» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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we're going to be together for a while, we might as well get to know each other."
Luna paused, biting her lip. He could tell she wasn’t sure of how to start.
"I know!” She cried suddenly. “Where did you live before being initiated?"
Derrick thought for a moment, about his brothers, sister, and parents. "In Hill View, Michigan. I went to Hill View Academy until I ran away."
"I lived in Hill View, too, until I was five.” Luna told him silently. She stared ahead as she walked. “That’s when my parents split, dumping me with my Gramma Dixie.”
“I’m, uh, sorry to hear that.” Derrick whispered, nervous.
Sounds awfully familiar, he thought to himself.
“That’s okay.” Luna supplied, pasting on a smile. “It’s only a matter of time before we reunite forever. I can’t wait to see my brothers and sisters again.”
"How many brothers and sisters do you have?"
"Sorry. I can't tell you stuff like that."
"Why not?"
"We're not allowed to talk about stuff that's not related to the System.” Luna said, stopping in her tracks. “Nothing personal."
"Okay. How about this: Why do we have codenames? I mean, what's the point?"
"That's easy.” Luna shrugged so her hair moved with her shoulders, shining in the light. “So the Network or some other government agency won't know who we were."
"Oh. My name is Derrick James Reading. What's your full name?"
"Aluna Star Sister.” He could tell she wanted to say something else, but she paused. “How old are you? I'm almost sixteen."
"I'm almost seventeen. In fact, my birthday is September 26th. When's yours?"
"Would you believe October 30th?"
"Yeah, I would. I feel sorry for you, though."
"'That's easy.'" Derrick mocked her, grinning. "You were born on Devil's Night. That is: the night before Halloween."
"So was my younger brother, Antony."
Derrick looked at her quizzically, curious. "I thought you weren't supposed to talk about stuff like that?"
She shrugged. "Got a rule? I can break it." She smiled.
"If you break too many rules, you know what you get into?"
"No. What?"
"Big trouble."
She giggled again, making him smile. He was beginning to relax around Aluna Star Sister, which was a good sign.
They reached a door and stopped.
Why was his heart beating fast?
Luna shook her head and started her duties with not so much enthusiasm as he'd thought. She cleared her throat. "Let me tell you this before anything else: I'm the NRM around here. That is, I'm the New Recruit Manager, and I'm the one that's stuck with your training program." She slid a card through the security system and punched in a five-digit numerical code into the panel. After opening the door to their new quarters, she walked over to a set of beds, told him to put away what was in his bag and take the bed next to hers, which was facing the balcony. Luna rolled her eyes and sighed, handing him a card similar to the one she used for the security panel. On it was a five-digit number. "Here. You can get in the door with this temporary code until Shannon gives you your own. Until the ceremony tomorrow, you can really do whatever you want. Just don't go far, okay?"
He nodded in agreement. A second later, she was gone, and he was alone.
Derrick was confused, and didn't understand a word. He shook his head and headed to the balcony to look at the scenery and think.
The night air was crisp, and the wind teased his body, giving him a chill. He noticed the set of chairs and sat down.
Shadow, Shannon, and Luna were three of the most confusing, yet upbeat people he'd ever met. Shadow was right; this place was already beginning to feel like home. Shannon had managed to avoid the subject of the Dream Realm. Luna, well, he didn't know about her. She seemed incredulous to him, and he wasn't sure how to react.
Derrick hadn't had this much attention focused on him since he was little.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. As he did that, the phone in between the two beds rang. He stood and answered it.
“Hello?” His confused voice said into the line.
"Derrick? It's Shannon. Meet me in my office. I have something to tell you." Shannon's voice was serious and to the point.
She hung up without saying goodbye and he was on his way, more confused than ever. He hadn't been here for an hour, and already he was in trouble.
He sighed and was on his way, not sure how he got there, or where he was going. A few of the other agents helped him, and he thanked them. A girl with short, wavy red hair found herself beside him and started talking.
"What's a cutie like ye doing in a no-good joint like dis?" She asked.
Derrick shook his head. "Huh?"
The girl laughed, outstretching her hand to him. "My name's Cindy Carmichael." She introduced. "What's yours?"
"Derrick Reading." He said simply, watching his every step.
"Nice to meet you." Cindy replied. "Mind if I ask you a question?"
He shrugged. "Yes, but go ahead anyway."
"What's your codename? I'm Cool Cat."
"Reading. Why?" He said, and watched her nose scrunch up in curiosity. "Is it really that bad to use our real names here?"
"Naw, but you know what?"
"Not really, but I know you're going to tell me." Derrick smiled. He liked her already.
"We just use codenames for cases." Cool Cat replied.
Derrick nodded and thought of Shadow. "What about Shadow?"
Cool Cat shrugged. "Shadow's his own man. He's mysterious and secretive. He doesn't usually talk to anyone except those he really feels he can trust. You don't know him as well as we do." She was silent for a minute, lost in thought. "Where're ya headed?"
