» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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asked. “Just who is this new agent?”
“Her name is Ariana Moon.”
Big Guy’s eyes widened. “Luna told me about her twin sister. Is this Ariana Moon really her?”
Shannon nodded. “Yep, only Lord Guardian doesn’t want Ariana Moon to know Luna until it’s time. Get it?”
The girls found themselves at the door marked “Computer Lab,” walking in.
“So, will you get her for me?” Shannon asked as Bridget stopped at her computer.
“Where is she?” Big Guy asked.
Shannon went to her office, and Big Guy followed, stopping in the door.
“Shore Point Juvenile Detention Center.” Shannon supplied, looking at a folder on her desk. She picked it up and leafed through it. She looked up at Big Guy after a moment. “You know where that is, don’t you?”
“How can I forget?” Big Guy asked. “It’s where Dixie found me and Brian.”
Shannon giggled. “Well, are you going to do it, or not?”
Big Guy saluted, smiling. “You bet. Lead the way.”
With that, the two girls planned how Ariana Moon was going to become one of the best teen-detectives at the System.


Here we go again! Ariana thought to herself as she entered the Shore Point Juvenile Detention Center for the fifth time in three years. It was eleven o’clock at night, and she had been running from the Dolls for three hours. She was tired, and hungry.
"Back again, eh Missy?" A guard teased hoarsely, coughing on his cigarette when he laughed. "Can't seem to get enough of this place, can you?"
She ignored him. Instead, she followed him to her 'cell' to settle in for the night.
"I guess the food will have to wait." Ariana whispered to herself, now that she knew no one was listening.
She covered herself in the one blanket they gave her and fell to sleep quickly.
A week later, it seemed the guards had nothing better to do than pick on her. Sure, the other kids in here enjoyed it, but she didn't. She did nothing, keeping to herself, but her only reward was the whip in a quiet room. It too reminded her of the orphanage.
That night, Ariana Moon covered herself in blankets, still aching from endless beatings the guards gave her at the Shore Point Juvenile Detention Center.
As soon as the lights were out, she quietly took out a small notebook from underneath the mattress and found a pen in the corner of her pillowcase. Opening it, she began to write.

"Dear J,
The circle of hate goes around one more time in my life...
How do I get myself into such desolate situations?
Only my friend Kat seems to understand me.
I don't even understand me.
She seems to know me more than I know myself, which
I'm still debating whether that's a good thing or not."

Ariana stopped writing and slammed the book closed when she sensed someone over her. She looked to the ceiling and thought with a smile. Closer still my Love.
She smiled when the picture of her Imaginary Romeo came to mind. She saw Enchantra standing beside him. Ariana clutched her Dream Locket, knowing she wasn't in harm this time. She'd be fine.
Watching her Imaginary Romeo’s face as he stared at her, she thought one final thought to ease his mind. Soon, we’ll meet. Have patience.
The next day, Ariana was told she had a visitor in the waiting room.
I have a feeling about this one, Ariana. You will be fine, Kat peeped up after a long silence.
I hope you're right, Kat. I don't know what I'd do without your feline instincts! Ariana teased her friend.
Please believe me, Ariana. This woman is compassionate; do you not sense her from here? She will be the one to help change your life for all eternity.
Ariana sighed. If you feel that strongly about it, I'll believe you.
Ariana turned the knob and opened the door, facing an attractive woman wearing a stylish blouse with blue-jeans. She looked chic, yet mature, and dressed to impress. The young woman's hair was pulled up into a thick ponytail, with dark-brown strands hanging down from each side, making her look even more spectacular.
Ariana smiled and the young woman smiled back. The young woman wasn't much older than she was. She relaxed.
"Hello, Ariana. My name is Bridget Guy." The woman introduced herself as Ariana sat down. She held out her hand for Ariana to shake.
At first, Ariana was hesitant. When she used her Empathy on Bridget Guy, she sensed nothing but kindness and sincerity.
"Nice to meet you," Ariana replied, taking it.
"I'm from a teen detecting agency called the System, and I have come to take you out of here." Bridget replied.
I knew it! Kat cried inside Ariana's head.
Kat! Ariana scolded her.
Sorry. Kat apologized.
Ariana cleared her throat and sat down. "Who are you, really? You don't look like a counselor to me. You don't even sound like one."
"Never said I was." Bridget said simply with a smile, shrugging. "I told you, my name is Bridget Guy and I'm from the System."
Ariana was skeptic. "How do I know you're telling me the truth? How do you know about me?"
"Simple. You don't." Bridget replied. "But if you come with me, you'll see I am telling you the truth." Bridget Guy stood and straightened her attire. She fluffed her hair and beckoned Ariana to join her.
Bridget laughed. "Thought so. Come on, kid. Let's go." As Ariana stood, Bridget paused. "By the way, call me Big Guy. That's my codename."
"Huh?" Ariana stared, puzzled.
"You'll see soon enough." Big Guy replied. "Trust me."
"Okay, if you insist." Ariana said simply. "Anything to stop the cycle."
It was Big Guy's turn to be confused. "Huh?"
Ariana smiled, echoing. "Trust me."
Big Guy laughed again.
Ariana followed her outside to an awaiting limo after she picked up her backpack from her room.
Looking more and more familiar, Ariana thought. Are you sure about this, Katherine?
Would I let you go if I was not? Kat thought back.
Big Guy noticed Ariana's silence and smiled. "You're a quiet one, aren't you?" She teased.
Ariana shrugged, and smiled back. "I guess so."
In a while, the girls were on their way in silence.
Well, not total silence. Ariana thought as she watched Big Guy flip through an old magazine as she tapped her heel to the music in her headphones. Big Guy snapped her gum, making bubbles.
Her eyes wandered to the window and her mind followed.
Did I not tell you, Ariana? Katherine replied with a purr. She just saved us from a lowly existence, being a friend instead of a foe. Do you not feel the kindness in her heart?
Strange enough, I do, but I don't know, Kat. I guess that everywhere I'm placed, I’m abused.
No need to worry about that this time, Ariana. You will be fine. Kat reassured her.
I hope you're right. Ariana thought to her Companion.
Ariana's gaze returned to the window, and the surroundings outside as the limo carrying she, Big Guy, and the driver hurried its way down the road.
Ariana closed her eyes, getting a mental image of her Imaginary Romeo in her mind.

