» Adventure » Unforgettable Summer Break, Austin Gibson [short books for teens .TXT] 📗

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because of the traffic and all the noise that can come from it.
If you want to become an Indian so much then why not become one. Why not let us leave you with them when we meet them? I would love you to leave me with them, but I still can’t let you do that. Why not son? Well there are several reasons why. One is that if I live with them I will not be able to see you for a long time if ever again. The other reason I would prefer not to live with them is because I don’t want to part my best friend Justin here. I know I’m thoughtful. I just couldn’t just up and leave my lifelong friend.
Ms.Sea I just want to let you know that your son is a really good boy. He is thoughtful and considerate. He is also a nice and kind person when it comes to thinking of others. I knew he was good, just never knew how good he was until just a moment ago with what he said.
I would hug you right now son, but I can’t because the seat is in the way. I know mom, we will just hug when we get out of the car next time. Speaking of hugs I think now would be a perfect time for you and Justin to hug. You know what mom your right. Come here Justin and let me give you the best hug you have ever had. I’m right there with you Mangello. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. This is such a beautiful sight to behold, two best friends hugging each other.
Have you ever seen such a beautiful thing before? Only one other thing is better than seeing them two hug. What would that be honey? It would be the night that we did it good. Your right that was a good night.
Well now what are we going to do to past the time? We could all tell stories. I love that idea. I will start first. Sure go ahead Mangello. What story are you going to tell? I’m going to tell the story of when we went to Chicago. You’re going to love this story Justin.
Well it all started two years ago around April. At this time baseball season was just beginning. You know how we like baseball right Justin? I sure do. Your family loves baseball more than anyone else I know in the whole wide world. I like it.
Anyway back to the story. It was April and the beginning of Major League Baseball season. At that time our grams still lived with us. You remember that she died a year ago? How could I forget? You wouldn’t stop talking about it for the longest time. Oh yeah right. I’m sorry I was bothering you with it. I just had to tell someone I knew very well. I tried talking to my parents, but they were already in enough hurt themselves to help me. That is why I turned to you.
Mangello you’re staring to get off subject of the story you were telling. Oh right. Well as I was saying it was baseball season and we still had our grams. For a long time our grams wanted to go see some of her friends. Her friends live in Aurora, IL. So after a few years of having her we decided to take a trip. We were taking a trip to Chicago.
This was not going to be about me, my mom, or my dad. This trip to Chicago was going to be about my grams. The reason why we went to Chicago was because my grams love the cubs. Also the reason we took her to Chicago was because Aurora isn’t too far from Chicago. It was a perfect plan. She would get to do her favorite thing. She would also get to see her favorite old time friends who she hasn’t seen for a very long time.
For my grams she didn’t like to get out very much so it was going to be difficult to get ready and stuff. She was in a wheel chair which means it took her a little longer to get ready to go.
When we got to the airport and through security we had to wait thirty minutes to an hour before we had to start boarding the plane. Her wheel chair would not fit through the door of the plane. So they had to put her on a special wheel chair to get her on the plane.
The flight to Chicago wasn’t that bad. We had to wait until everybody on the plane was off. We didn’t park at a gate, so we had to get a rail to get my grams off the plane. While we were waiting for the rail, we noticed that there was a little girl left on the plane. I hope she is okay. I also hope she found her mom and dad.
We got through the airport alright. It was a very long walk to get to baggage claim.
To get to car rental you had to take a bus. The bus you took depended on which car rental you went with. We had to wait awhile for the handicapped bus to get there.
It took awhile before we could get to the hotel. The hotel wasn’t that far from the airport. The only reason it took awhile to get there was because of the Chicago traffic.
The ride to the hotel was not a pleasant one for me or my grams. You may not want to hear this next part but I’m going to tell it anyway. On the ride to the hotel she was sitting in the back seat along with me. Usually she sits in the front passenger seat. She wasn’t doing too well in the back seat. She, how can I put this without grossing you out, started puking. She did it a lot of the ride. I didn’t want to put up with it, but I had no chose since I was sitting in the back seat.
