» Adventure » Unforgettable Summer Break, Austin Gibson [short books for teens .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unforgettable Summer Break, Austin Gibson [short books for teens .TXT] 📗». Author Austin Gibson

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cab driver to call us as he is pulling up to the airport, so we know he has made it.
How much longer do we have before the cab is suppose to be here? We have got about forty five minutes until the cab is to get here.
I think we should just sit here and look at the clouds for awhile. That sounds like a good idea.
Honk honk. Hello anyone here need a cab service. Yes, be there in a sec. that time went by fast. Will you quit talking and help me move him into the cab. Oh right. Don’t forget the note and money. I got it right here. Go ahead and put it in his pocket. Okay that is done. Hey cab driver. Where is he going? He is going to Rio de Jenario International Airport. He will be flying delta. Tell him that there is a note in his pocket along with the money to pay for the cab ride. Also when you get to the airport could you give us a call? Sure will do. You will probably have to yell to wake him up when you get there. Thanks. Is there anything else I need to know? I don’t think so. Well I will let you know when he gets to the airport.
Now all we got to do is wait. He should arrive at the airport between seven fifteen and seven thirty. So know what. Well know we can get back in the car and continue on our way to the hotel.
I can’t wait until he wakes up at the airport. I can just imagine. It would be a priceless moment to capture if we could. Well we could of, but then we wouldn’t be able to get the tape. So what good would it do? Let’s just relax and wait for the call that will tell us he is at the airport. That sounds like a cleverly good idea.
Yeah, but before that I would like to sing a song called Survival of the Fittest. Just to let you know that I made up this song on my own. Well here it goes.
One day the world going to come down and you will only survive if your survival of the fittest because it will fell like your in the woods except your at your house which will be crumbled down like every other building in the world. You will only survive if your survival of the fittest. To survive you need to live in the woods for awhile because when the world comes down it will fell like you’re in the woods except you’re at your house. You will only survive if your survival of the fittest. If you know how to survive than teach your kids and their kids and their kids and so on and so on because the world may not come down this generation or the next generation, but it will come down in one generation and will that generation be ready. You will only survive if your survival of the fittest. You will only survive if your survival of the fittest. You will only survive if your survival of the fitteeeeeeeeeeeeest.
Wow! I can’t believe how good you are! You are my idol! I wish you would record that for the world to hear. I might do that one day. In the mean time I will just sing it when people want me to sing it. Can you please sing Survival of the Fittest again? One day the world is going to come down and you will only survive if your survival of the fittest because you what my voice hurts.
I am sorry to hear that Justin, son of our friend. You just rest up. We don’t want your throat to get any worse than it already is. I I I will try. We will see you after you rest. I I I will seeeee you then. That was such a beautiful song wasn’t it honey. I don’t know if it was beautiful, but it was an awesome song. I could listen to it all day and it wouldn’t get boring at all.
We really need to be quiet so he can rest his voice and throat. Your right. I will try to be as quiet as I can.
Once they started being quiet Glent and Jestan were having a hard time being still in their seat because they were so anxiously waiting for that call from the cab driver saying that their son has arrived at the airport. They could have jumped right through the roof of the car if they wanted to by the way they were moving in their seats.
They still had roughly two and a half hours before their son was to arrive at the airport.
It’s surprising that they have not woken up Justin because of them moving up there. Justin must be a deep sleeper not having woke up yet with all the rocking of the car.
It is a shock that the trip is going the way it is now. The parents, Glent and Jestan, imagined this trip pretty differently then what it is now. They never imagined that they would be making their own son leave the trip.
The trip must go on until it can’t go on no more. You must soldier forth even if most people around you aren’t because they’re not there or dead. Sometimes you must take one for the team.
Tick-tock tick-tock. The time goes by and the parents grow more anxious and impatient by the second. If you were in that vehicle you would think you’re looking at the two most out of control adult kids in the world. Wondering what an adult kid is? Well an adult kid is an adult whose behaviors or actions make them look like they were little kids all over again. These parents looked like adult kid big time.
