» Bibles » DIARIES, Gui Mwamba [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «DIARIES, Gui Mwamba [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba




In a land of myths, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name... Gui. 


Meek Tucson, Arizona teenager Catherine Massiah is thrown for a left out of such a circle when, from unexpectedly, she learns the astounding reports that she's a real-life princess!
     As the heir apparent to the crown of the small European sovereignty kingdom of Genovia.
    Cath begins a embark extraordinary journey toward the throne when her strict and formidable grandmother, Queen Esther Messiah shows up to give her "responsibilities lessons as the next Queen."
      With the enemies in the darkness called themselves the Damned Ones who don't like the idea of her becoming the next Queen, things are about to get even nastier.

Have you ever ask yourself or someone of what God’s weakness is?  Just yesterday a student ask our teacher of what is God’s weakness?
     Then the Lord Jesus Christ replied through our teacher saying, “You’re my weakness. I mean I created you in my own image and I love you so much, therefore, you’re my weakness.” The Lord God continued.
    You see beloved we are all God’s weakness and His responsibility because He loved us forever more.
    A Spirit of God came unto me into the restroom saying, “My child I have another story for you to write down and tell the world of how great and excellent I AM.
   Tell them light and darkness cannot comprehend. I AM all powerful and there is no darkness or filthy in Me.
    In me, there is no unrighteousness or filthiness. I want you all to be holy for I AM holy.
Repent of your sins and ask for my blood to cleanse all of your dirtiness for I AM coming soon.
    I want my bride the church to be ready when I returned after the great tribulation. Just a reminder my bride you won’t escape the great tribulation, you will remain into the world to be afflicted and persecuted by the enemy.
    But I will protect her from falling into the temptation of the Devil. My bride will be there in pressure but will bring to her husband the lost sheep.
    My bride will remain there until the fulfillment of my Holy Scriptures is completed.
 It is I Jesus Christ, your Lord God Almighty. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.
     Before Abraham was born, I AM. I AM the Living God who calls Moses from the burning bush.
    I AM the one who walked in the coolest evening in the Garden of Eden, calling the name of Adam and his wife.
     It is I, Jesus Christ. I was there at the beginning of the Old Testament and at the end of the New Testament.
     It is Me Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty. He then answered, “The end is at hand, the Antichrist is about to unfold. Repent now or else I will take the candlestick unless they repent.
   Jesus says again, “Pray always so ye might not be caught up into the strong delusion that I am sending for the unfaithful and the unrighteousness and the ungodly.
    Repent-repent-repent and always ask for my blood to purified you as white as snow.” A word from Jesus came unto me.
    Telling me to write it down when I was taking a break in the restroom in my heart, soul, and mind.
   Beloved, I am not lying because I tried to shake off out my mind, but it continued bothering me to write down.
   Therefore I didn’t have any choice, but to obey Jesus’ word.     
This was the story of the coming Chosen One whom will be saved and protect the young princess.
   Few years as passed Prince Ismael is twelve years old and almost thirteen years old.
 Will the prophet come to his rescued or will all the kingdom be doomed for all eternality?


Lost and Find


 Whenever the wind blows, I am reminded of a story a true story that happened many years ago. A better story that still seems fresh to me today. 
     And it happened somewhere special. It happened in our hearts the moment we accept Christ as our personal Lord and Savior for all eternity.
      And that is the Word becoming in the form of a man who lives among us, was beaten terribly and was nailed on the cross for our depts.
     And He was resurrected from the dead and now lives forevermore, and the name of this man is Jesus Christ the Greater I AM.
      This story-minded me of the Holy Bible in the Old Testament. Where the children of Israel suffer as slaves in Egypt.
     When Pharaoh the Egyptian king commanded his guards to snatch the Israelites males children and toast them into the Nile River for crocodiles to enjoy the innocent juice meat. 
     Where God heard they cried and called Moses from the burning bush after sending him to deliver them out of affliction to the land which is full of milk and honey.
     A place where Jesus Christ the Living God says “I AM THAT I AM” when Moses ask “Who are you.”
     A true story of God choosing David, a shepherd boy, to be the king all over Israel. Where He anointed Esther to be the Queen in all Israel.
    And where Jesus Christ a Word became flesh, who lives among us, was beaten terribly, and was nailed on the cross for our iniquities.
      Now He lives. So this is the story of the young man by the name of Guillaume, will come to the Genovia Kingdom and save Cath's people for all evil. 
      Years ago, Esther as killed many of Chosen Ones, Damned Ones, prisoned, and even beheaded men and women who were anointed by the Spirit of God.
  Till now he still killing many of the prophets, prophetess, and men and women of God and whosoever practices all of this unknown power.
  Therefore he as many enemies rising up deadliest and powerful against him which are in hiding.
    And when the day comes, an even more powerful Damned One girl whom the Ancient Sisters prophecies about.
 Who will do anything to stop Catherine from reaching her destiny of combining the kingdom in peace and harmony?
    So shall even the deadliest Chosen One whom God Almighty will raise, and put an end to her evildoers. I live an old man by the name Rafiki in the Palace.
     He just a simple old man, but he hid my secret of power from been discovered by the Queen.
      If Esther finds out, I include him shall face the same consequences as the other martyrs whom the Queen killed years ago till now.
     Although he is the Queen’s Advisor and the doctor of the royal family, there is no mercy for him.
   Most of the time he usually takes care of the Queen’s grandson of her late son by the name of Ahab.
       His son named  Ahab is younger by four apart because is twelve, but Preach wanted her mother to crown his older son, Mordrake, who was sixteen as the next King.
     Since Esther, his mother wasn't sure about Mordrake been the next King, because he was coldblooded and the heathen Prince, he banished her into a further away village.
  A few months as passed when she knows that her granddaughter Catherine who her late older son named Judah still alive and live with me as her guardian in Tucson.
     With the Queen knowing her son by the name of Preach who she hanged after she discovered that he was behind his older brother's accident.
    Banishing his eighteen years old out of the Palace after warning him, to never step a foot on Genovia Kingdom's territory.
     Since Ahab was sick, innocent, still young, and couldn’t see properly, she was allowed to stay.
    Esther son named Preach died after she hanged leaving sick, innocent, still young, and couldn’t see properly a grandson Ahab, but as for Mordrake, it was a sad tale to tell.
    He is nineteen now years old of age wherever he is, therefore Catherine is older than two of them.



Publication Date: 11-27-2018

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