Genre Adventure. Page - 62
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THIS IS THE STORY Our story starts with Jimmy King an average middle class american. Jimmy woke up early one morning around 3:40 AM which was the time he usually woke up. Jimmy went to eat breakfast which he ate pancakes.Jimmy then brush his teeth with his favorite Colgate toothpaste he also had an Oral B toothbrush. After he ate and brushed his teeth it was 4:10 AM that is the time he always gets on his computer to write his books. When he got to his computer he tried to turn it on but it

Raging oceans. Ruthless sea monsters. A blood feud so deep no one has ever been able to conquer it. Until now. Beatiful and graceful Emily Bloodtor was living a life of luxury, even for a five year old. And then she was taken. A side of the feud no one had dared challenge until one girl grew up as one of them. Pirates.