» Adventure » Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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on each pant leg, including the big hole on the right knee. His shirt was a white button up, sleeves rolled up, church shirt. It was unbuttoned revealing the white tank-top under it. The girls could tell that this boy had not led a good life.
“Well, baby animals are cute,” Ryoko said, picking up the small bear. “Just like Winter.”
The boy laughed at the bear's name. “Winter?”
“Yea. Now, if you excuse us, we have some business to take care of.” Ryoko started to walked off. “Come on, Zelda, Olivia.”
Zelda and Olivia didn't answer, they just followed her.
“Business?” the boy asked, following them. “What kind of business, princess?”
Ryoko stopped dead in her tracks which made Zelda and Olivia stop. She was mad at the boy because she didn't like to be called princess. She thought about all the lives that were taken away because of her royal veins which were filled with grief all because of her aunt and uncle. She disowned herself from which her side that would have been a princess if her mother decided to take the throne but didn't. She turned to face the boy. “I'm not a princess.”
“Yea, well, you're a girl and girls are usually princesses.”
Now, that had just ticked Ryoko off. “Just because I'm a girl that doesn't make me a princess.”
“Yea. Whatever.”
Ryoko placed Winter onto the ground, balled her fist up, walked over to the boy, who was a little taller than her and punched him right in the stomach as hard as she could.
The boy fell to the ground, gasping for air. Zelda and Olivia started laughing at him.
“I'm not a princess.... I'm a pirate. Got it?”
The boy nodded as he started to get his breath back.
“I'm Captain Ryoko. Okay.” Ryoko picked Winter back up, turned toward the other two girls and started walking again. “Come on, you two.”
Zelda and Olivia started following her again.
“WAIT!” the boy cried after them.
Ryoko stopped again, rolling her eyes. She turned to face the boy, who was now standing up.
“Captain Ryoko?”
“Do you have room for a boy in your crew?”
“Well, I'm an orphan. My parents are gone, they left me alone to 'fin for myself.”
Ryoko looked over at Zelda and Olivia to see what they thought. She looked back at the boy and eyed him. “What's your name?”
“Jackson Freeman.”
“Okay fine. But, you need to learn how to fight and you'll be the clean up crew.”
“Clean up crew? What? Why?”
“Because I don't like you and you made me mad.” Ryoko pointed to the other two girls. “That's Zelda, my cousin and the first mate of the crew, and that's Olivia.”
“Want rum?” Zelda asked, smiling.
“Zelda.” Olivia lightly pushed Zelda's hand down.
“Oh yea,” Ryoko said. “Zelda's also the ship drunk.”
“And you've already met Winter, by the way, make in fun of his name again, I'll lock you up in the cage. Got it?”
They started walking into the town. The town was filled with people, walking around and going to different stores and stuff. The only ones that the four young pirates had to worry about were the cops. They would catch them, but other than that, they were okay. Arrested

Jackson and Ryoko were arguing. Ryoko had an idea of what she thought they should do, but Jackson disagreed. Zelda and Olivia were staying out of it. Zelda didn't want to say anything because she was trying to think of a nickname for Jackson. Olivia didn't want to say anything because even though they had just met Jackson, she was starting to get a little crush on him.
“Look, I'm from this planet, I know where we should go, captain,” Jackson stated, aggravated.
“So, that doesn't mean anything, Jackson,” Ryoko shot back. “I don't....”
“I GOT IT!” Zelda randomly shouted.
Jackson and Ryoko stopped arguing and turned they're attention toward Zelda. Olivia gave Zelda a funny look.
“Jackson, the perfect nickname for you is the Jackson 1.” Zelda smiled, proud of herself for thinking of the perfect nickname.
“What?” Jackson asked, confused. “That doesn't make any since.”
“Well, that's because it's like the Jackson 5 but take away 4 which equals 1.... Because there's only 1 of you.”
“Zelda,” Ryoko said, “that has nothing to deal with what we're arguing about.”
“But his name is Jackson.... It fits.”
Ryoko lightly smacked her face. She decided that it wouldn't be worth arguing with cousin, when the only guy of the group was being stubborn. “Here, we're going to split up. Jackson thinks that he's right. I'm going to prove him wrong. Zelda, you and me are going left.”
“I bet you two are going to get caught by the cops,” Jackson told Ryoko.
“I disagree. I think that we'll make it.”
“Yea right.” Jackson kind of laughed. “You're going to need help to escape.”
“How much do you want to bet?”
Jackson eyed Ryoko up and down, thinking. “If I win, then I want.... Your sword.”
“Okay. If I win, then I want.... Your....” Ryoko really had to look to see what she could take from the boy. “Your shoes.”
Jackson looked down at his torn up boots then to Ryoko. “Deal. Shake on it?”
“Yea.” Ryoko held out her hand and they shook hands. “Come on, Zelda.”
“Come on, Olivia.”
They went separate ways.

