» Adventure » Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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Haunted Houses & Ghost Stories

Leo stood face to face with his daughter who he had disowned a long time ago. He decided that he didn't have any children at all. “Well, Ryoko, I see that you and your cousin, Zelda, are still alive.”
“Yea,” Ryoko answered. “We've been living on our own.”
“I can tell.... Well, there's no need for that anymore.” Leo pulled out his sword and was ready to kill.
Ryoko pulled out her gun and aimed it at Leo. “I wouldn't take another step if I were you, bounty hunter.”
Leo just stood there amazed that Ryoko was holding a gun toward him. He knew he was in trouble.
“Drop the sword.”
Leo did what the young pirate said.
“Zelda, Olivia, go somewhere safe. I'll find you two.” Ryoko kept her eyes on Leo.
“Okay, captain,” Zelda said. “Let's get out of here.”
When Zelda and Olivia were far from Ryoko and Leo, Ryoko kept the gun up, but she kind of moved over a little bit. “Look, I'm not going to kill you.... I'm going to be nice and let you go, dad, but next time you might not be so lucky.... Now get out of here.”

Zelda and Olivia were hanging outside of a little, old gas station just outside of the town. It was about mid afternoon. Ryoko showed up, and kept looking back at the town, making sure that no one was following her. “Come on you two. We need to go somewhere far away from the town for the night.”
“There's an old ranch fifty miles away.... It's deserted.... We could hide out there,” Olivia suggested.
“That's good.”
“I wouldn't go there if I were you, girls,” an elderly, underweight, gray hair man told them as he sat in a chair next to the door of the gas station. His voice sounded a bit raspy and rough.
“Why not?” Ryoko asked.
“Awe the poor guy needs food,” Zelda said, feeling sorry for the man. “Here, sir....”
Ryoko grabbed Zelda's arm and pulled her back.
“Well, see that ranch is haunted,” the man continued.
“HAUNTED?!” Zelda exclaimed, afraid. “Can we go to a....”
“ZELDA, SSSH!” Ryoko kind of yelled to get Zelda to be quiet.
“Years ago the owner of the ranch, Sam Ridge, would sell bulls to pirates.... You know how pirates need an animal for the energy of the ship, right?”
“Well, he would sell bulls to them.... He also provided shelter for them when they were running from the police or the bounty hunters.... One day, he was murdered by a pirate. When the man was caught they found out that he was a bounty hunter. Sam's ghost shows up ready to attack whoever goes there.... Especially, pirates and bounty hunters.... You pirates better watch yourselves.”
The girls were shocked. They hadn't said or done anything that would tell him that they were pirates.
“How'd you know that we're pirates?” Ryoko asked.
“The only one's who are willing to go to that ranch are pirates.... Besides, I was a pirate when I was a young boy and I've been to see Sam for shelter quiet a few times before his death.... I'm warning you girls, if you value your life, you will not go to that ranch.... It's not safe.”
Ryoko and Olivia didn't believe in ghost stories and they figured that the old man was just trying to scare them, but Zelda did. She was shaking in her boots.
“I'd rather go back to the ship,” Zelda replied. “It's safer there.” She started walking away, but Ryoko and Olivia pulled her back.
“I think we'll be fine,” Ryoko told the old man. “It's okay, Zelda. There's no such thing as ghost. They're part of your imagination. We'll be fine.”
“I disagree.”

