» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

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it would end up coming to bite me in the arse later on if I wasn't careful.I continued to scan them over before sighing, running a hand through my hair. "Both of you get dressed." I continued speaking when they hurriedly tried to flee my presence. "And if you ever even think of outing a wolf to their mate again then I will have your throats, the fact you are mere infants does not affect my decision in the slightest."They didn't stick around, rushing and scrambling to get out of the kitchen with the scent of fear flowing after them. My lips twitched in an amused smirk. Turning back to the counter I set back to work heating up some breakfast for my mate, thoughts of her rewarding me on my mind causing me to smile when Paul walked into the  kitchen. Perfect."I need you to escort Sophie and Liam to and from school today," I told him.I didn't turn around but I heard him pause momentarily. "Why?""They were about to out Jake to his mate."I heard him growl lowly and I knew exactly how he felt. My mind was already swirling with ideas of an appropriate punishment. I had already stopped them from shifting, had them completely grounded but I knew it wasn't enough. Perhaps separating them was a good idea…hum..."On second thought, get Ryan to drive them" I shot over my shoulder as I kept an eye on the microwave. "I have another job for you."Heading upstairs I quietly opened my bedroom door before my wolf purred at the sight of our mate buried under our sheets, my scent covering her small form from head to toe as it would be obvious to even a new wolf that she was claimed and taken. That realization pleased me no end.Placing down the bowl of soft oatmeal I had brought her, it being high in fibre, I quietly approached my other half. I was going to take what Lisa said to heart, my mate wasn't going to be skipping any more meals from now on that was for sure.Sitting on the edge of the bed I gently brushed the back of my hand over her forehead, smiling when she shifted as she moved closer to my touch."Holly, sweetheart…" I spoke gently, softly. "Can you wake up for me?"While I didn't want to wake her up I knew she needed to eat, if sleeping was what she needed after she had finished then I was more than happy to watch over her while she got some more rest. I had paper work to sort out from the pack Paul wanted me to help out and I  felt more relaxed when I was in the presence of my mate so as far as I was concerned it was a win, win situation."Adrian?"Smiling I brushed back her hair as she started to stir. "Yea it's me baby, are you hungry?" I asked only for her to close her eyes again. "No, no baby" I chuckled. "Please eat something."She must have realized that I wasn't about to let up as she dragged herself into a sitting upright position before rubbing her eyes in an extremely adorable manner. I actually fought back the urge to 'aw.'Looking up at me she smiled brightly, my heart melting at the sight of her sleepy expression. "Morning.""Morning," I returned her with a grin before reaching over to grab her breakfast. "You want to eat in in bed or sit up the table?" I asked her.She chose the small table I had in my bedroom, her feet curled up on the couch as I sat next to her, a newspaper in my hands as I skimmed through the news for anything of relevance to my life. There wasn't anything, but I had never felt so content as I had at that moment."Thank you for breakfast, Adrian" Holly's shy tone broke me out of her thoughts as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug that left me grinning."You're welcome," I replied honestly. I would do anything and everything for her if I could. Glancing at my watch I saw that the brats would be leaving for school in a few minutes and I wanted to have a word with them before they left. Grabbing my mate by her delicate hand I brought it to my lips, kissing her soft skin."You want to go back to bed or come downstairs with me for a while?" Holly seemed to think about it before grabbing her bowl and making a move to stand. Downstairs it was it seemed.With my hand firmly in my mates I led her into the living room where Laura was sitting with a bored expression on her face. I rolled my eyes, already having a feeling what she was about to complain about."I'll be back in a minute," I kissed Holly on the cheek as she made a move to sit down on the loveseat which had become our own. Walking into the kitchen I caught sight of Ryan sitting at the table with Jenny, "did Paul tell you I need you to escort Sophie and Liam to school and back?"I got a grunt in return so I took that as a confirmation that he did. Jenny frowned. "What if they refuse when it's time to head off?" she asked causing Ryan to look up as well. It was pretty obvious that with me getting them into the car they would have no choice, but I could see where they were coming from.I thought about it before shrugging. "If they don't they can walk. If they come back late because they walked they will be punished severely. If I find out that they have disobeyed me intentionally I will take them into the woods and beat my orders into them" I stated in a flat tone since I knew they were listening just outside of the kitchen door. Ryan sensing this as well rolled his eyes at their pathetic attempt to eavesdrop."You can't do that," Sophie nervously walked into the room. "We're teenagers and I'm a girl" she stated as if that would change anything. Jenny snorted at that. "So what if you're a girl? What is this, Victorian times?" she huffed. Sophie looked confused. "Huh?""You seem to be under the impression that I would not lay a hand on a female," I quirked a brow before grinning when I heard Holly's light giggles from the living room. Well there was at least one female who I would never even think of laying a hand on that didn't bring her pleasure but she was safely in the other room."You're a woman beater?" her brother spat by her side. I rolled my eyes.



