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Book online «WARFARE, Gui Mwamba [speed reading book txt] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba





                                 THE FIRST AND THE LAST

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 22:13-21 KJV


In a faraway forest, there was a pack of wolves in the north, south, and east. However, the pack from the north were Omega there were powerful talented hunters in the forest. The second was the south pack who was the Alpha they too were even powerful in hunting. The third was packed from the east they too were Alpha.
    As a result, all the three packs live peacefully in their territories. Sometimes the leader wolf named Elisha to come to visit Hezekiah the wolf leader from the south. However, all the three packs have humans children who they raise up when their parents were killed, drown, or left them crying in the forest.
     Also, every three packs had three humans children, a boy or a girl must be the oldest, the second must be a girl or boy, third must be the same thing as the second. Now Chief Hezekiah has a female Alpha human, the second was a girl who an Omega, and the youngest was human boy an Alpha. Their names were Jeanne, Rebecca, and Lot.
    Chief Elisha has three humans children, the first was a boy Omega, the second one was a boy who was an Alpha, and the last one was an Omega female. The names were Christ, Jacob, and Leah.
      Chief Matthew from the east forest as the same thing as the chief from the south and their names were Jonathan, Rachel, and Daniel. Thereupon, the three chiefs were so worried about their human children because there wasn't really showing their emotions when the female Alpha meet with an Alpha male.
       One day something happens when the great leader wolf was coming to visit the leader wolf from the south with his human boy Christ. You see Christ and Jeanne were friends since childhood now there are about sixteen years old when they see each other again. Now there are teenage how could they recognized each other at this moment.
      Chief Hezekiah calls his daughter to come to greet the new guests. “Jeanne, Chief Elisha is here!” Hezekiah called. ‘Alright, dad I’m coming!” She responded. Then when she finishes what she was doing, she comes fast as her feet could carry her outside to meet Elisha, because Jeanne really loves Chief Elisha's visitation.
     “Good morning sir how are you today?” She asked. “Please call me Elisha Jeanne and I am fine thank-you,” Elisha said. Then Jeanne saw a human boy next to him. “Who is he, Elisha?” Jeanne asked. “Oh, this my son named Christ!’ He responded. Thereafter, Princess Jeanne was the prettiest female Alpha in the south forest.
      What Jeanne did amaze the two wolves leaders she when came closer to Christ and start touching him. “Wow, he looks like me, dad!” She said. “Yeah, Jeanne he really his,’ Hezekiah answered. “He as the same arms, legs, and ten fingers like that’s really awesome,” Jeanne said. “Huh! Dad, is she Okay or something?” Christ asked.
      ‘Well yes, she is it's just that she never met someone who looks like her,” Elisha repeated. “No dad, I cannot say hi to her!” Christ said. “Well if you are not going to say hi to me then I will say hello to you,” she said. ‘Hi, Christ how are you today?’ She questioned.
      “I am fine Jeanne!” Christ mumbled. “Wow, Christ sometimes you're boring... come on let’s walk together around while your father and my father are chatting,” Jeanne said. “Alright, Madame- Annoyed I will take a walk with you,” Christ teased.
     “What? I, Madame Annoyed you will pay for this insult.” Jeanne yelped. “Listen, Jeanne, I am not that kind of person that you could have friends with,’ Christ signed. “Why Christ?” She asked. ‘Well- I don’t talk a lot with people... How could I be your friend?” He asked. “I don’t care who you are Christ what I want from you is to be friends with me,” Jeanne said.
     ‘Also I want to know you and have a marriage with some I'm in love with,” Jeanne chirped. “Woman, you’re really creeping me out,’ he said. ‘Oh, stop yammering and look where you’re going, Christ.’ The young princess laughed. After that, they both look at each other and laughed. ‘So where are we going too, Jeanne?” Christ asked. “Hum, where are going to see the waterfall.” 
      What? You guys have a waterfall?” He asked. “Yes! We do have a waterfall,” she replied. Although, when the Alpha princess looks at Christ excitement. She begins to have this feeling for him like the old time when they were young children. 

Jeanne was listening to the Omega prince stories quietly and trustworthy and when they had reached the waterfall they stop. “Christ, look how beautiful the waterfall is!” Jeanne said. ‘Wow-- wee, it’s sure is really beautiful up here, Jeanne.” ‘Huh, Christ!” It was in the evening when Jeanne and Christ were watching the sunset.
      When they were interrupted, by the six wolves guards. “Sir and ma’am it’s getting let the two chiefs said that it time go back home,” Michael said. “Hold on, for a minute I want to dance with Christ and jumping to trees with him on this moonlight,” Jeanne said.
    “Yes, ma’am!” They repeated “What me dance and jump tree by trees with you how come?’ Christ questioned. “Come on you scare cat let do it!’ Jeanne grinned. ‘Alright, Jeanne let’s do it,’ Christ agreed. When they start dancing on the moonlight their feet were jumping high and twisted around tree branches like snakes.
      ‘Michael, look how the Alpha wolves princess and Omega wolves prince goes and they're within powers are wake when the two souls dance on the moonlight for the first time,” Lazarus said. 

They are dancing and twisting in tree branches very good keep going Your Highnesses,’ Zachariah mumbled. When they had done howling, dancing, wakening they're within powers they came back and told the wolves guards that it’s time to go.
     “Michael, Lazarus, Zachariah, Esau, Israel, and Peniel let’s get going before it's really dark,’ both said. ‘Sure, Your Highnesses!” Esau replied. “We really good with those jump in the Alpha and Omega ways.’ “We sure were, Christ!” She responded. On the ways to cave they met some of Devon’s wicked Black-Alpha guards. ‘Good evening twerps where you think you’re going?” They hissed. 
     “Well-well-well what we have if isn’t the Black-Alphas,’ Christ said. “Back off Christ, we are after Princess Jeanne, not you!’ Jargon growled. “Not going to happen Jargon. Also, you what to take the Alphas princess you better come through me first!” Christ groaned. ‘Wow tough guy looks around you before you get hurt,” Jargon said. 
       ‘Ooh, Jargon you give me a creep don’t think you’re going to defeat me?” Christ asked. “Yes Omegas’ boy I will defeat you without a blink,” Devin pissed. “Let’s find out who stronger than whom?” Christ signed. ‘I’m in Your Majesty!’ Jargon chuckled wickedly. 
    And he was coming after the Omega prince, but the Alpha princess went in a faster and knock him off the cliff. Christ was really amazed when he saw Jeanne knocked off that wicked Black-Alpha named Jargon.


Publication Date: 06-28-2018

All Rights Reserved

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 22:13-21 KJV

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