The three girls finally made it to the old, deserted ranch. It was a little after dusk and they walked into the house on the ranch and lit candles.
“How long do you think this place has been deserted?” Ryoko asked.
“About over twenty years,” Olivia replied, looking around.
They heard something fall onto the floor. Zelda freaked out. “What was that?”
All three girls looked down at the table to see a little mouse who had managed to knock a book off of the table and onto the floor.
“That would be a baby mouse, Zelda,” Olivia answered.
“Oh.” Zelda was kind of relieved but not quite. She didn't want to be on old, spooky ranch.
“Okay, you two. Find a place to sleep,” Ryoko said, laying down on an old, torn up couch.
“Good idea,” Olivia agreed as she walked over toward another torn up couch and laid down.
Ryoko and Olivia went to sleep instantly. Zelda crouched down on the floor, leaning against a wall freaking out. She was too afraid to go to sleep.  The place was creepy to her.
“Get out,” she heard a deep, eerie voice say.
She looked around, but no one was there. She knew that Ryoko and Olivia were far into a deep sleep for them to try to freak her out, and besides, the ghostly voice was definitely a man's voice.
“Get out.”
She was too afraid to move. She noticed a light coming from the couch that Ryoko was on. It wasn't a bright light like what would shine off from an angel, but a darker light that would come from a demon. She looked over and seen a man staring back at her. He looked evil and like he wanted to kill her. She started crying in fear that something bad was going to happen to her.
Ryoko felt someone pulling her hair. “Stop, Zelda.... I'm trying to sleep.”
“Ryoko,” Zelda whispered, she could barely speak.
Ryoko felt someone pull her hair again, but a little bit harder. “Stop, Zelda.... I'm trying to sleep and that kind of hurts.”
“Ryoko,” Zelda whispered.
Ryoko felt someone pull her hair for the time, but even harder. She was actually pretty ticked off. “Stop, Zelda.... I....” She noticed that Zelda was crouched on the floor, afraid to move. She looked over at the ghostly man who stood next to the couch. She was now really freaked out. “Olivia.... Olivia.... OLIVIA!!!”
“WHAT?!” Olivia asked as she sat up and her eyes grew wide eyed as she looked over at the ghost.
The ghost was angry. “Time for you three to suffer.”
“Sam Ridge,” Olivia said, looking up at the ghost.
The ghost of Sam was actually a few years older than he was when he was killed. That was because when a person was killed, the ghost would age up until the age the person was originally suppose to die, unless they were at the age they were suppose to die at then that was different. Sam was ready to kill someone. He didn't care who just wanted the three girls gone.
“It was nice meeting you,” Ryoko said as her and Olivia jumped off of the couches and backed away slowly.
Zelda was so afraid to try and get up that she couldn't move. Tears fell down her cheeks.
Ryoko and Olivia made they're way out of the room.

Ryoko took a deep breath. “That was close.” She looked up and noticed that Zelda wasn't with them. “Wait a minute. Where's....” She realized that Zelda was still in the house.

Sam disappeared and reappeared right in front of Zelda. He had an evil smile on his face. His first victim.
Zelda realized that she had a half of bottle of rum left in her hand and offered it to him. “Rum?” she asked, kind of smiling, trying not to let the fear show.
Sam pulled out a ghostly sword and went to attack, but before he could hit the desired target, Olivia and Ryoko pulled Zelda out of the way and all three girls ran as fast as they could out of the house. The ghost followed them until they left the ranch.
The ghost let out an angry howl and slowly vanished.

The girls were almost back at the gas station. Once they arrived, they stopped to take a break.
“Did the ghost scare you three away?” the old man asked.
“Actually, yea,” Ryoko admitted. “But we made it out alive.”
“I see that.... You girls are lucky because no one else that's been there has been able to make it out alive.”
“You can say that again,” Ryoko laughed.
“Well, have a safe trip girls.”
The girls all nodded then watched as the old man vanished. Ryoko and Olivia's eyes grew wide.
“Hey, you two think that he went to see that ranch and the ghost killed him that's why he was warning us?” Zelda asked.
Ryoko and Olivia just looked at Zelda for a minute. They both were speechless.
“Let's just go back to the ship,” Ryoko told them, “I think that we'll be safer there.”
Olivia and Zelda agreed. The three girls made their way back toward the docks.

Meeting Jackson

Ryoko had the ship sailing through the sky. The ship sailed past the stars. It was peaceful for the three young pirates. They didn't have anyone chasing after them yet. Zelda walked over to Ryoko, holding Winter in her arms. The baby bear had liked the girl's because they took care of him.
“Where's the next stop, captain?” Zelda asked.
Ryoko had to think before she could answer. “Pluto. We'll be safer there because of the cops, and we can recruit more crew members. Besides, I've always wanted to check out the ice planet. It's better than having fire running through your veins.”
“What?” Olivia asked.
“We're Flamies meaning from Blaze.”
“You're a Ridgyin because you're from Bull Ridge, although I think they should call everyone there Spookyins because of the ghost on that planet. Creepy.”

Pluto was below freezing. None of the girls had ever experienced ice cold weather before. Bull Ridge grew cold in the winter and it always snowed, but the cold weather didn't even come close to the frozen planet's summer, which grew even colder in winter. Blaze, of course, never had cold weather. The lowest temperature on the fire planet was 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ryoko was amazed at seeing her breath when she blew air out. Winter had walked off of the ship and the girls couldn't help but laugh as he fell into the snow. If it wasn't for the blue in his fur he would of blended in. He stuck his head up from the snow and the girls sighed as they seen his little black eyes and black nose come up from the snow.
“Of course, girls and baby animals,” they heard a boy say. The boy's voice was going through the changing stage so it was high and low.
The girls turned around to see this cute, fourteen-year-old, blonde hair, and aqua colored eyes boy. He wasn't dressed for the cold. His pants had holes

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