steve yanked it out and sat down to read what he figured was a letter.

Scribbled on nice parchment- “Wait a minute! I own this type of parchment paper!” Steve exclaimed. When he opened the letter, the handwriting was so horrible that he knew it must have been one of the kids. How the kids had gotten a parrot to deliver a letter to the correct place was another story.

The letter read three words: We are sorry! But, now that Steve knew that his expensive parchment paper had been used to write a sentence, on top of everything else that the little brats had done, Steve didn’t care if they “were sorry”. He knew it was all just an act because the kids didn’t want to die so young.

Oh well, just another reason for me to kill them, thought Steve. They have no escape off this island, and sooner or later, I will find them!

“Those little brats thought just because they apologized, they would be safe!” murmured Steve.

“Well, they thought wrong! I will not stop until I find them, kill them, and throw their bodies into a river!” He shouted viciously. “Mua ha ha ha ha!” Then he stopped and thought for a second.

“Yeah, evil laughing isn’t really my thing. Next time I’ll just make a scary smile.”







Emily immediately explained everything to her brothers.

"I knew that you wouldn't let me steal a plane by myself, but I was pretty sure Marc was still knocked out and I would be fine. So, I ‘twisted my ankle’ so you guys would leave me behind. Then I broke into Marc’s secret hangar that I found out about when I was exploring when you guys went out everyday for food.”

“First of all, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? And second of all, that still doesn’t explain how you know how to fly a plane!” This came from Luke.

“Remember how every month Dad used to take one of us on a ‘field trip’ and teach us something exotic?” She paused to sniff a little bit.

“Well, a couple of months ago when he took me, he taught me the basics of flying an airplane." She continued on with her story until she was out of breath. Sam was hurt that she didn't think they would let them go, but Luke just nodded and climbed into the small biplane. Natasha slithered in behind Luke closely followed by Sam and Emily.

“Sam, maybe we should leave Natasha here. I mean, at home people are going to ask questions, and she’d like it better here,” Luke suggested.

“If we leave her here than Marc Slythe will kill her. We’re taking her with us,” Sam replied stubbornly. Luke sighed.

"Alright. Let's go, Em." Emily climbed into the cockpit and prepared for take off. A few minutes later, they were in the air.

“This really is extraordinary that Emily can fly a plane!” Luke told Sam. Sam nodded.

“Yeah, and I’m not even scared!” Just then, the plane shook, and Sam grabbed the armrest. Luke laughed.

“Uh huh, you’re not scared!” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

So off they flew. The siblings traveled overnight, the twins taking turns helping keep Emily awake. After the sun had risen, they started giving up hope that they were headed in the right direction.

But, around noon, they saw the lights of a city. It took them a few minutes to find the airport. It had turned out that they were in Las Vegas. Emily steered them towards the runway, while Sam and Luke tried to contact the radio tower to tell them to delay all take-offs.

Suddenly, Emily realized something.

"Um, guys, Dad never taught me how to land an airplane when you are flying at top speed.”

"Actually, to land a plane you jerk the plane up at the last second, then back down, then press down hard on the brakes, according to Landing Biplanes at Top Speed,” Luke simply said.

"YEAH, LIKE IT'S GOING TO BE THAT EASY!" Emily shrieked through the headset. Feeling slightly nervous and eardrums ringing, Luke took over the controls and expertly landed the plane on the runway.

The plane shook so much, Emily thought it was going to fall apart. With a final shudder, the plane stopped. The kids got off the plane and ran into the huge airport. They easily found the police and told them the whole story. The police went to inspect the plane.

At first, Emily was nervous that the police wouldn’t believe them. But, another small biplane landed shortly after the police left for the investigation. Luke was astonished when Marc Slythe himself stepped out. He grabbed some stuff from the plane and was about to take off running when he saw the kids. He growled and dropped everything he was holding and charged at them, a knife extended. Luckily, the police saw what was happening and quickly called for backup before giving chase to the country’s most notorious criminal.

Luke knew the cops believed him and his brother and sister now. Soon, reporters came in and started questioning the kids. A large camera was pointed at Emily and she knew she was on live TV. The old Emily would’ve cared, but the new Emily had spent two weeks living with Marc Slythe.

She looked the camera man in the eye, glared, and said, “Turn it off,” so coldly, even she was surprised. Then, she grabbed her brothers and booked the next flight home.

It was late, so the kids fell asleep on the plane. When they got home, Emily ushered them to bed, then headed to her own room.

As tired as Emily was, she laid awake in bed. Suddenly, she started sobbing. The realization of her parents death finally was sinking in. She rolled over and cried herself to sleep.








Steve needed to get off the island. He ran to his secret hangar, where he had at least ten different stolen planes. He rolled out his old B-2 Bomber, shoving his most valuable possessions into the small storage compartment.

Now that his stuff was safely packed away, he selected a ten-second nuclear and grabbed some flint. Taking off down his dirt runway, Steve pulled tightly back on the joystick control.

Once he was a good hundred feet in the air, Steve turned and swiped the flint across the side of the steel plane. He grabbed the grenade, held it down to the sparks, and quickly dropped it over the side of the plane. Steve silently counted to ten. Just as he said the final number, he heard the explosion not far below him. Perfectly timed, it exploded just as it hit his home; Black Numos Island.

The grenade had been a very powerful one, and Black Numos Island was small. Therefore, the explosion caused the whole island to explode, sending rocks flying in the air. The ocean to open and up and seem to swallow what was left of the island whole.

Steve started elevating, going higher into the air so he wouldn't get hit by a piece of the flying rubble. Once he was safely away from the island-or what used to be the island-he blinked back tears. But, Steve knew that he couldn't

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