She pictured them overlooking an ocean, holding each other in a romantic embrace. Ariana’s heart skipped, just thinking about him.
He had his arms around her waist so she was able to look into his eyes. Dark brown eyes, like Aaron, she noted, but bigger, brighter, gentler. He had a pair of black-rimmed frames covering them, but that didn’t change the feelings of infatuation he had for her. Her Imaginary Romeo was content just to hold her, soothing whatever anxious thoughts she’d had of him.
Who was he? Why did he seek her guidance, offering it in return if she needed it? He wanted to help her with her hidden demons, as she wanted to help him with his.
Whoever he was, his intentions were sincere.

She couldn’t help smiling at the image.
“What are you smiling about?” Big Guy teased, watching her.
Ariana shrugged out of her daydream, blushing. “A little fantasy I have, to keep me hopeful.”
Big Guy was confused. “What’s that, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“My Imaginary Romeo.” Ariana replied. “I know he’s not real, but the thoughts of him keep me warm at night.”
When her gaze went back to the window, her eyes shut.
Big Guy couldn’t help feeling sorry for the young agent. Shannon told her very little of Ariana Moon’s life, how she was constantly abused in foster homes. Before going back to her magazine, Big Guy smiled, thinking a happy thought.
The System would change the way Ariana Moon looked at life. Big Guy could count on it.

A couple of hours later, Ariana awoke from a nap to see they had reached their destination.
"We're here." Big Guy announced as Ariana followed her out of the limo.
Ariana shivered when the wind blew through her hair as she followed Big Guy.
She watched as her escort turned to the driver. "Thanks again, Landry. That'll be all."
The driver lit a cigarette, his eyes wide as he asked. "See you later, Big Guy?"
Big Guy nodded with a wink, turning to lead Ariana inside.
"Where are we?" Ariana yawned, stretching her aching muscles.
Big Guy took a deep breath, saying. “Welcome to the System, Ariana Moon. Your new home.”
Ariana paused, hesitant. She held her breath, taking hold of her backpack. With her other hand, she secretly touched the bracelet.
As she surveyed the campus, she noticed shadows of letters spelling out Shore Point University on the front of the building.
Must have been a college in its day? She mused. Maybe someday, I'll look into it more. She felt a tap on her shoulder, bringing her out of her daydream. Meeting the cheerful, teasing eyes of Big Guy, Ariana blushed.
“Come on, follow me.” Big Guy remarked.
Ariana followed, watching as Big Guy tapped a number into the security panel. As the door clicked open, she continued. “You have to meet the boss, Shannon Ryan."
Ariana shrugged, not knowing what to think.
What do you think of this, Katherine? Ariana asked her friend.
Use Empathy; that is all I can tell you. Katherine purred back in her mind. This ‘Big Guy’ does not seem all that bad. Just with Empathy, what can you tell me about her?
Ariana opened her Empathic ears and mind, seeing if she could read Big Guy’s aura.
Sincerity, hard-working, serious yet fun. She and her brother had been at the System for years, not even knowing their own family.
Ariana smiled. Big Guy’s just like me, an orphan.
When the girls stopped at a pair of double-doors, Big Guy spoke up.
"Go through those doors and you'll see her name on another door."
“Will you come with me?” Ariana asked, not wanting to lose Big Guy’s companionship.
"Sorry girl.” Big Guy shook her head and regretted before she left. “I'd go with you, but I have work I’ve got to finish.”
Ariana’s face fell, and she frowned.
“See you around, 'k?" Big Guy hoped, tapping her shoulder gently.
Ariana laughed. "I guess. Sure."
Slowly, she walked across the room, clutching her pack. She was nervous, until she got the image of Enchantra in her mind. The Mistress was smiling, her silver-blue eyes sparkling mysteriously.
Ariana shook her head when she reached the door with Shannon’s name on it.
Somehow, I already know this Shannon Ryan. Ariana thought to herself when she touched the door.
She softly knocked on it after a moment’s hesitation.
Kat answered. In a way, you do.
Ariana was about to question her
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