“I'll show him,” Ryoko mumbled to herself.
Zelda looked around, confused. “Who are you talking to?”
“No one.” Ryoko looked over at a little store and knew that they could get some money. She looked around and to her convince there wasn't any signs of cops being around. “Come on.” She smiled. “Jackson is so wrong,” she told herself.
Ryoko ignored Zelda's question as they headed into the store.

A cop, who was hiding in an ally, was taking a nap in his small, black and white police cruiser. His feet were resting against the dashboard. He was about in his early 20's a couple of years out of high school. He was muscular with light brown hair, which went past his ears, but the bangs went down to his eyebrows and stopped.
“Camron,” Craig's voice said over the radio. “Officer Camron.”
Camron kind of jerked his head up and his eyes kind of opened, but his head fell back and his eyes closed. He was asleep again.
“OFFICER CAMRON!” Craig was angry that Camron wasn't answering.
Camron jumped up, alert. He went to grab the walkie-talkie attached to the dash board but it kept sliding out of his hands. When he finally had a hold of it, he held it up to his mouth and pressed the button. “Camron here, sir. What's going on? Over.”
“The convenient store on Chile Lane is being robbed.”
Camron looked at the street sign and realized that he was on Chile Lane and looked over to his left and noticed that the convenient store was next to him. “I'm already here.”
“Okay. Me and Allen are on our way for back up.”
“Okay. Don't worry, sir. I'll get the robber or robbers. You know you....”
“Just go.... They'll get away.”
“Yes, sir.”

Ryoko and Zelda were trying to get the money and get out of the store as fast as they could. The alarm was really loud and it wouldn't be long before....
“FREEZE! COPS!” Camron said, holding up a gun. He was shocked to see two young girls robbing the store. He didn't know how to handle it.
“DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” A cop with long, brown hair said. He was about in his late 20's. He was cute to the older women. He was the perfect weight for his age and had a little beard growing on his chin.
Craig was standing next to him and the both of them had their guns up. They weren't expecting to see a couple of young girls, but they still had to do their jobs.
“Oh crap,” Ryoko said, dropping her gun.
Zelda dropped her gun, but kept holding onto a rum bottle which she had stolen from a cooler. She went to take sip, but the cop with brown hair walked over and snatched it from her. She wanted to cry.
“Sorry, kid, but you're underage.”
“Move out of the way, Allen,” Craig said, walking over to them. “You're under arrest, children. Allen, cuff her. I got the older one.”
“Yes, sir.”
The two cops placed the cuffs on Zelda and Ryoko. Ryoko couldn't believe that Jackson was right. She was so mad.

King Artic

Jackson and Olivia were in an alley. Jackson went to walk out onto the street when he heard the sirens from the cop cars. He backed up back into the alley and had Olivia wait before they could leave.
A cop car raced past them, heading toward the beautiful, ice palace.
“I bet Ryoko got caught. Come on,” Jackson told Olivia.

Allen opened the car door to let Zelda and Ryoko out.
There was a crowd of people from the town on each side of them. Zelda looked to her left and was trying to seen if she could get any rum from anyone.
“Whatever you do.... Don't tell....” Ryoko said, looking at Zelda. “What are you....” She looked into the crowd and grew angry. “Are you kidding me?” She couldn't believe that Jackson was standing in the crowd.

“I knew she couldn't last,” Jackson told Olivia, kind of smiling. He watched as the cops had Zelda and Ryoko walk into the palace walls. “Come on. We have to go bail them out.”

Breeza was in the throne room with a red hair 11-year-old girl and a blonde 14-year-old girl. “Saphire,” she said to the oldest.
“Yea, mom.”
“Can you go over to the window to see what's going?"  "Okay, Mom." Saphire walked over to the window.  She looked out at the crowd and cop cars.
“What's going on?” the younger girl asked.
“I don't know. There's cop cars and a crowd.”
“Oh.... It must be pirates. Alaska, can you go get your father?”
“Yes, mom.” The younger girl walked out of the room.
“Saphire, when your father gets in here can you go and bring Alaska into a different room?”

Artic sat at his throne and Breeza sat next to him. Craig had Camron and Allen bring in Zelda and

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