» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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Companion friend she’d come to love. Ariana took a deep breath before speaking.
“I have a Companion Banished to me.”
“Katherine Hawk?” Enchantra replied, and Ariana nodded.
“Is there any way I can help her return home?” Ariana asked, interested. “She misses life in the Dream Realm, and wants to find her sister Kitten’s Claw.”
The trio looked at each other before turning back to her.
“Have her help you with your power.” Challandra replied.
O’Dell closed his eyes and reached into the empty air. In a language Ariana still didn’t know, he chanted something. In moments, he pulled a parchment of paper, handing it to her. “Together, mind-in-mind, call this spell. It will bring her here with you only, until we decide her return.”
Ariana took it from his hands, feeling a burst of energy as she touched the rolled-up parchment. “Yes, my Lord. Thank you, Sisters, my Lord Guardian.”
“Is there anything else you need before heading back?” Challandra asked, looking at both O’Dell and Ariana.
"May I come here on my own whenever I want?" She asked them, thinking of Mrs. Gertrude, her orphanage master and people like her.
Enchantra nodded and smiled. "Of course. Familiarize yourself with the Dream Realm, and learn whatever you can about it."
"This will be your world soon, too, Young Guardian." O’Dell replied with a sigh.
She didn't know what to say. Instead, she thanked the Sisters and Lord Guardian, returning to her world.

Lying in her hospital bed, Ariana stared out the window, secretly sad. She realized she'd cried in her sleep, and thought about her daughter.
What will become of little Kelina Erin? Ariana thought to herself. Where would the little baby go?
Her thoughts halted on two words: Kelina Erin.
Where did that come from? Ariana thought.
She dried her tears and took a deep breath. She had the feeling her baby would be more than just cared for by a loving family, she would be fine. Maybe Ariana would be reunited with her someday.
Speaking of Kelina Erin, where was Aaron Theodore right now? It was Mrs. Gertrude's plan to sell the older children to rich families, and Ariana knew Aaron wanted to escape the hell-hole as much as she had. Had he escaped and made it?
Ariana closed her eyes and thought of his face.

Soon, she found herself with Aaron and his twin Amethyst Theresa, Aimee for short. One name popped into her head: Schmidt. The twins were dressed well, and both were happy. At least, Aimee was. Aaron seemed distant, longing for his best friend's companionship.
He seemed to sense her and smiled; glad he was still in her thoughts. His image clasped the bracelet around his right wrist.
Ariana gasped. So my predictions were true! How surprising? She thought with a grin. We thought it was just a game! Maybe Katherine and the Sisters are right: I really am an Ancient Mystic.
Ariana smiled, happy for them, and came back from daydreaming again. She looked to her wrist for the friendship bracelet she made before she left. Aimee and Aaron had one as well. They were like the Three Musketeers: All for one, and one for all. The twins were sorry to see her go, yet happy that she was getting out of the orphanage. Not many children had escaped and lived to tell about it.
She thought of her best friend again. Aaron had been the one most affected.
Ariana closed her eyes and snuggled into the pillow, memories putting her to a somber sleep.

When she was healthy enough, Ariana returned to the nursery window, finding her daughter out of many look-alike babies. The baby's dark brown-and-red hair seemed to stand out. Her eyes were the same color as her mother’s silver-blue.
This time, she really was silent, exploring her hands. Just like in the vision!
How gorgeous she is? Ariana thought happily.
Her doctor found himself by her side, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Do you have a name for her, yet?"
She looked at him and smiled. "Kelina Erin."
"What a pretty name!" Dr. Mathews patted her shoulder, then left.
Ariana didn't hear him, though. She was busy staring at little Kelina Erin. She just stood there, thinking to her beautiful baby girl.
Kelina Erin, my beautiful daughter, you are more special than either of us could ever imagine. I have a feeling once we're back together, we'll be happy once again. You may not remember me then, but the next time I see you, it won't be for a long time.
I had a dream. You would have a much better life than I had ever had. You would have the best life could offer, and still stay as sweet as honey.
Ariana stopped, wiping the fresh tears from her eyes. Be careful, little one, who you trust. There are a lot of vicious people out there. As you develop your powers, always sense people with Empathy. See people for what they really are.
Ariana pressed her hand to the pane.
I promise you this, my darling Kelina Erin. As soon as I establish a wonderful life for myself, I'll search with my heart and soul to find you. Then we will be reunited and become a family.
Then, finally, we'll both be home.


