» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

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The Dream Realm Chronicles:

Young Guardian Trilogy:

#1: Young Guardian and the Dominionite

By: Lady Adellandra Dratianos

The Dream Realm Crusaders

When a lonely young man, an orphaned girl, and a turbulent young boy meet, their lives begin to drastically change—for the better. Derrick Reading hated his home life, so he runs away. Years ago, Ariana Moon had to get away from an abusive orphanage in order to save her baby. Mark Grey, despite his rich adopted mother, is lonely for affection. Each lives in different worlds, but brought together in a single one: The Dream Realm.

Once meeting his ‘Dream Girl’, Derrick and Ariana begin a loving relationship, only to be parted three years later. Ariana reunites with her twin sister Luna before the three are whisked to the Outer-Realm. Ariana meets Mark Grey in her new home and soon sees something deeper than friendship. They each must live their destinies…Ariana the Dream Realm’s Young Guardian, Derrick her Earthly Protector, and Mark her special friend.

Together, along with their Companion friends from the Dream Realm, Katherine Hawk and Wolf Stargazer, they must learn their trade of Dream Realm Crusading in order to fight the Dominionite Master and his Warrior Army.

Will they find the strength to fight and survive?

Introduction to the Dream Realm Chronicles:

Long ago, before time was, the world was young. Powerful people with Magic of the Ancients ruled. They were the Mystics.
The Ancients were proud of the Magic they learned, and rewarded them with a spell that took them to the Realm of Dreams, also known as the Dream Realm.
Back on Earth, the Mystics lived in harmony with those without Magic. They learned to heal the wounded, soothing the aches and pains brought by war. They watched over the Earth, using its secrets to act as one with the Ancients.
As history predates, the Mystics were soon hated and hunted for their Magic. Lost in a world where their special Magic was banned, the remaining Mystics fled for safety.
The last four sister Ancient Mystics, Enchantra, Challandra, Sibylline and Jezebel, were caught in what is now called “The Burning Times.” Mortals thought their Magic was witchcraft, and the women were fit to burn at the stake. Rather than burn, the sisters sought refuge in an abandoned cabin deep in the woods.
It is there they met up with four Wizard brothers, O’Dell, Orthos, Maxwell, and the newly titled Lord Byron. Together, their fate was sealed.
For those Wizard brothers had their own power, able to do great things unwelcome in that time. Sealing a pact and calling the Ancient’s Spell, the eight Originators broke away from the Mortal Realm to their own sanctuary. So the Dream Realm was Originated, and so were evils beyond mortal imagination.
As with every group of people, there were differences of opinion. A dark, evil Magic burrowed into every soul in the forms of jealousy, deceit, desire, and pure hatred. It would haunt them the rest of eternity.
These are the stories of those eight Originators and their families, whose constant battle between good and evil leaves room for adventure, suspense, drama, and love.
Welcome to the Dream Realm Chronicles.