Getting to the hotel was a bit of a problem. My mom here got the directions from yahoo. When we turned right there wasn’t really anything there. We looked around a bit and found the road the hotel was on.
After we settled into the hotel we went for a walk around the area. While we were out walking we came upon some homeless people. Being homeless can be a very real thing. So don’t take what you have for granted. Just be thankful you have what you have. There is always someone in this world that is worst off then you. While we were walking around there was a train going on by above your head. The train can get pretty loud depending on how close you are to them. We also came across some restaurants and fast food places. We also went by; I mean went above the subway.
When we finally got back to the hotel we decided to turn on the local news. The story that caught my eye the most was the one about the cubs. There was a fight at Wrigley field. The two people to start it were Derek Lee and the pitcher for the San Diego Padres. It all started in the fourth inning. Derek L was the batter at the plate. The pitcher went to through a ball. The ball ended up hitting Derek Lee batting helmet. Derek thought he did it on purpose. He was enraged as he went down the line toward first base. Normally when the batter is like this the umpire is suppose to walk with him to make sure the batter doesn’t do anything. The ump didn’t go with him. The ump was busy talking with the catcher at the plate. While the batter was walking to first the pitcher started to say something. Whatever the pitcher said was not good. After the pitcher said what he said the batter got really enraged. The batter then charged the mound. He was half way down the line when he did this. They both swung fist. Neither fist hit the other. Both teams came out of the dugout. The manager Lou Pinella was one of the last ones out of the cub’s dugout. As he was out there he fell to the ground. Eventually order was established and the game continued. The pitcher for the cubs that day was Carlos Zambrano. He had a no hitter until the ninth inning. The first hit he allowed was a home run. That home run happened to be the only run for either team that day.
The next day we were going to see a cub’s game. The pitcher for the Padres that day was Greg Maddux. He was a former cub pitcher.
That morning it took a little while to find the MC. Donald’s restaurant we saw on our walk last night. The streets were like a maze.
We got to the gate about half an hour to an hour before they open to let you in the stadium.
I was able to get one signature. The game for the cubs didn’t go well that day. They got hammered around. When the game was over the score was eleven for the visitors and three for the cubs. I’m sure the cubs were ready to get out of there once the game was over.
After we got settled in the hotel for awhile we decided to go outside for a little bit. While we were out someone asked us how the cubs did that day.
The next day we went to Aurora. We took grams to go see her two friends who are still living in that town. One of her friends was in a nursing home type place. When we went to see her friend we found out she has alzimers disease. Do you know what alzimers disease is Justin? I think so. Is it the disease that deteriorates the mind and makes it very hard to remember? Yep that is what alzimers disease. After that we went to see her other friend. She had a good visit with her. It was nice seeing her happy.
After that we went out to eat. When we were done eating and socializing we went back to the hotel. During the ride to the hotel we realized the reason grams was puking the other day was because she was in the back seat and not in the front seat.
The next day we got ready to go to the airport. Once we got to the airport and through security we had to kind of hurry. We had a long walk down to the gate. When we got there we had only five to ten minutes before it was time to board the plane. Then come to find out the plane was delayed because there was no crew for the plane. It was delayed about ten to twenty minutes.
Well that is it for my story on the trip to Chicago. Well I… phew. I thought he never shut up. I’m glad he passed out. I have been getting very angry at him. He seems to never shut up. I know what you mean Justin. I’m glad that sleep has finally got to him.
What are we going to be doing to help past the time? Well I know what we can do. We can just ask each other question. I would like that Justin. Well before yall guys begin your questionnaire, we got to make a stop and refuel this Lexus car we got here.
Well at least we can get out of this car for a stretch and get food and drinks to fuel us up until the next
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