Chapter 95


"I would never harm a female if I did not feel it appropriate, and I would watch myself, but just because you weren't born with a certain anatomy doesn't mean I will let you walk around as if you are invisible."Sophie seemed to get angrier. She was seriously pushing my buttons and needed to watch herself, I only had so much patience."What about Holly?"I was instantly on guard when she mentioned my angel, my posture changing in an instant as I stood up rod straight and narrowed my eyes in her direction. Even her brother seemed to take note and raise his hands silently in a submissive gesture, clearly not wishing to make things any worse on himself than it already was."Careful…" I warned, catching sight of Jake and Annie about to make an appearance before he stiffened at the tension."You want to watch some TV before school?" he asked his mate, already tugging her in another direction. It was probably for the best."What about my mate?" I returned my attention to Sophie."Would you 'punish' her if she stepped out of line?" she sneered, air—quoting around the word punishment. I felt my jaw clench along with my fists.I took a deep breath but I knew my eyes must have been black, her suddenly startled expression told me as much. Just as I was about to speak I snapped my head in the direction to the door, Holly's dark hair having been pulled up into a high ponytail making me stare at her displayed and bare neck.Was she trying to kill me or tempt me?If she felt something off with the atmosphere she didn't say anything, rather smiling brightly as she moved over towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Sophie looked surprised that my mate didn't even react when she saw my wolfed—out eyes; I smiled at how comfortable and trusting my little Holly must feel for me.I loved it."What's wrong?" she mumbled into my chest as my expression softened significantly. I thought about brushing off her question before thinking better of it and answering honestly."Sophie and Liam here don't seem to know how to obey," I told her gently, brushing my fingers through the silky strands of her ponytail. It was soothing.Holly frowned at that, turning around in my arms as she stared at the young members of the pack. "Don't you like it here?" she asked adorably confused.Liam frowned. "Huh?""I like it here," Holly admitted causing me to smile, though I had to admit I was curious about where she was going with this. I let her continue though, my chin resting on the top of her head and my arms wrapped loosely around her waist."I don't get where you're going with this?" Liam frowned."You know that if you get kicked out or rejected by a pack alpha you have to find another, right?" she asked making me impressed with how much she knew of our political system.Liam shrugged at that. "Any pack would be better than this," he snipped causing everyone present to growl at him.Holly frowned. "My old pack treated me like I was nothing," she started. "Why can't you see that you have it good here?"Sophie snorted at that. "Good? This is what you call good? I'm already grounded, I can't see my mum, I'm not allowed to shift and now I have to be followed around 24/7. How can it get any worse?"I rolled at eyes at that, talk about overdramatic. Holly seemed to be getting ticked off though, and while a part of me wanted to calm her down I would admit I liked this side of her. Strong, confident."You say that you have it bad, but you are safe here and if you gave everyone a chance you might like it. You say that you are grounded but until I met Adrian I was barely allowed to leave the house. You say that you can't see your mum; my parents loathed my presence enough to try and break me until I was broken. And you're not allowed to shift? I was scared out of my mind too, because you know what they did when I wolfed out?" she narrowed her eyes. "They would challenge me until bones broke."It was silent. Holly didn't go into her past often however much I still wanted to know so this sort of specific detail was just as new to me as it was the rest of the pack. I knew she was treated like

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