Book One: A Whole New World

Part 1: Lord Guardian

Prologue One:
O’Dell's Vision

Lord Guardian O’Dell felt it hit like a ton of bricks. In his Pegasus form, he flew down to his Castle Chambers, ready to take on evil. O’Dell was angered as he took on his Immortal form. When he barged in the door, he saw the Dream Realm’s Sphere glowing intensely in the corner.
“What sort of trouble are you hiding, Orthos?” He grumbled roughly, waving a hand over it once.
The vision in the Sphere gave him the creeps, and its image weighed heavily on his mind. The image of his twin brother Orthos, known as the Dominionite Master, told him Orthos was again up to no good.
O’Dell waved a hand over the Sphere again, changing its image to one that made him relax. A beautiful young belle named Enchantra, with her sparkling black hair, stars twinkling in her silver eyes, came into view, melting his angered thoughts. She was the only one that had captured his heart so long ago. He took a deep breath as the vision of Enchantra turned to give him a smile.
She and her three sisters, Sibylline, Jezebel, and Challandra, were separated during the War for Province. Jezebel had gone to Orthos’ side, to be his wife. Challandra stuck by her twin Enchantra and the youngest, sweet Sibylline, had become a common villager of the Province, blending into Dream Realm society. The elder twins were the only ones to stay and help O’Dell with the fight against his brother over the years.
During the Wars for Power, both younger twins had perished, and O’Dell still felt it was his own fault for Sibylline’s death. Before her death, Sibylline had bore a pair of twin kits, with her elder son Braken Joel taking care of them until the end.
Well, the end had come and gone, with Braken Joel pleading for his Lord Guardian’s forgiveness as he returned the kits to himself and the Ancient Mystic Sisters, Enchantra and Challandra. Knowing the true relation between them, O’Dell made a pact with his brother to take the young kits, Katherine and Kitten’s Claw Hawk, as cousins to his own children, Damian and Sabrina.
He stared into his Sphere, focusing his attention to its image. Orthos was planning something; he knew it. It would be something so terrible; O’Dell’s life would be at stake.
O’Dell didn’t want to die; at least, not until his successor could take over. There was just so much that needs to be done in both Realms in order for life to run smoothly.
He thought of his younger brothers, Maximaniac and Lord Byron. Maximaniac’s heart was crushed because of Orthos stealing his bride of Jezebel. Lord Byron, the youngest and most rebellious Wizard brother, was in hiding, wanting nothing to do with the battle between Orthos and O’Dell. Neither younger brother knew which side to go, whether good or evil. Maximaniac wanted Jezebel back, but the only way was to be evil himself. Lord Byron didn’t care much for romance, his heart was on only one: Jezebel's older sister Challandra. Since the end of the Wars for Power, both brothers had long disappeared. O’Dell believed Maximaniac Banished himself to the Outer Realm using his powerful Spell book. Lord Byron was still in hiding somewhere with his and Challadra's four children, unaware of the fight about to take place.
At this moment, he could think of nothing but his brother Orthos, who called himself the Dominionite Master. Orthos lived in a dark, secluded area of the Dream Realm called the Dominion, and was the main reason the younger brothers fled during the Wars for Power. It was this vision of Orthos that made Lord Guardian O'Dell wish to seek revenge for his evil brother's dirty deeds, before it was too late.
O'Dell was the Lord Guardian of the Realms, living in the Realm of Dreams. It was his job to watch over Dreamers of the Outer Realm. In front of many Dreamers, he was a kind Unicorn-Pegasus, a Unicorn with wings. That was his favorite form to take, as he had so many to choose from.
He shifted form, taking flight as a Unicorn-Pegasus above the Mystic Province. O'Dell decided it was finally time to rid himself, and the future Dream Realm Crusaders, of Dominionite Master Orthos, his son Damian, and seductive daughter Sabrina.
Those exempt from this Dominion revenge would be Orthos' nieces Katherine and Kitten's Claw Hawk. With all the evil lurking within the Dominion, Lord Guardian wasn't surprised that the twin Balinese kits wanted nothing to do with their uncle. Each had kind, caring hearts, though only Katherine dared to be her gentle self in a land of darkness.
The Dominionite Warriors, Sabrina's clan of fighting zombies, were just innocent pawns in her deadly, seductive plans. They were fooled years ago by the false promises of a seductress, and were still more than eager to please her. Their minds were too warped to notice what was going on around them, besides Sabrina training them to kill whoever got in their mistress' way. They used to be good, each with their own minds and Companion powers. Once their powers were stolen away, they had no minds of their own, or choice in becoming Sabrina’s slaves.
Even so, O'Dell thought as soared through the air. They will perish as well.
Not all Dominionites would suffer. Along with the Hawk twins, a select few with kindred souls would have their minds and Magic returned. Those Dominionites alone would survive.
O’Dell surveyed the ground of the dank Dominion until he found Dark Tower, where Orthos lived. Heaving a sigh, he swooped down and appeared in front of his brother’s Immortal form. He could tell Orthos wasn't very thrilled to acknowledge his bossy brother's presence.
The thought made Lord Guardian smile.
"Why, hello brother." O'Dell replied, shifting form once more as his hooves touched the Dominion ground. In moments, he too was an Immortal.
Orthos turned, groaning once he set eyes on his brother. "Oh. It's only you. I thought it was somebody important." He muttered sarcastically, not hiding his lack of enthusiasm. He rolled his eyes, groaning. "What have I the pleasure of your royal majesty this time, brother?"
Though the brothers were nothing alike, Orthos a grotesque and evil creature of the Darkness and O'Dell a kind, caring creature of the Light, O'Dell felt it was his duty to keep a close eye on his twin brother's actions. He knew exactly what was coming next, and decided to stay silent, letting Orthos continue.
"I have no currency, for monies are futile in our world." Orthos replied. "I have no time, for time means nothing here, and I have no personal items, for material possessions hold no value."
O’Dell sighed, looking around. He shook his head at the filth of Dark Tower. "Orthos, I never knew you cared either way. Be careful not to come off as soft."
The Dominionite Master scoffed, offended. “How dare you suggest such a thing? I certainly am not soft!”
O’Dell laughed, glad he’d finally irritated to his brother. Then again, O’Dell thought to himself, irritating him was too easy.
They heard a pair of giggles coming from the den door, and each turned to see who was there. The Hawk twins were stepping into the room. They walked slowly toward the brothers, not sure what to make of the scene. Each sister knew Lord Guardian and Master Orthos were brothers, with O’Dell visiting often. Each time he did so, trouble was sure to follow.
Orthos frowned upon the sight of the Balinese sisters. He didn’t like the fact his nieces were slowly growing up like his brother, but decided to keep that opinion to himself.
O’Dell walked over to the girls and bid them an affectionate "Good evening, dears. It's quite a pleasure seeing you again." He turned to the eldest of the twins and took one of Katherine's hands, kissing it. "Katherine, you look radiant in the twilight, as usual."
Katherine blushed and curtsied, purring sweetly as she bowed. "Why, thank you, my Lord Guardian."
Kitten's Claw, commonly known as Kit, rolled her eyes at her sister. She kept her jet-black-and-snow-white-peppered hair short to rebel, and considered herself the more beautiful twin. She folded her arms and grunted as she watched,

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