A year later, fourteen-year-old Ariana Moon sat in the counseling office once again.
In front of her was another Court Counselor, wishing to probe her mind for her troubles. It was a never-ending circle. Foster homes treat her as a slave, beating her. She'd run away and survive to live another day, only to be placed here. She hated the Shore Point Juvenile Detention Center the moment she walked in the doors each time. She was placed in another bad foster home, only to have the circle of torment continue. It was a game she hated to play.
"Let me get this straight.” The counselor explained, sifting through a portfolio of papers. “You had lived in the Shore Point Home for Children with an old woman named Helen Gertrude, who you claim beat you constantly."
"That's right." Ariana said sadly.
"Don't interrupt me." The woman chastised, making Ariana jump. "Going on, you had sex with one of your orphanage siblings, and last year, had his baby."
The thought of her precious Kelina Erin brought tears to her eyes. She nodded sadly.
"To top it all off, just recently, you ran from the Sheridan’s, your current parents."
Again, Ariana nodded.
"Why?" Ariana echoed. "Only because they treated me poorly. I wasn't about to stay at a place where I was being beaten and abused constantly. It was almost as bad as the orphanage, not to mention here! I've had enough traumas in my life, thank you. I wasn't about to stand for it, so I did the best thing I could do. I ran away."
"Running away from your problems doesn't solve them, Ariana." The counselor reminded her gently.
"To me it does." Ariana was on the verge of tears, just thinking of her past. "Knowing what I've been though, wouldn't you do the same?"
The woman was silent, and she looked over her glasses at Ariana. "I find this very hard to believe. What about that silly necklace you insist on wearing? Do you really believe in the Guardian of an alternate society called the Dream Realm? Come on, please! I just don't believe you had this hard of a life. It's not possible!"
Ariana sighed, touching the necklace. "Well, please believe it. It's true."
The woman took her glasses off and sat them on the table in front of her. "Do you know what the next step in the process is?"
I don't know, Ariana thought sarcastically in spite. You're going to send me to another foster family? She shook her head and decided to keep her thoughts to herself. She had learned long ago what the consequences were for opening her big mouth and speaking her mind.
"We're going to send you to an approved foster family." The woman replied.
What was this older woman going to do if you spoke your mind? Asked a voice in her head. The voice was Katherine Hawk's, and Ariana was glad to hear it. Ariana pondered her friend's statement and decided to be as difficult as possible. "I'd rather not." She replied nastily. "I'd rather go where hate can't rear its ugly head at me."
That's it, Ariana! Katherine’s voice cheered.
"I'm afraid you have no say in the matter. You're still a minor in the court's eyes." The counselor picked up her glasses and put them on, frustrated. She stood, wanting Ariana to follow, but she wouldn't move.
"Stop being so stubborn!" She cried, exasperated. "Now, come along and meet your new parents, Richard and Rhonda Doll."
Doll? That didn't sound so bad, Ariana thought. "Are they nice?" She asked, at least a little interested.
The response was a slow nod. "As nice as their name suggests."
Ariana rose and followed the woman to the waiting area, where she met the Dolls. Ariana opened the door and faced a young couple.
"Mr. and Mrs. Doll, this is Ariana Moon, the teenager I was telling you about." The woman introduced, turning to Ariana. "Say hello to them, Ariana."
Each looked in their late twenties. Immediately, Ariana’s Empathy power kicked in as she briefly looked into their eyes. She sensed their power in society, with Mrs. Doll being the head of the family. When she looked at Mr. Doll, she sensed some trepidation in him.
Ariana made a feeble attempt to wave, and looked to the floor when Mrs. Doll frowned her disapproval.
Here we go again, she thought to herself with a sigh. I don’t know what to think of the Dolls.
I will tell you what I think. Katherine supplied tartly, which was unlike her. Beware of Mrs. Doll, and keep an eye on her.
Why do you say that? Ariana inquired.
This couple does not want a daughter; they want a servant! Katherine told her. I can tell these things.
Ariana shook her head. Now, why would you think that of such a lovely couple?
Katherine was silenced as Ariana’s eyes met those of Mrs. Doll.
“Don’t dawdle, child. Come along.” Mrs. Doll grabbed her arm roughly as soon as they were out of sight of the Detention Center’s counselor.
Ariana had no choice but to follow them to an awaiting limo. That’s when Mrs. Doll let go.
“Well, get in.” Mrs. Doll supplied. “We don’t have all day, you know.”
Obeying, Ariana stepped in, awed by the vast space in the limo.
Impressive, she thought with a grin. Rich and young.
Ariana giggled to herself, until her eyes met with a serious glare from Mrs. Doll. Ariana looked down at her lap, ashamed.
The car ride was silent, which was good. It gave Ariana time to think.
Mr. Doll sat across from her, and she wondered why he didn’t speak, or dare to meet her eyes. After all, the Empathic feelings she’d had of him were sincere. Why wouldn’t he talk to her?
When they got home, the butler Christoph took her backpack and showed her to her room. He slammed the door behind him, leaving her locked in the dark bedroom.
Might as well make myself at home, Ariana mused. She looked around. Looks nice enough. Then again, I've learned long ago that looks can be deceiving.
Ariana smiled to herself. She saw a mirror on the far wall of the room. She stared at her reflection, remembering the voice. Making sure no one was listening, she whispered aloud. "Katherine Hawk, are you here? I know you are because you made such a rude comment about the Dolls. Please
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