Will that phone ever ring so they can go back to being somewhat adults again? The thing is there doing all of this while Justin is asleep. That is just wrong. They don’t even care if they wake him up. He is just like another inmate object lying around taking up space. It like the tread mill, it’s there but you really don’t care about it. That is what Justin seems like to them. Why won’t that phone ring so they can behave more like adults already?

Chapter 7
The Reaction and More
What is that I’m hearing? That sound is coming from their phone. Could it be time?
What time is it? It is about time that we answer that phone because it is about that time he should be arriving at the airport. Answer it. Hello. This is the cab driver. I just want to let you know that your son will be arriving at the airport in a few minutes. I will drop him off at Delta right? Yep he is flying Delta. Well were here. I have to go. I have to wake him up. Bye. Justin wake up!
He just arrived at the airport. This is good. I can just imagine his reaction. Okay dude you need to wake up. I said you need wake up!!!!!!!!!! Who, what, where, why, how. Where the heck am I? You’re at the airport. Who the heck are you? I am or I was your cab driver. I need you to pay me. I don’t have any money. Your parents said the money is in your pants pocket along with a note. Here is your money
First get out and get your bag before you read the note. Okay I will do that. I wonder what is going on here. Let me just get my stuff so I can read the note and see what is going on. Okay I got my stuff. You can go ahead and drive off now.
Okay now let me get inside and sit down so I can tackle this note. Okay this spot looks good. What does this note say?
Dear Mangello, I’m sorry you’re in this predicament, well I’m somewhat sorry. The reason your there right now is because we decided that we don’t want you around anymore. The reason we don’t want you around anymore until we get home is because you ramble on and on and also you complain too much. I’m so sorry about all that has been said.
You’re probably wondering what to do now? Well I will tell you son. First you’re in Delta flight. Before you left I put 200 dollars in your credit card. Nobody knew I did it. I put money on there as emergency money, never knowing when you need it.
I’m getting off subject. Your passport is in the top of the bag in the pocket. You will need this to get on the plane. Have it out in your pocket. You will go up and ask if there are any seats available. If there aren’t any seats available on the plane ask if any are on the next one. If there wasn’t any available for the flight to Atlanta or Birmingham today then call me so I can give you more money to spend the night in the airport hotel.
Once you do get through whether today or later in the week you will need to wait until ten pm for the flight. The next flight in Atlanta will be at seven am the next morning.
I just want to let you know I love you and please call me when you’re about to board, when you land in Atlanta, land in Birmingham, and get home so I know your okay or otherwise you will be in big big big trouble. Signed your strange, loving and forgiving mother. Ps. Good luck getting home. Have a nice flight.
Why that little mother of mine! Is she out of her mind?!! Why would I want to do that! This is just ridiculous! Why I ought a! At this point his fist is high in the air ready to pound something good.
At this time a security officer happens to be coming on by. The officer stops at the boy and asks hey kid are you okay? I’m okay. I’m just a bit angry. I will try and not go crazy. Well you see to that or I will have to hold you until it’s time for your flight. Okay I will officer ummmmmm. My name is officer Gockioladumb.
Well I better check in so I have time to arrange a stay in the airport hotel if necessary. Hello may I help you? Yes you may ummmmmm. My name is Sheent. How may I serve you? Yes I was looking to see if there were any seats available for the flight to Birmingham. Well I see there are seats available for the flight to Atlanta, but there are no seats for the flight from Atlanta to Birmingham until later that day. You want me to put you on the later flight from Atlanta to Birmingham or put you down for tomorrow? I think I will wait until tomorrow. Okay I will put you down for tomorrow then. Well you’re all set.
Well this is just great. I can’t get out of here yet. That just stinks.
Hey the phone is ringing. I wonder who it could be. Hello. Hey mom it is me. Oh what do you want son? Well I won’t be able to leave until tomorrow. Why is that son? Well when I asked if there were seats available Sheent said there were some for the flight to Atlanta, but none available for the flight from Atlanta to Birmingham. So that means you will have to stay the night at the airport hotel? Yep. That is exactly what that means. Darn it. What was that again?
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