"Shannon's office." He replied simply.
Cool Cat smiled. "Know your way 'round, yet?" When he shook his head, she replied. "Follow me, I've gotta go there myself for the computers."
The two of them walked along the many hallways of the System's Fourth Floor and headed to the Computer Lab in silence. They walked in, and Cool Cat headed to a computer, sitting.
"Hey, Cool Cat?" Derrick turned and said. She looked up from the glowing screen, just as Big Guy had done earlier, and smiled at him. "Thanks for walking with me. I really enjoyed your company."
"It weren’t nuttin, sugar." Cool Cat cried. "Anytime."
Derrick knocked softly on the door of Shannon's office and walked in. "You wanted to see me?"
Shannon nodded. "Come in and sit down. I've got a lot of things to talk to you about."
She sat down slowly, gathering her thoughts into proper wording before opening her mouth. "We're one big happy family here at the System. I want you to come to myself or any of my associates if you have any questions or hesitations."
Derrick looked at her. "What do you mean by that?"
"I want you to feel safe and secure here. I don't like it when my agents are depressed." Shannon started softly. "I know about your Dream Girl, and even that you know about the Dream Realm to a certain extent. I want you to ask me any questions you may have about it."
Derrick was silent, his mouth agape in wonder. "How did you know?"
"I told you. Luna told me of her many dreams and visions." Shannon recalled. "One was of you fighting the Dominionite Master Orthos. Now, I know how predictable Luna's premonitions can be. Sometimes they're not. You never know."
"Anyway," Shannon continued. "I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to. I just want to let you know about our world and the new project I'm working on. I have to wait a while before I can get you started."
Derrick nodded, understanding. He listened as she told him of the Dream Realm more. Shannon explained what she was -- an Ancient Mystic, as her Aunt Dixilynne was before she died; and her mother was the same. Since Luna was Shannon’s cousin, she was one, too. To Lord Guardian O'Dell, Shannon and her family were Earthbound, meaning they were stuck safely in the Outer Realm until they could return to the Dream Realm to live.
Derrick was intrigued. Whatever he could learn to get himself closer to his Dream Girl would help.
"Any other questions?" Shannon asked, wrapping up.
"Not really, but I do have some concerns." Derrick replied.
He then told her of his many visions regarding the Dream Girl, and how each time he thought of her; she was that much closer to being saved. "When I came here, I had another daydream about her. She was closer to me now. I can actually see her face, and almost touch her, Shannon! She's so sad and pleading."
Shannon nodded. "Your Dream Girl is one of us."
He didn't say anything. "One of whom?"
"I can't tell you, Derrick." Shannon replied softly. "Not yet." She reached into her desk and pulled out a wallet-sized card and a pad of paper. She wrote something on the paper and handed both to him. She explained how to use his new code-card and numerical code before he stood to leave.
"I want you to remember something, Derrick." Shannon replied.
He stopped and stared while his boss' face relaxed. "We're all friends here at the System, not foes. So just relax and you'll be much happier here. See you tomorrow in the Commons Room after the ceremony. For now, have fun."
He closed the door behind him, now unsure of what to think of the System.


Two weeks later, Derrick slid his new code-card through the panel and punched in his numerical code with ease. The door opened with a buzz and a friendly voice greeted him over the intercom. "Good afternoon, Agent Reading."
He was startled, but smiled. The System's many secrets were going to be his one day, for he was a quick learner. Still, the many wonders of the System would never cease to amaze him.
"Hello!" He called into the air, closing and locking the door. "Luna! Are you here?"
"I'll be right out." Luna's voice came from afar. "I'm almost done."
Derrick sat on his bed, flipped through an old issue of Sports, Illustrated, and laid back to relax. In a few minutes, Luna came out, fresh and clean. Her pink satin robe made her body even sexier than before, Derrick noticed, as she rubbed her long hair with a towel.
"How was your afternoon with Chips?" Luna teased. She knew that Alan "Chips" Deneson was the System's resident computer genius, along with his friend Jamie "Jammins" Stewart. Sometimes, Chips could be a little overbearing.
Derrick shook out of his romantic daze and replied. "It was kind of cool."
Luna shook her head as she combed through her closet for a casual outfit. "That bad, huh?"
"Not really. Actually, it was quite overwhelming." Now was his chance. "By the way, are you doing anything tonight?"
"I've got a dinner date with Shane -- I mean Shadow." Luna blushed. "He asked me today during the volleyball game in King's Court." She saw the disappointed look on his face and asked. "Why?"
Derrick shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "No reason. I just wanted you to show me what we do for fun here. That's all."
"Oh, okay." She turned and went back to the bathroom to dress. In ten minutes, she was on her way. "I'm off. See you later, Derrick!"
Then she was gone, and alone Derrick stood, disappointed. He sighed.
Looks like I'll never get a moment alone with her. Derrick thought to himself. Oh, well.
He glanced around the room and noticed the comforting balcony
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