» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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gaze. Trying to fight the urge to cry I felt how much concern and worry he felt for me, but luckily his knowledge of battle wounds, even if it wasn't a result of a fight, made it clear that it was only a scrap. Even so I could sense how scared he was that something was wrong, and to be honest so was I."I don't feel right," I murmured, still in a haze from both pain and sleep.It was strange how only a few minutes ago I had felt perfectly fine, exhausted still yes, but other than that I felt on top of the world. But as soon as I had tried to get off the bed I felt as if my own legs couldn't hold my weight, resulting in me crashing to the group and a number of various emotions running through me as I tried to rationalise what was happening. It wasn't doing much good."What hurts?" Adrian asked alarmed, his meaty hand on my forehead as he tried to feel if I had a temperature or not. I didn't feel hot, but his deeper frown told me that I was clearly running higher than usual, even if it was probably normal for a werewolf. It was clear if I wasn't as weak as I was that it would be a hell of a lot easier. Werewolves didn't get sick, it was clear I seemed to be the exception."I feel sick," was all I managed to get out before I felt the bile begin to rise up my throat. I hurriedly swallowed it back down, struggling to remain calm as I gasped for breath even though I knew I wasn't suffocating.



Chapter 88


"Want me to call Lisa?" he asked as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I was sure I looked a mess. "Please?" he spoke softly when he caught sight of my attempt to say no. It wasn't that I didn't like Lisa, but it was her being so touchy with me that I didn't like."Ok,"Hearing my agreement Adrian wrapped his arms around me before placing me gently on the bed, feeling around for his phone on the cabinet before grasping it in his right hand. It took him minutes before Lisa agreed to come over, even though I could still see it was dark outside. Feeling my vision begin to blur even more I closed my eyes, knowing if I tried to focus it would only bring about a headache. Why was this happening to me? I thought I was getting better. No, I knew I was getting better! So why was I feeling like I was? The next thing I knew I was back asleep, a strange sensation in my stomach and upper chest making it uncomfortable to lay like I was. Even so I managed to doze off into a slightly peaceful sleep, vaguely away of the hands caressing my skin in a soothing manner as I did so. I was also aware of low whispers, a conversation I wasn't awake enough to hear properly nor understand. I couldn't bring myself to really care if I was being honest. The next time I woke up a few hours later Adrian was by my side, the concern radiating off him in waves as he watched me with pain—filled eyes."What?" I mumbled as I shifted to press myself against him. I wanted, no needed his touch.Adrian smiled gently as he cupped my cheek. "We're going to Lisa's office in an hour or two to get you checked out properly, why don't you try and get some more sleep?" he spoke softly. Only half paying attention I mumbled that I loved him under my breath before I was once again no longer aware of what was happening around me, my head feeling as if it was filled with cotton wool as I snuggled against my caring mate while drifting off into the darkness yet again. While it was worrying me slightly that I seemed to be so tired over the past few days I pushed it to the back of my mind, knowing that if there was something wrong then Lisa would figure it out, and if not I knew I would have Adrian to fall back on. What I didn't like however was how much my being in this state was affecting him, his pain and worry filling me along with his frustration over not being able to help. I had never met someone who had cared as much as Adrian did for me. I loved him for it, I really did.I once again fell asleep in the car as Adrian drove the both of us to Lisa's office, I had no idea where it was but I had complete and utter faith that my mate would look after me. I knew he would never let me down, ever. It must have taken us a good twenty minutes until I felt the car slow to a stop, Adrian not taking his time in the least as he was soon by my side as he helped me out of the car, and by helped I mean I was in his arms before I had even attempted to walk. I didn't complain, knowing it made him feel more in control when I was in his arms. It made me feel safe to be in them. Once we were sitting in Lisa's office I leaned my head against Adrian's shoulder as Lisa took blood tests, my reaction not quite as dramatic as it was the last time she had tried such a thing. I knew Lisa enough now to trust her judgment, well I trusted Adrian's judgment and he clearly trusted hers.It was when Lisa came back with the results trying not to look as surprised as she was that I knew something had to be wrong, surprised didn't seem good."Your blood tests showed you have a low sugar level, Holly. Why don't you go see if you can get something from the vending machine?" she offered to cause me to look at her strangely. What a strange request."I'll go—" Adrian started before cutting himself off, my head rising from his shoulder only to just miss whatever expression had been on both of their faces. Turning towards me Adrian pressed his lips to mine softly. "Why don't you see how to feel? I'll be there if you need me in a split second, alright sweetheart?"Knowing that he clearly wanted to speak to Lisa in private I was only slightly miffed that I knew it would be about me, but then again if it was bad news I would want Adrian to know first anyway. The last thing I needed to do was work myself into a panic and become even worse.So with that on my mind I simply nodded before pulling myself to my feet, my hand squeezing his shoulder before I followed his direction and headed out the door. I felt something slip into my hand and I looked down only to see a crisp note in my palm. I sighed, that thought hadn't even crossed my mind.Was I really that out of it?



Chapter 89


Adrian's Pov

"You had better having a bloody good reason for me sending her away like that!" I snapped as soon as Holly was out of hearing range, my wolf snarling at the thought of her being in the state that she was and me not being with her. I didn't like it, I didn't like it one bit.Narrowing my eyes at Lisa I took in her nervous attitude, but it was the excitement that was mixed with the worry that had me frowning. Why would she be excited about my mate being ill? What the hell was wrong with her? Clearly sensing that I was about to snap Lisa hurriedly started speaking, her sentences coming out in a stutter as she tried to speak too quickly for her lips to form the words."I didn't think it would be best for her to be present, Alpha" she rushed out. "I know you're worried, but as for her health I can tell you that it is nothing serious."Breathing a sigh of relief I couldn't help but rub my hands over my face in relief. "Thank god," I breathed. My relief was cut show however when she started speaking again. "But—"Crap, I knew anything starting with a 'but' didn't end well."What?" I demanded, wanting her to get straight to the point. I needed to know how my mate was, what I could do to make her better again. I had to know.Lisa took a deep breath. "She's pregnant."The next several minutes neither of us said anything, the words 'she's pregnant' running through my head over and over again. My head was blank, and while my wolf was literally purring and howling with joy and content I was still having difficulty catching up to what she had said.She's pregnantShe's pregnantShe's pregnantShe's pregnant"Are you sure?" was all I could say.Lisa nodded, trying hard not to smile. I knew what she was feeling, her own wolf humming at the thought of her female alpha being pregnant with my pup—My pup; that sounded so good.As a race we tended to breed young, what with the fact we were mated for life we could skip the whole issue of the fear of ending up alone. Once mated we were sorted for life; we only had one mate and they would be perfectly suited. Holly wasn't what I expected when I thought about the off chance that I would find my other half; but she was a million times better. She was quiet and controlled, yet when passion she would speak out. She was eager to learn, her lack of childhood education making her a delight to teach new things to. Even though I loathed, hated how she had been brought up she savoured even the smallest thing she was given. Unfortunately, it made it hard to spoil her.But all in all, she was absolutely perfect for me.The thought of her carrying my young, my child, was enough to bring visions to my mind. Of her pregnant. Of her feeding our pup, caring for our young. Of spending time with a child that I knew was mine.It only made me want it more."She's pregnant?" my words croaked, begging that I hadn't heard her wrong.Near in tears Lisa nodded, biting her lip as she tried to reign in her own emotions.

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